Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 265

Its previous disappearance was just a temporary forbearance, looking for a suitable opportunity.

The subject understands, that's why he admires Xia Yu, because Xia Yu really understands part of the human power with his own power.

The kingdom of Tang is part of the world, and the soul of the kingdom of Tang is naturally a part of the power of the world.

Unlike Ning Que who needed to borrow Sangsang and Jingshen Array, Xia Yu wrote this word previously but completely relied on his own power.

"Actually, he is better than you to write that word."

The master said to Ning Que

Ning Que smiled indifferently

"Brother is naturally stronger than me."

Guanzhu no longer spoke, but raised his head to look at the huge Tang character, the Tang character that blocked part of the light.

Then, the Tang character disappeared,

This time it really dissipated

Indeed, Xia Yu, who had not written the word, maintained it by the side, and the word itself was not so stable.

And Guanzhu was even stronger at this time, he used that part of the power of the kingdom of God.

Then, an even greater light shined on the whole world.

This time, can anyone help Ning Que?

Ning Que was a little confused.

However, it turns out.That sentence is correct.

Those who have attained the Tao help more, and the Academy is the one who has attained the Tao at this time.

Suddenly, the sky dimmed.

At night, it just descended on the earth.

Humans are instinctively afraid of night, but when there is only light left, they look forward to night.

The world is quiet.

Ye Qing’s prophecy looked away,

When the eternal night comes, the sun’s brilliance will be obscured, and the sky and the world will be plunged into darkness. People will rejoice for it, because that is the real life.

Sangsang turned around in Ning Que's arms and looked at the night sky in a daze.

Even she could not imagine such a change.

"Is this Yongye?"

"Do not."

Ning Que took out something from his arms and put it on Sangsang. It was a pair of glasses, and the lenses were made of black mirrors.

"This is a solar eclipse. You see, the moon is blocking the sun."

"On the boat that year, I told the teacher. That's how the solar eclipse is."

"The teacher finally figured out what to do."

"He should have figured it out long ago, he should have appeared long ago."

That's right, the last thing blocking all the light and sun is the moon, the incarnation of the Master.

The disciples of the academy are struggling for the future of the world, and there are even two highly talented disciples in the academy who have devoted all their cultivation for this.

How could the Master not take action in the sky?

The moon of the Master's incarnation was blocking the divine gate of the kingdom of God. It used to prevent Sangsang's return and fight against Haotian.So, when Guan took the initiative to use the scriptures to cause turmoil in the kingdom of God, how could the Master not know?

The Master was just a little late, but he still shot.

It's like many years ago, before he manifested his saints and ascended to heaven, he had been entangled in the back mountain for a long time, even if Xia Yu had reminded him.

In the end, didn't the Master still make a move?

Just because of that sentence

No one can beat my little apprentice!

At this moment, it was not only the little apprentice of the master, but also his big apprentice, his second and third apprentices. He said that some apprentices were being beaten. As a teacher, he was still a short-sighted one. Teacher, how could he not make a move?

So, in the end, the prophecy on the scriptures of the heavenly book was fulfilled.

"At the end of the eternal night, there will be a moon and a natural resurrection. If this is the case, the world will make another debut. In that case, the long night of Jinghou is coming, why bother to act against the sky. Could it be that this day is also waiting for the night Is it coming? Or does it fear the arrival of the night? Is it the night itself or the moon that follows it?"

The world is dark, the sun is obscured, and the kingdom of God is hidden in a thick ink color, which is extremely difficult to see. The watcher floating in front of Chang'an City has an extremely complex expression.

There are only rules, but the source of strength has been lost. How to fight?The beam of light that descended from the kingdom of God had long since disappeared, and the scorching heat in the world had long been replaced by coolness.

Therefore, at this moment, there was no power to stop Ning Que from writing that character, and no power to stop this groundbreaking change.

The two abysses spread rapidly on the surface of the earth, and the word "person" became bigger and bigger, and the ground really looked like a piece of paper tied up, and then slowly swelled.Bring a thunderous sound.

The process is slow, but nothing can stop it.

The world will eventually be destroyed by Ning Que, the sky will still be opened, and the earth will still be opened.

Ning Que has always been the son of Pluto, but the Yongye he brought is not only for the world, but also for Haotian.

I don't know how long it took, the horizon appeared on the horizon, and the sail boat on the other side of the sea could only see the tip of the sail. If it stood high enough, it could even see a slightly curved arc in the distance.

"Is this the new world?"

Sangsang asked.


The perfect bubble appeared in front of her again, and the two tiny cracks on it had become extremely deep. The bubble could burst at any time, which meant that her world was about to be destroyed.

When her world is destroyed, she will die too.

Sangsang was waiting, waiting for her own death, her expression was very calm, when everything came, she was no longer afraid, and some were just calm.

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