Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life in Jiangye Chapter 259

For the academy, except for the truly compassionate monks in Lanke Temple, they have no interest in other Buddhist monks. Therefore, the so-called Tathagata is more appropriate than the human world.

So Ning Que is very confused now, how can he live up to the world and live up to Sangsang?

Sangsang and Ning Que are each other's life, so they can naturally perceive what Ning Que is thinking and know Ning Que's troubles at this time.

She leaned against Ning Que's arms and suddenly stretched out her arms.Hugged him.

She hugged him tightly.Those golden dust particles oozing out of their bodies and the looming afterimages were constantly struggling between the two bodies, but they wanted to leave but couldn't.

Then, a warm force entered Ning Que's arms like this, and entered his body.

Ning Que was very familiar with this power. It was Sangsang's power. Many years ago, he used this power on the banks of Yanming Lake, at the Taoshan Light Festival, and in the small town of Song State.

With this force, his thought power swept across, passing through the Array Eye Pestle in his hand, and being scattered by the entire Changan Array to the world.

Sangsang leaned against his chest and said with his eyes closed

"Try it. Maybe it will succeed."

Many people think that Ning Que is the dominant person between Ning Que and Sangsang, but they are not.

Many years ago, there were countless times like this, in Minshan, in Weicheng, in Chang'an, and in Xiling.Whether Sangsang is the little maid or Haotian, she has always been the final decision.

Therefore, when Ning Que struggled, she made up her mind.

However, this time Ning Que didn't want to be as obedient as before.

"you will die."

Sangsang put his head on Ning Que's heart and said with his eyes closed

"You have lived with me for so many years, enough."

Her voice was trembling, but it was calm.

Ning Que was silent for a moment and said

"Aren't you afraid?"

The trembling in Sangsang’s voice became much louder and more obvious


Ning Que smiled slightly and said

"Then I will accompany you."

Sangsang opened his eyes suddenly, raised his head and looked at Ning Que's eyes, wanting to say something.

Ning Que said first

"In the temple of Lanke Temple, I said, if you die, I really don't want to live anymore."

Ning Que's voice is very calm, but it is beyond doubt

"So, let me die with you."

Sangsang's eyes loosened, and he stopped persuading Ning Que.

She thought for a while and said

"Will you meet in the next life?"

Ning Que was also taken aback for this, and then laughed.

"Do you know when we first met?"

Sangsang is a little puzzled

"Isn't it the day you picked me?"

Ning Que said

"In the wood shed in the doctor's house that day, I killed the steward and the young master and hid in the well. It took a long time before I dared to get up. I was very hungry, looking for something to eat, and then I saw you."

Sangsang is still very confused

"Oh I see."

Ning Que put his chin on top of Sangsang's head

"On the way to escape after Lan Ke, we met Long Qing. That time, I was about to be killed by him, leaning on the side of the car, you are in the car, we are only half a step away from the car, I thought, in the next life we It’s only half a step from birth, so that I can find you easily, you see, I never doubt if I can see you in my next life."

Ning Que paused,

"Because God is destined to be together forever."

Sangsang smiled

"This is really the oldest and most touching love story."

Ning Que lifted his chin and kissed Sangsang’s forehead.

"Because you only need to be willing."

Sangsang is Haotian, so the sky is destined to represent Sangsang's willingness.

"I do."

Sangsang said with a smile, his eyes a little wet.

Sangsang is Haotian, even if it is just a clone, it is Haotian.

In the original plan, there was no Ning Que. She would be picked up by a household, then sold to a brothel, experienced human suffering, and finally despaired of the human world.

After that, it was the legendary Eternal Night.

However, Ning Que appeared. This person who was no longer in the calculation of Haotian appeared. He picked up Sangsang when he was a child, killed the household who wanted to sell Sangsang, and even pursued Sangsang in the whole world. When killing, gave Sangsang a ray of light in his heart.

Sangsang didn't remember that this was the first time she wanted to cry since she came to the world.

However, she understood that every time it was related to this man.

After a while, Ning Que asked

"Still afraid?"

Sangsang nodded and said

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