Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 301

Just when Xia Yu was about to arrive, the younger woman was dragged off the carriage by the culprits. Under the molesting of several culprits, her clothes were torn to pieces, revealing her tender skin.

Xia Yu couldn't bear such a thing.

But at this time, I was still some distance away from them. When I arrived, although the biggest tragedy would not happen, there would be nothing left of the clothes on this girl.

In this era, it means that women who are stripped of their clothes are waiting to agree to the biggest tragedy. How can Xia Yu bear to watch a girl as young as this means suffering such a thing.,

The Bing Xuan in his hand whirled and flew out, right in the middle of the gangster who wanted to tear off the last clothes on the girl.

The culprit was knocked into the air by this blow, and the other people couldn't care about the beauty in front of them, and turned around to look at Xia Yu who had just arrived.

Xia Yu walked forward, but the movements in his hands didn't stop well, he took off his clothes.

Facing the culprit in front of him, he turned around with a punch, and at the same time, the clothes in his hand fell on the girl's body, covering her exposed skin.

I have to say that the girl's skin is good, because the shy white skin is a little red, just like that peach blossom.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yu made up his mind to kill these gangsters. He rescued this girl today, but before, I don’t know how many such girls were destroyed by these gangsters. If we let them go today , I don’t know how many girls will encounter such things in the future.

Raising his hand, Bing Xuan, who had previously hit the bandit in the distance, returned to his hand.

Holding the flute in one hand, as if holding a sword, and cutting it at a gangster, the flute would naturally not be a sword, but this one could also hack to death the gangster who was just like an ordinary person in front of him.

With a tiptoe, the machete that fell from the hands of the dead gangster to the ground also reached Xia Yu's hands.

No matter how powerful Xia Yu's flute is, when it comes to killing people, there is still no real weapon to use.

After hacking several gangsters to death, Ogawa finally arrived.

He saw Xia Yu fighting with people, and ignored the reason. The bow and arrow that raised his horse was an arrow, and shot a gangster who wanted to attack Xia Yu. Of course, he didn't kill him. Ogawa still couldn't make up his mind to kill at this time.

Ogawa then fired a series of bows and arrows, and coordinated with Xia Yu's attack, to get rid of these bandits. Although most of them were trapped in the tree by Ogawa's arrows, the chaos was over after all.

At least Ogawa thought so.

However, Xia Yu obviously did not let go of their thoughts, holding this machete, came to these trapped gangsters, and slashed them down with one knife, each of which was a death.

This scene made Ogawa very unacceptable.

"Brother Xia, they can no longer do evil, why are you killing them."

Xia Yu cast a glance at Xiaochuan, pointed at the dead women and coachmen on the ground, and said

"They can't do evil for the time being, but if you let them go, who can let these dead people go? Who can guarantee that they won't do such evil in the future?"

Xia Yu said this, but the movement in his hand did not stop. After slashing the last gangster to death, he said

"Even if these dead people can forgive them, what about these living people? Faced with these people who want their names, do they agree to let them go?"

Xia Yu looked at Xiaochuan and said

"Ogawa, it's true that you are kind, but sometimes, your kindness may harm you, or even harm the wicked around you."

At this time, only a few of those who were robbed were still alive. Seeing Xia Yu killing the robbers who killed the people around them, he couldn't help but salute Xia Yu.

An old man who was obviously the person in charge said to Xia Yu

"Thank you to the strong man, if it weren't for the strong man to help, the old man's family would be in a disaster. My little daughter still doesn't know how to be tortured."

Xia Yu shook his hand and said

"It's nothing, it's a trivial matter. The old gentleman should go and see your daughter. She must have had a hard time having just experienced such a thing."

The old man nodded

"It's true. Haven't asked the strong man to respect his name?"

Xia Yu smiled

"Boy Xia Yu, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the great universe of the universe"

Then he pointed to Xiaochuan on the side and said

"This is called Yi Xiaochuan, the Yi of the Book of Changes, the small and the big, the river that embraces all rivers."

Then salute the old man

"I don't know who the old man is?"

The old man touched his beard and said

"The old man's surname is Lu. As for his name, I am too old and can't remember it. People call me Lu Gong."

Then he pointed to the crying girl behind her and the woman holding her and said

"By the way, this is my eldest daughter, and it was my younger daughter who was saved by the son just now,"

The woman heard Gong Lu introducing herself and saluted Xia Yu

"Little girl, Lu Fei, bow down to En Gong, thank En Gong for his life-saving grace,"

Then he pointed to the girl who was still crying and said

"It was my sister Lu Su who was rescued by the son just now."

Although Lu Su was still crying, he still came to Xia Yu and said

"The little girl bows to the benefactor,"

But unlike Lu's Pheasant, she really wanted to kneel down.

This shocked Xia Yu. Although according to his age, it doesn’t matter if he receives a worship, but whether he can accept it or not. Now that his injuries have not healed, he is already a god in the realm. , If this girl really bows down, she will probably form the power of faith in herself, and now she can't stand the power of faith.

Therefore, Xia Yu quickly stopped the girl who was about to kneel down.

"You don't need to be so polite. No one at your age will have the heart to do it."

When Lu Su heard this, he couldn't help but looked at his sister Lu Pheasant next to him, and he didn't know what to say at this time.

Seeing that the Lu’s sisters were a little frightened, Xiaochuan next to Xia Yu gave birth to joking thoughts and said

"This is obviously the site of our two brothers. The little ghosts dare to rob our business just now, so naturally they are going to solve them. Now we do this business ourselves."

Then smiled and said to Sister Lu

"I want to escort the two beauties back to my mountain picks and be our wife, what do you think of them?"

It seems that the Lu family sisters have not been in contact with anyone. Seeing what Xiaochuan said, Huarong was even more pale and ran behind Lu Gong.

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