Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 255

Become a god who has no handle in the world, and become a true god.

Standing on the city wall, Ning Que was also watching the Lord.

The eye club he held in his hand became extremely hot.

Behind him, the entire Chang'an City came to life.It’s difficult to calculate the amount of heaven and earth vitality, following the visible corners of the streets, the mountain towers and lake views, and the invisible ditches and hidden passages, forming a complex formation that cannot be calculated by humans. A looming arch circle was created.

This is the Shocking Array.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Tang State, it was created by the Master for the purpose of resisting Haotian and protecting the world.

After that, there were countless Talisman masters, various talented monks, who spent their entire lives, even several lives, guarding this great formation.For example, Yan Se, and now Ning Que.

The Shocking God Formation was the last barrier of the Tang State and the last support of the world.

At this moment, under the supernatural power of Haotian guided by the master, this big formation truly awakened.

Unlike the usual transfers of Ning Que, this time, this large formation has awakened autonomously.The roads that Ning Que was familiar with, the ditches of vitality he was familiar with, were all mobilized.

At the same time, there are also many vitality ditches that he is not familiar with, or even don't know.

This big formation has become more powerful, and this is the real power of this big formation.

The eye stick of the Shocking God Formation has always been under the control of Tang Guo, and it is controlled by the guardian of the Shocking God Formation.

However, as the master who created the Shocking Array, he has always had the ability to master the entire Array.This big formation was to deal with Haotian, naturally not as ordinary as the world's eyes, perhaps in the world's eyes, it is already very extraordinary, but it still has a lot of hidden power.

And these powers have always been known only by the Master alone and can master and use them.

However, the Master appeared to heaven.

So, is it really the excitement of Vast Sky Divine Might that mobilizes all the power of this great formation at this time?

Obviously, it is not.

Before the Master ascended to the sky, Xia Yu had talked about something early, and the content of the conversation at that time had full control of this large formation.

Xia Yu was the second person in the academy who could reach the Master's boundless realm, and the Master would naturally entrust him with the great cause of fighting Haotian.Even if Haotian was finally defeated by the Master, this great formation could provide strength for Xia Yu to take the last step.

So, at this time, Xia Yu came.

The beam of light falling from the sky.Falling above the Shocking Array, following the arc-shaped invisible arch like flowing water, it spreads towards the four wilds of Chang'an City. The beauty is extremely beautiful, but it is extremely thrilling.

Everyone knows that if that beam of light blasts through the Shocking God Formation, no, even if only a few drops of light penetrate into it, the entire Chang'an City may be destroyed and become a sea of ​​flames!

The eye pestle was getting hotter and hotter, indicating that the vitality of the world in Chang'an City was gathering more and more, and mist faintly appeared in the palm of Ning Que's palm, which was the result of the evaporation of sweat.

The divine power from the sky is indeed terrifying.

How long can the shocking formation last?

Even though Ning Que didn't know why the Shocking God Formation had issued such a powerful force, and he didn't even know the source of this force, he knew that at this time, he could only rely on this great formation.

As a result, Ning Que's face became a little pale.

Sangsang's face was paler than him, especially when she saw the image of the kingdom of God deep in the blue sky, and looked at the burning sun and the beam of light falling from the sky, she looked terrified.

At this moment, the sun in the sky is really burning.

The storm on the East China Sea has long since evaporated. The reeds on Daze lowered their heads tiredly. The cloud walls around the world reflected light back to the land, and the light refraction overlapped, making the whole world bright and unable to look directly at it.

In contrast, no one can look directly at the sun in the sky.

The Viewer is now very strong, and he really restrains Haotian, so at this time, as long as he looks directly at Sangsang, let's say it.The part of the godhead in Sangsang's body will also flow into the body of the master of the watch like a river flowing back into the sea.

However, Nengxiayu who came here will not let the viewers wish.

So Xia Yu made a move.

The light shield used by the Shocking God Array to defend the beam of light has changed.The mask slowly changed, pushing the beam of light back into the sky.

Then Xia Yu appeared.

As soon as he came here, he saw this blow by the master. He knew that if such an attack fell into the city of Chang'an, then the city built by father and son would be completely destroyed.

Therefore, he activated all the Shocking Array to defend against this attack.

Xia Yu took sitting Di Pill.

Sitting Di Pill was originally taken when Buddhist monks used to break through. This is a very extreme pill.

Xia Yu took it in order to recover from his injuries, and naturally it was able to become stronger by virtue of the effect of sitting ground pills.

The watcher saw that Xia Yu just turned his attack back and knew that Xia Yu's cultivation base had improved.

So, the look became more serious.

He looked at Xia Yu, his eyes condensed, and his hand pointed at Xia Yu.

The powerful Haotian Divine Power thought of Xia Yu and left.

This attack that even the Shocking God Formation had to be fully activated was able to block it, if Xia Yu, who had been taking the Sitting Di Pill, encountered it, there was no other way but to avoid it.

However, at this moment, Xia Yu did not evade. He just put his hands behind his back, just as the Master always did.This time the beam of light fell on Xia Yu's body and disappeared.No harm was left to Xia Yu, and he couldn't even leave marks on his clothes.

Ning Que looked at Xia Yu in the air, and suddenly felt that the figures of Xia Yu and Master had reunited.

Xia Yu became more and more like a master.

It's not about Xia Yu's personality, but about the temperament of Xia Yu's body at this time, or the feelings he makes.

The look of the master has also become very solemn.

He looked at Xia Yu, a little unbelievable

"Have you walked through Naduokan?"

Xia Yu shook his head

"No, but I pushed the door open."

Xia Yu's cultivation may not be high, but his realm is high.

As a person who walked out of his own way, his realm has long been beyond the rules outlined by Haotian, so there is no way for him to move forward in the Haotian world.However, the corresponding thing is that once his realm improves, then he will be lawless.

Unruly and free.

This is the existence of the monk's ultimate goal.In other words, it is becoming a god.

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