Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 247

Xia Yu asked

"How to say?"

The viewer smiled and looked at Xia Yu with a little satisfaction in his eyes

"You brought me here and gave your two younger generations the opportunity to rush back to the academy, didn't they?"

Xia Yu was stunned, and the master knew how could the master know that when the master was in the academy when he gave the heavenly book to Zhang San and Li Si, it was impossible for the master to keep his sight on himself when he was perceiving the heavenly book.

After that, I also used the breath of the heavenly book to lead him here, and there was a heavenly book on his body, how could he know about Zhang San and Li Si.

The viewer obviously saw Xia Yu’s question and smiled

"I didn't really think about where the heavenly book would be before, but I paid attention to you before. Therefore, I know that you have two junior college students by your side."

Subjective pause

"Li slowly didn’t know why I asked for the book of heaven. I don’t think you didn’t know. You walked faster on that road than we did. If I can know, you will of course know, otherwise, she was I won't avoid you too."

Xia Yu sighed

"It turns out that the flaw lies here. I shouldn't have brought the heavenly book to find you."

Yes, this is a huge flaw.

Since Xia Yu knows the function of the heavenly book, and also knows how much he needs the heavenly book now, it stands to reason that he would not bring the heavenly book to the Lord, but he took it there, and he also brought the book to the Lord so far away from Chang'an. Obviously, he would not cooperate with Ning Que to prepare for the killing of Guanzhu.

So, it can be proved that Xia Yu has at most one celestial book, so what about the rest?If I want to come, I will be with Xia Yu's side before, but now the two juniors who are no longer there.

Xia Yu raised Bing Xuan in his hand and looked towards the master

"Since the predecessors know that the heavenly book is on them, why come here with me? Do you think you can defeat me and find them before they return to Chang'an?"

The viewer smiled

"Before, I did have the idea of ​​going to them first, but at your speed, if I go to them, you should go back to Chang'an directly."

That's right, this is Xia Yu's real plan, no matter what, the observer will not get all the books.

If the master discovers the heavenly books on Zhang San and Li Si, Xia Yu will return to Chang'an by himself, so that in the end the master will lose this copy of him.

If the watcher did not go to Zhang San and Li Si the first time, but came to find himself, then what Xia Yu had to do was to drag the watcher and let Zhang San and Li Si return to Chang'an.

Moreover, Zhang San and Li Si still left separately, the speed of observing the subject is fast, and they will not find both of them, so at least one person will return to Chang'an.

As long as one of the three returned to Chang'an, Xia Yu had won the battle.

Even if Xia Yu or Zhang San and Li Sizhong died, or two died, the battle was victorious.

And, don’t forget, there is also this volume of heavenly books hidden in the Mozong Mountain Gate site.

It takes a long time for the master to find the book, which is also very beneficial to the academy.

The observer obviously understood Xia Yu's calculations, so when he came here, he said that Xia Yu is worthy of calculations.

Therefore, at this time, the master wants to break the game, and what he has to do is to defeat Xia Yu in the shortest time and find Zhang San and Li Si.

Let alone, defeating Xia Yu.

Just look for Zhang San and Li Si. The territory of Tang Dynasty is very large, and although there are only a few routes back to Chang'an, who can guarantee that Zhang San and Li Si will not go back to Chang'an through those deep mountains and old forests, so I thought It is very troublesome to find Zhang San and Li Si.

Yes, it is trouble, not impossible.

After all, the subject is proficient in no distance, and can walk the whole world in a period of time.

But defeating Xia Yu was not that simple.

Although Xia Yu is not strong in observing the subject, he is also one of the top monks in this world.

By watching the subject with all his strength, he can naturally defeat Xia Yu quickly, but then he may not be able to continue without distance.

So this game is unsolvable for the observer, at least, it looks like this now.

200 Setting Sun 4

Xia Yu smiled and looked at the master

"Under such circumstances, I don't know what seniors are going to do?"

Xia Yu looked up in the direction of Taoshan

"Originally, the senior in Zhishouguan could help you, but at this time, he was trapped by those chores on Taoshan. Both Hai and Xiong Chumo died in the hands of the third sister. It can be said, No one in the world will help you anymore, so I am actually quite curious about how you will break the game."

The viewer was not angry at Xia Yu's calculations, but found it interesting.

Experts are boring, not because they are indifferent, but because there are too few things that make them find interesting.

What can make masters find interesting will definitely make them find it to be a challenge. In other words, it is something that makes them very difficult or even impossible.

As the world's number one observer, there are too few such things.

Therefore, the master will not kill the big brother, because the big brother will make him interesting, so that he is not so lonely.

At this time, the whole routine set up by Xia Yu made the observer feel embarrassed, so the observer would find it interesting.

If there is no challenge, what is worth doing?

The corner of the subject’s mouth is smiling, perhaps because it is funny, or perhaps he has come up with a solution.

"I have to admit, your game is really difficult for me, but it's not impossible, is it?"

Xia Yu tilted his head and looked towards the viewer


The viewer smiled

"I really don't want to use this method, but the heavenly book in your hand is too important to me, do you know it? So for the greater benefit, I have to do this."

The voice fell, and the master's figure disappeared in place.

At this moment, Xia Yu's figure also flickered.

The Lord’s words are not as clear as they are, either. In fact, he and Xia Yu both understand each other's purpose, and both understand that the other party will not change their minds. So, what is the use of saying so much?

Xia Yu thinks that there is no way for the subject to solve the current problems, and the subject may really have a solution.

In short, the battle started like this. It started very suddenly. The two people were still talking in the first second, and they were already handed over in the next second.

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