Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 279

Xia Yu shook his head

"I have nothing to do with Gai Nie, but now Gai Nie is of some use to the Mo Family, so we can't die.

Xiang Liang nodded, and stopped talking about this, but saluted Duanmu

"Girl Duanmu, talk in the house."

Duanmu nodded.

Although Shaoyu on the side was a little angry at Xia Yu’s behavior, he still didn’t say anything about Xiang’s face, but pointed to Tianming and asked Xiang Liang.

"Uncle, what about this kid?"

Xiang Liang looked at Xia Yu, thought for a while and said

"Since it is this gentleman's junior, let's go with Duanmu girl."

Xia Yu smiled and saluted Xiang Liang

"Please also ask Chief Xiang to keep this kid and Gai Nie together. It is a lesson for him, knowing that in the arena, don't talk casually."

Xiang Liang nodded and said

"Since it was what the husband meant, let's do it."

Then he said to Duanmu

"Girl Duanmu, please."

In the room, everyone was seated

Uncle Xiang asked Duanmu

"I don't know where you will take us to meet the Mo Family? When will the giant see us?"

Duanmu was stunned. Obviously he didn't know the answer to this matter, but it was. Duanmu knew that the news that Gai Nie had left Xianyang immediately came out of the Mo family's premises. How could he know the Mo family's arrangements for this matter?

When Duanmu rolled his eyes, he saw the two Xiang children standing guard at the door of the house, and said

"There are so many people now, why don't we talk about it later?"

When Uncle Xiang heard this, he raised his hand and waved, and said to the children of the Xiang family

"You all get back."

Xiang Liang said to Duanmu

"Girl, you can speak with confidence now."

Duanmu obviously did not expect that the two brothers Liang Xiangbo would be so anxious, and now they don't know what to say.


Duanmu's eyes rolled and he wanted to change the subject, Xia Yu on the side couldn't see it.

Open road

"Duanmu actually stole from the Mo family, so she doesn't know the Mo family's arrangements for your Xiang family."

Xiang Liang listened, looked at Xia Yu, and asked

"Do you know that sir?"

Xia Yu shook his head and said

"I don't know, but don't worry, Duanmu is a medical immortal of the Mo family. She has a good reputation among the disciples of the Mo family. Moreover, she herself does not know how to martial arts. If she runs out like this, there will be disciples of the Mo family behind. I'll be there soon."

Duanmu breathed a sigh of relief, she really didn't know what to say about this matter.

Uncle Xiang looked at Xia Yu with some doubts

"Then I don't know what the purpose of Duanmu girl came to our Xiang clan?"

Xia Yu smiled

"It's not that I said you are arrogant. In fact, we don't even know that your Xiang clan will be here."

Xia Yu waved to Duanmu, whose expression was obviously a little worried, to relieve her, and continued.

"Duanmu came out for Gai Nie, after all, Jing Ke is Duanmu's righteous brother, and it is Gai Nie who killed Jing Ke. As for why he came here, it is just that Tianming boy was caught by you."

Xiang Liang stood up, obviously because Xia Yu said that their Xiang clan was a little arrogant.

Or Xiang Bo also stood up and said to Xia Yu and Duanmu

"If that's the case, then you two might as well want to take a break."

He said that he took the two of them out of the house, and ran into Shaoyu who was walking towards him.

"Shaoyu, take these two to the guest room to rest for a while."

Shaoyu nodded and said to Xia Yu and Duanmu

"Girl Duanmu, sir, please here."

After several people left, Xiang Liang said to this uncle

"Don't you think this Duanmu girl has something to do with this gentleman"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Uncle Xiang.

"Don't pretend, the token on Girl Duanmu should be real, and that gentleman can discover the Qin Jun's secret whistle that we have never discovered, and it should not be underestimated.

Xiang Liang nodded and said nothing more.

Duanmu and Xia Yu walked along the manor with Shaoyu. Several times Duanmu wanted to ask about the location of Guy Nie and Tianming, but Xia Yu interrupted them.

This made Duanmu a little unhappy, but she still didn't say anything. Judging from the conversation with Brother Xiang Liang in the house just now, Duanmu obviously has no experience of walking around the rivers and lakes, but Xia Yu's experience is more sufficient.

After walking to their room, Duanmu looked angrily at Xia Yu

"What did you ask just now to keep interrupting me?"

Xia Yu looked at Duanmu helplessly

"I said, Miss Duanmu, are you really not alone in the rivers and lakes? Judging from your performance just now, the two Liang brothers must be suspicious of your identity, and then, at this time, you still To get in touch with Gane who was locked up by them?"

Duanmu is a little angry

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