Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 319

"White Snow."

Then he put the jade flute to his mouth,

But Susu can't hear the music.

Because when Xue Nu was playing this song, the sky was full of snow, beautiful and ethereal, and tears flowed from the ears. I don't know if I thought of my family or something sad.

However, this is nothing to Xia Yu. Several Xia Yu who are good at flute also use these illusion techniques. Naturally, it can be seen that this Bai Xuequ is just an illusion technique that can hurt people invisible. However, this song is different from the usual magical illusion that uses the control of the mind as a means. It is very clear. It is called illusion, rather than awakening.

Such a tune, when Xue Nu has no intention to kill, is a tune that is of great benefit to the audience.So Xia Yu didn't wake Susu, even though the tune was over.

Seeing that Xia Yu was not dragged into the illusion by her own song, Xue Nu couldn't help but say

"I didn't expect the son to have a very high level of cultivation in the field of illusion. It's just that I don't know what kind of weakness my Shirayuki has to prevent the son from getting involved in the spell?"

Xia Yu smiled and said

"In fact, your "White Snow" has no weaknesses. Not only does it have no weaknesses, it can be regarded as perfect. It is a pity that this song is incomplete. If there is another half, even if I want to resist This kind of illusion will also waste some strength."

Xue Nu was taken aback when she heard Xia Yu's words. She didn't expect Xia Yu to hear that Bai Xue was half of her song. Indeed, the other half of the song was not something she could play, in fact.The person who can play the other half of the song, the Snow Girl has been found again, but there is no way for that person to ensemble with herself. This piece requires that the person who performs this piece of music be connected with each other. This is extremely difficult, let alone that person. I don't want to play a piece with myself.

233 Zhongnan Mountain

Xue Nu was sentimental by Xia Yu’s words, but Xia Yu didn’t care if Xue Nu was sentimental, because he didn’t know who could lead Xue Nu to be sad, but even if Xia Yu knew it, he would not bother to deal with it. Well, after all, he and Xue Nu were just nodding acquaintances, and even had murderous intentions on Xue Nu before.

Therefore, Xia Yu and Xue Nv are definitely not friends. Perhaps it is a bit far-fetched to say that they are enemies. However, Xia Yu now has no reason to confront Xue Nv. After all, Xia Yu is an ally of the Mo family, and the same is true of Xia Yu. There are no absolute enemies in this era, so Xia Yu himself didn't bother to do anything when he didn't take the initiative to trouble Xia Yu.

The previous threat to Xue Nv even really produced a killing intent, but it was because Xia Yu was really desperate to find the traces of the Mo family at this moment.

It is a pity that Xue Nu is a solid ally of the Mo family, and she would rather die than reveal the news of the Mo family.

After sighing, Xia Yu could only find other ways to find the traces of the Mo Family.

After a while, Xue Nu woke up from the memories. At this time, she had already burst into tears, her face was full of sorrow, and the sadness in her eyes was also very obvious. It was a pity that she still had some hope in her heart at this time. Otherwise, such a deep sadness will kill people.

Only those with hope in their hearts can survive those hardships again and again, and even become stronger.

Snow Girl is obviously such a character now.

The snow girl who came to her senses soberly looked at Xia Yu with a complicated complexion. A person who can hear her heart with just a piece of music must be a terrifying character, and such a character can’t even be seen as an enemy. Friends, this is the most terrible thing.

"You are hesitating."

Xia Yu's voice was uploaded from the viewing platform, and it was full of irresistible power. Just hearing the voice, people couldn't help but feel the idea of ​​obedience.

This is the most terrifying place. The one who can do this is not always in a high position. Even those princes and ministers who often come to Feixue Pavilion rarely have such a momentum.

Today, the only person who can possess such an aura is Yingzheng.

The other kind that can have this kind of aura is the kind with sufficient confidence, and even killing and wounding more than 10,000 lives, that can make people so scared.

"Yes, I'm hesitating."

Xue Nu answered Xia Yu's words without hesitation, as if she had completely ignored the aura that Xia Yu released when she spoke, and was completely unaffected by Xia Yu's murderous aura.

You know, the aura on Xia Yu's body was killing him bit by bit during the night, and I don't know how many Xiling Taoist temples were killed to do it.After a long period of time, the demon sect master's aura at a high position can be so shocking.

However, Xue Nu was immune, so it can only show that Xue Nu was once an existence with blood on his hands, an existence who faced real power all the year round.

In this regard, Xia Yu looked at Xue Nu with interest and said with a smile

"I am now a little curious about your previous experience."

Xue Nu bowed to Xia Yu

"Xue Nu's little experience dare to smear the son's ears."

Xia Yu shook her head, raised her finger and nodded Snow Girl, not to mention this

"So, I don't know if Miss Snow Girl can donate the score for the song Baixue just now?"

After Xue Nu heard it, she stretched out her hand to beckon to the attendant behind her, and came out a roll of bamboo slips from the attendant's hand, saying

"Xuenu once heard that the sound of Xia Gongzi's flute is also the rare sound of nature in the world. This Baixue's music score is now ready for the son. I just don't know, will Xuenu have the opportunity to hear the son Baixue in the future?"

Xia Yu took the bamboo slips handed by the attendant and said with a smile

"There will be a chance, I don't know, is the girl willing to say it now?"

Xue Nu smiled and said

"The son is a person who understands music. I want to come. Even if I know the news, she won't do anything terrible. Naturally, Xue Nu is willing to tell the son. I wonder if the son can take a step to speak?"

Xia Yu nodded, stood up and jumped off the viewing platform

"Girl invitation, how could Xia Yu miss it?"

Xue Nu nodded with a smile, and gestured at Xia Yu with a please sign

"In that case, please let the son go here."

Xia Yu smiled and turned her hand back, and walked in the direction Xuenu pointed. The figure gradually disappeared, but a voice came out, which was to Susu.

"Susu, you are waiting for me here, don't worry."

Susu sat on the viewing platform and nodded. Although Xia Yu couldn't see it at this time, Xia Yu knew that Susu would follow her orders after hearing her own arrangements.

At both ends of the conversation, Tianming and others had already arrived at the Zhongnanshan Courtyard.Everyone is considered safe, but the state of Tianming is not very good.

In other words, Tianming found a way to activate his physical abilities in Luoyang City, but because of frequent use, his body could not bear this power. As a last resort, Duanmu, Gai Nie and Tianming themselves finally decided to remove the unknown power from Tianming. .

It is a pity that things have changed. What Duanmu removed was not the power in Tianming at all, but the curse that imprisoned that power.In addition, everyone was attacked by the gathering quicksand, and Tianming's power broke out again, vomiting blood and fainted.

After Duanmu's diagnosis, it was determined that if the power in Tianming's body broke out again, the gods could not be saved.After careful care all the way, the group finally followed the giant to reach the Zhongnan Pavilion.

They also met the chief engineer of the Mo family, the eccentric Master Ban.

This class master likes to design all kinds of novel gadgets, there are many easy to use, but there are more things that cannot be used, or even very dangerous.

This class master is the organ master Xia Yu has always wanted to find in the Mo family, who can repair or even rebuild the existence of new prostheses.

Let's not mention Master Ban, how could it be so quiet and peaceful in a place with dawn.According to Tianming's temperament, even if there is nothing to do, he will do something for you. This was the case when he was in Luoyang, and even more so now.

The curse seal on Tianming's body used to seal some power was unlocked, and the memory of Tianming's childhood was also unlocked.

And, the scene he saw outside the hall on the day his biological father died.

That is, the scene of Gane killing Jing Ke.

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