Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 252

First of all, there is no academy, and the master has looked for it before. The only places Xia Yu can store books are Mingcheng and Mozong Mountain Gate.

Therefore, the master went to the north.

At this time, several hours have passed since the master went to the north, and the master should have found the heavenly book.

Ning Que thought so.

Sure enough, the master is back.

In Chang'an at this time, the snow stopped, the wind was quiet, and the clouds disappeared.The first day above the sky is slowly rising.

The Guanzhu appeared outside Chang'an City and came here for the third time.

The first time was the world war against Tang many years ago. He came to Chang'an in an attempt to destroy the Tang state, but Ning Que cut it down with human characters for the first time.

The second time was a few years ago. On the night when Ye Qing died, he came here, and Ning Que had to aim his arrow at him. There was no way to estimate Ye Qing's life or death.

This is the third time, the subject has come, and the opponent is still Ning Que.

It's just that his goal this time is no longer a person or a country. His goal this time has become outside the world, above the sky, and the only god in this world, Haotian.

Ning Que looked at Can Xueli's slowly walking observer, and was silent.

Beside him is the pale Sangsang

"He got the seven books of heaven."

Ning Que smiled reluctantly, comforting Sangsang

"Gathering seven dragon balls, you can summon the dragon god, and what can you do with the seven books of heaven? Summon Haotian? If he really wants to do this, just ignore him."

Ning Que did not take off the Yuan Thirteen Arrows from his shoulder this time in the game against the Master, because the Yuan Thirteen Arrows had already been shot, and the academy did not have time to supplement him, and also because he had a faint feeling, even if there was a surprise With the help of the Yuan Thirteen Arrows, it is also difficult to threaten the current observer.

The seven books of heaven are finally together, what does this mean?

Everyone in the academy except Xia Yu was speculating about this matter, but there was no result.It's not that Xia Yu doesn't say it, but that there is no way to say such things.

The book of heaven is a taboo, a taboo in the Haotian world, so Xia Yu can't say it, and something bad will happen if he says it.

However, Sangsang can say that because she has always known the function of the heavenly book, and because this taboo was originally made by her.

"How did I come into being?"

"You? You were born to your mother."

"This is not the time to tell jokes."

"I am a little nervous now."

Ning Que said after a moment of silence

"You have to allow me to tell some jokes."

Sangsang was expressionless

"I don't allow it."

A wry smile appeared on Ning Que's face, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Well, if you are talking about Haotian, it is a collection of rules, produced in chaos."

Sangsang shook his head.

"No, I am a collection of objective rules and human subjective beliefs."

Ning Que was a little confused and looked at Sangsang


Sangsang turned to look at him and said

"I am the choice of mankind. In that case, when mankind chooses me, how can they not leave some means to check and balance me?"

Ning Que was silent. He knew that what Sangsang said was true, because Xia Yu once said so, or suggested that, Xia Yu had been letting Ning Que watch the heavenly books, but Ning Que was all about finding it. Sangsang, therefore, he has not understood Xia Yu's meaning.

Countless years ago, the gambler who created the Dao Sect made a bet for mankind and gave the entire world to Haotian to guard it. Then he would most likely have arranged a second hand in advance.

In fact, he has indeed laid a back hand.

In the legend, the seven books of the heavenly book in the Zhishou Temple are the crystallization of Haotian's will and the gift of Haotian to mankind, but in fact, it is actually the real control method of the Taoist school over the world.

With seven volumes of the heavenly book, you can cancel the gambling game countless years ago, you can invite Haotian from the kingdom of God, and you can return Haotian to chaos. Only the master of Taoism can master this method.

And the master is the master of Taoism today.

At this time, he took the seven volumes of the heavenly book and walked to the front of Chang'an City.

Ning Que held the eye club, looked at the master under the city wall and asked

"Is this the last resort of Taoism?"

Regarding Ning Que's question, the observer was very calm, because at this time it was all a foregone conclusion, and his victory was only the inevitable time.

"Ke Haoran said that we are dogs, Liansheng said that we are dogs, the people in the academy, and many others, all said that our Taoist school is a dog, a dog of Haotian, but no one has ever thought about this iron chain. In fact, tied to each other’s necks, humans are Haotian’s dogs, and Haotian is not a human dog."

With a smile on Guanzhu’s face, he looked at Sangsang who was standing next to Ning Que, and said

"We enshrine you, let you have endless years and even eternity, then you should be willing to be eternal loneliness, silently guarding the world of mankind in the kingdom of God, and should not sneak into the world to greedy for a while, don’t you think Is this reasonable?"

The subject's voice was very soft and the tone was very soft, but there was something unquestionable in it, which made Sangsang feel cold all over.

Sangsang did not speak, her face became paler and paler.

She is indeed very weak, but this paleness is indeed due to fear, even if she was extremely weak before, she has not been as afraid as she is now.

However, at this time she was really terrified, because she clearly felt that the viewer possessed the ability to destroy herself.And it is easy to destroy oneself.

Seeing that Sangsang did not speak, he decided not to wait any longer. He couldn't be sure that Xia Yu had no success, and he couldn't change the already set ending, so he shot.

He took a book from his arms.

At this time, deep in the blue sky, a thunder sounded.

That is the thunder from the kingdom of God, that is the existence of fear in the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is outside the sky, outside the blue sky.

This thunder that represents fear is extremely magnificent, as if it is announcing something to the whole world.

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