Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 293

Duanmu opened his eyes wide and looked at Xia Yu, his face full of disbelief.When did the Mo Family get in so easily?

Xia Yu nodded

"Remember that the missing disciple of the Mo family is the one who didn't find the body."

Duanmu nodded, Xia Yu continued

"I can be sure that he didn't die, or even if he died, he didn't die under the Gu technique, because on the day he disappeared, I was staring at Ling'er all day, and she didn't have a chance to shoot."

Tianming can't stay here anymore

"Since you know that Ling'er is the murderer, don't catch her quickly."

After finishing speaking, we are going to the village.

219 Wei Zhuang

Tianming is impulsive, which is also in line with his character, he doesn't know how to do things.

However, Tianming is impulsive, which does not mean that Yue'er is also impulsive.At the moment Tianming rushed out, Yue'er stretched out his hand.

"Even if you want to arrest someone, you have to plan a little bit,"


Tianming looked at Yue'er curiously, and likewise, Shaoyu on the side was also very interested in Yue'er's plan.

"Last time, she tried to murder me without success. I think she will definitely do it here,"

Xia Yu looked at Yue'er with a solemn look

"Yue'er, you have to know that the last time you were able to survive was just the luck of the three of you. If you do this once, no one can guarantee what kind of method she will use against you, then this plan is too risky."

Duanmu nodded in agreement

"Although I still think that Gai Nie and Xia Yu are both suspicious, but what Xia Yu said is correct, Yue'er, your plan is too dangerous. What if there is an accident?"

Yue'er hesitated a little, she didn't think so much, she just wanted to catch Ling'er and have relevant evidence.


Xia Yu turned his head and looked towards Duanmu

"Gu worm is considered a kind of poison, so since it is a poison, there will be an antidote. I wonder if there is any way for Duanmu girl?

Duanmu thought for a while and said

"My master once left a remnant formula, which is said to deal with Gu worms, but I don't know if it works."

Xia Yu smiled, pointed at Dayong's body and said

"If it's useful, we'll know if we try it, isn't there just a Gu worm here?"

Duanmu's eyes lit up,

"Yes, I will go back to dispense the medicine."

Yue'er looked at Xia Yu and asked

"Does Xiaoyu have a solution?"

Xia Yu nodded

"From the previous observations of Ling'er, her skill is actually not that advanced. As long as she breaks her vicious Gu technique, then it is nothing to worry about to clean up her. Moreover, I don't believe it. , I attacked her directly. She would not hide or fight back. If she did, she proved that she had kung fu, then her identity can be used as evidence. If she fights back, then her Gu technique will be defeated by girl Duanmu’s medicine. , Can also be used as evidence."

Yue'er nodded

"This is a good way to break the law with one effort."

However, Yue'er's next words refuted the plan

"But Brother Xiaoyu, I still think we should let Ling'er take the initiative. Don’t forget that there are still her accomplices in the village. If she takes the initiative, then her accomplices will think that they are not exposed, but that Ling'er is not doing things by herself. ."

Xia Yu nodded

"What you said is correct. If I take the initiative, then her accomplices will realize that they have been exposed. By that time, they are likely to jump the wall in a hurry."

Through, Xia Yu looked towards Shaoyu and Tianming

"Then you two must stare at Ling'er carefully and protect Yue'er."

Shaoyu and Tianming both nodded. Both of them like Yue'er, and naturally they won't be harmed.

On the second day, Yue'er deliberately found a chance to be alone, just to give Ling'er an illusion that she could do something to herself.Sure enough, Ling'er took the bait.

I saw Ling'er running towards Yue'er in a panic. If she didn't know that there was a problem with this Ling'er, she wouldn't really want it, she was not dumb.

Because she pretended to look so alike, she made gestures to Yue'er in sign language, thinking about it, even if she was really dumb, she would feel that Ling'er was really a dumb.

Ling'er brought Yue'er to the well in the village. There was no one else here, and it was a good time for Ling'er to take action.After coming to the well, Ling'er made another gesture, jumping up and down, as if something really fell into the well.

"You mean, you have something falling?"

This is a complete set for Ling'er, and Yue'er didn't want to watch her drill here, so she asked.

When Ling'er heard it, her eyes lit up to Yue'er and she nodded hurriedly.

Ling'er stood up quietly while Yue'er was helping to pull the rope, and was about to slap Yue'er's back, but at this time, a wooden stick wrapped in white cloth blocked Ling'er's palm. Come down.

It was Shaoyu and Tianming that had arrived.

In the plan, Shaoyu and Tianming, with high martial arts, stared at Ling'er, and Tianming with low martial arts secretly protected Yue'er.

When Ling'er came to look for Yue'er, the two people gathered together, and then they began to prepare to deal with Ling'er's weapon, which is the wooden stick.

This is not an ordinary stick, this is a stick wrapped in white cloth.

Why not be entangled in white?

Because Bai was not soaked with potion, and this potion was improved by Duanmu based on the remnant formula left by her master, and it has great lethal power to Gu insects.

This was an experiment conducted on the Gu worm on Dayong's corpse last night.

"I said, why do I feel that my baby is dead so much? It turned out to be because of this Chinese medicine.

Ling'er deserves to be Hi, an old predecessor who has been walking around for many years. The moment she saw Bai's unwound stick, she knew everything.

They had been exposed a long time ago, and the reason they didn't take action against them was to develop medicines to restrain their own Gu worms.

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