Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 250

It is conceivable that at this time the watcher wanted to defeat Xia Yu immediately or even kill Xia Yu.

Naturally, Xia Yu couldn't let the viewer wish.

Raising the Bing Xuan in his hand, using the flute as a stick, like the big brother a few years ago, he went to the Guanzhu's side without distance, and swung the stick straight to the back of the Guanzhu's head.

The watcher ignored Xia Yu's movements and was still accumulating strength, but Xia Yu's attack was still blocked.

The scabbard behind Guanzhu escaped from the cloth bag on Guanzhu's body, blocking Xia Yu's stick, and then suspended around Guanzhu.

This is the difference between the Xiling Daomen and the sword master.

Although their destinies are swords, there is an essential difference.

All the skills of the sword master are in their swords, attacking the enemy with the sword, their destiny is only the sword.

The Dao Sect is different. The Dao Sect takes a path similar to that of a teacher. They use their peach-wood sword and peach-wood scabbard together as their destiny to attack the enemy with their mind.

Therefore, the wooden sword can be controlled remotely, and so can the scabbard.

Seeing that the blow did not hit, Xia Yu was blocked instead, and was not angry. Instead, he continued to drive without distance.

The next moment, Xia Yu appeared on the right side of the master, with another stick.

Blocked by the scabbard.

Xia Yu continued to drive without distance, this time on the left

Still blocked.

Continue without distance, continue to be blocked.

Xia Yu's speed is getting faster and faster, and the speed of the scabbard is getting faster and faster.

No distance needs to consume the power of mind and the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and the sword naturally needs it, even if the scabbard is used by the master at this time, it is still consumed.

Logically speaking, it consumes a bit more without distance, but if the master is still accumulating energy at this time, it also consumes the power of mind and the vitality of the world.

Therefore, the two people’s mind power and the energy consumption of the heaven and earth are about the same.

More importantly, don't forget.At this time, the place where the two people are located is the world Xia Yu has circled with the talisman. Here, there is no supplement from the vitality of heaven and earth. Therefore, how much the two people consume, how much is completely lost here.

Xia Yu's goal is also this. Even if he is more tired at this time, when both the mind and the vitality of the heavens and the earth are exhausted, the battle will change.

Xia Yu is still constantly attacking the Guru, but it is good for him to attack the Guru once, or to disturb the Guru a little bit. After all, Xia Yu himself was the last one that the Guru charged with the attack at this time.

In the end, the master was still able to accumulate energy, and Xia Yu happened to be watching the master at this time, and a stick was just stopped behind him.

Therefore, the master turned around and swung out the sword in his hand. The charged sword was naturally much stronger than the sword swung at will.And the observer is stronger now than it was a few years ago.

Such a sword is absolutely impossible for Xia Yu to pick up. Even if it is not hard-wired, once such a sword hits, then Xia Yu will be seriously injured, and can even be used by the observer not long ago. The injuries he suffered during the bombing were a bit heavier.

Xia Yu immediately tapped his toes and retreated.

Guanzhu's sword followed, as if this sword wouldn't stop without hitting.

The situation of the battle did change at this time, but it did not change in the direction Xia Yu hoped.

Xia Yu didn't expect that the observer at this time would be so powerful.

At this time, the master has reached the realm of the Master. In other words, the master at this time can already break his wrist with Haotian with his own strength.

So, the viewer actually wants the scriptures just to make things easier?

This thought surprised Xia Yu. Since the master wanted to seize the heavenly book just to save trouble, all of Xia Yu's tactics were futile.

After all, when the master felt that it was more laborious to seize the heavenly book, he would give up taking the heavenly book and fight directly with Haotian.

The viewer obviously saw Xia Yu’s thoughts and smiled

"I can indeed fight Haotian, but the heavenly book is still indispensable. Only the heavenly book can completely seize the godhead and make me the new Haotian."

Xia Yu was taken aback for a moment, he did not expect that the viewer would tell him such a thing.

It was this stunned that Xia Yu's retreat stopped.

Xia Yu stopped, but the watcher wouldn't stop. That sword had already caught up with Xia Yu by taking advantage of Xia Yu's stupefied opportunity.

With a sword swung, the white Confucian on Xia Yu obeyed the left button and split a hole to the lower abdomen on the right.

The same wound appeared on Xia Yu's body.

The blood was flowing, or in other words, spraying out.

Xia Yu also flew out under the impact of this sword.

This formation composed of symbols was also shattered at this moment.

Xia Yu's previous injuries had not healed, and at this time the old injuries were adding new ones.

Already weak and incomparably weak, Xia Yu looked at the observer who was approaching him, took a deep breath, and stood up from the ground abruptly.

Standing up, Xia Yu didn't pay attention to the observer who came, but turned around and drove without distance.

At this time, it had been a long time since he led the master from the cliff hole of the scholar. At this time, Zhang San and Li Si would never reach Chang'an.

He can't be defeated yet, and even if he loses, he can't give the heavenly book to the master, otherwise Zhang San and Li Si will be very dangerous.

Therefore, he has to drag, as long as it drags until dark, Zhang San and Li Si will arrive in Chang'an.

It is a pity that the facts will not change according to people's ideas. Xia Yu Wuyuan, who was already seriously injured, fell out of the gap between the vitality of the world and the earth. His injuries were so severe that he could no longer be in the gap. Shuttle in.

Falling heavily to the ground, Xia Yu's brain began to become groggy.

He lost too much blood.

At the next moment, the watcher came to Xia Yu's side, looked at Xia Yu, and did not say that he was making a knife or something.

In this world, only one Li is slowly and very boring, and adding a Xia Yu can make him feel much more interesting.

What's more, his purpose itself is not to kill people, but to seize the book of heaven.

Guanzhu squatted on his body and took out the scroll of the scripture in Xia Yu's arms. Xia Yu was struggling, but how could it be useful. However, due to blood loss, he fell into a coma.

The Guanzhu smiled and ignored Xia Yu who had fainted, and drove without distance.

I am the sun, I am going to set

As night fell, Xia Yu slowly opened his eyes.

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