Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life in Jiangye Chapter 285

"This is where I am in charge, where the Mo family hides. Today, we will live here first."

Tianming saw the gloomy and desolate village in front, a little timid

"How to live in this kind of place?"

These words made Dong Guo a little unhappy again

"How can you live? You really don't know how hard it is to get this place. There was a huge plague in this place that year. The villagers died and escaped, leaving an empty village here, I Brothers, they cleaned inside and out a dozen times before they moved in. Later, when the group knew that it was good, they wanted to move back. We spent more than half a year scaring them away. This village It's completely ours."

Dongguo paused and continued

"Furthermore, the Mo family has always been his thorn in the eyes of Ying Zheng, and it is very good for us to find such a hidden place to cultivate and rejuvenate."

Xia Yu looked around the village and smiled

"It's really nice here. There is river blocking in front, and mountains in the back are not easy to go to. Such a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack plus a good formation guard is really a rare place."

Xia Yu looked back at Dong Guo

"However, the formation outside your village is still too rough. If you have time, I will help you reorganize it."

215 The Academy and the Hundreds of Scholars

"Yeah, do you still have this ability?"

Dong Guo looked at Xia Yu suspiciously, but more of his doubts were still vigilant. After all, a person who did not know his identity, although they could bring him here, did not mean that he could accept his most important protective measures to deal with them.

Zhang Liang had no choice but to come out again to make a round. Xia Yu was the guarantor of Duanmu. Similarly, Zhang Liang also vouched for the Xiang clan. If Xia Yu’s identity is in doubt, then the Xiang clan’s identity may actually have some problems. .

Without mentioning these things, a group of people walked into the village.

In the name of ghosts, Dong Guo also mentioned earlier that they spent more than half a year scaring away the aborigines here, so it can be seen that the Mo family disciples here usually use ghosts to scare people on duty.

Xia Yu guessed right, because Tianming was shocked.

Well, I should have been scared, but even if Tianming was scared, he would drill into Gao Yue's arms. Dong Guo, who was watching, called his fellow fellows and said that he understood Tianming. What is meant by pretending to be weak and inspiring? Female maternal love festival.

Looking at Xia Yu, that's a relief.

In the end, Dong Guo took everyone to a dilapidated thatched house. Um, it was dilapidated, but it was a little remote and no one lived in it for a long time, not that it was really dilapidated.

"Tianming, how about you and Guyie live here?"

Dong Guo pointed to the house in front of him and said to Tianming

Tianming is the same as the expression when I saw it earlier, full of disgust

"This is too broken,"

Dong Guo was once again upset by Tianming’s words. To be honest, if Tianming hadn’t had a good father, he was really not very good.

"Do you still call it if it doesn't break?"

After speaking, Dong Guo no longer paid attention to Tianming, but looked back at the Xiang clan and said

"By the way, brothers of the Xiang clan, you are the guests of our Mo family, good brothers, good friends, your living conditions, it may be much better than them, I will take you to see."

Then, Dong Guo seemed to be thinking of something, and turned to Duanmu and said,

"By the way, Rong'er, the room I prepared for you has been cleaned up long ago. The most important thing is that the location is good, so I live next door Yo."

Duanmu smiled at Dong Guo and said

"No, I live with Yue'er."

Then Dongguo's expression changed and he looked at Xia Yu

"As for you, you live near me and I want to watch you."

Shaoyu looks at the mouth behind Dong Guo

"Brother Dongguo, didn't you say you want to take us to our residence?"

Dong Guo glanced at Xia Yu and said to Shao Yu

"Let's go."

It’s already midnight, no matter how Dong Guo suspects Xia Yu, Xia Yu has to wait until the next day if Xia Yu is looking for the Mo family. After all, it’s midnight, even if Xia Yu really has a problem, he needs time to rest. .

I have to say that it is indeed desolate. The sky was dim last night and it was not clear to see. However, when the sky is bright, we can see how desolate it is.

Not to mention that even the intact houses have all kinds of dilapidated places, that is, the dirt roads in the village are full of weeds, and there are coffins arranged by the Mo family to cover up, making this already very desolate and dilapidated village. The length is even more weird.

The entire village, where Duanmu and Yue'er live, is considered to be intact.

There is also a clean yard. Without being a rare doctor in the Mo family, the place where Duanmu and Duanmu usually treat injured disciples should be clean and tidy.

Of course, this is to ignore the cobwebs in the yard. In order to maintain the desolate scene, the dust and cobwebs in the village have not been cleaned, but there is a deliberate feeling.

At this time, the Xiang clan, Zhang Liang, Dong Guo, Duanmu, and Xia Yu were all in a room in the courtyard of Duanmu.

This place is very big, usually used to place the injured brothers, now it is temporarily used by several people for meetings.

The main purpose of this rally is to eliminate doubt, that is, doubt about Xia Yu.

After all, Xia Yu always said that she had something to do with the Mo Family, but she never said what it was, and she always said that she and the Mo Family had old times, but she never explained what was old.

No matter how you look at it, Xia Yu’s identity is doubtful. If you can’t prove your identity, even if you watch Xia Yu save Duanmu’s life, the Mo Family will not take action against Xia Yu, and will drive him away, even The Mohist school might also abandon this hard-won base.

Xia Yu looked at the few people in front of him. Although he didn't quite understand it, he was clearly proving his identity to the Mo Family. The Xiang clan was also present, but it was necessary for the Mo Family to believe that he was there.

Xia Yu’s leg was built by Senior Brother Six, and the prosthesis designed by Senior Brother Four had already been approaching decay after a long sleep. If it hadn’t been for Xia Yu had been supporting it with thought power, her prosthetic leg would have already turned into dust.

"Well, let's talk about my finding of the Mo Family first."

Dong Guo nodded.

"Okay, I'm really curious, what are you looking for in the Mo family."

Zhang Liang said

"Anything is actually trivial. What I am more interested in is, who are you?"

Zhang Liang paused and looked into Xia Yu's eyes

"Being able to save Duanmu girl and Guyie under Qin Bing's hand, it shows that the husband has a good skill. At the same time, he can easily pass by when facing the Qimen Dunjia Art I arranged outside. It will not be a means that an obscure person can have, but I have never heard of the name Xia Yu in the arena."

Xiang Liang nodded

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