Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 325

However, Wei Zhuang snorted and said

"Huh, do I need to use this method to deal with Gane?"

When Chilian heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his heart was full of joy.

"That means it doesn't matter if she is dead?"

Although Duanmu didn't walk through the rivers and lakes much, she was still vigilant when she heard Chilian's words. She didn't seem to be dying here, in the hands of a dead opponent.

Along the way, Chilian led Duanmu on the way. Duanmu was wary of Chilian, and Chilian was also thinking about how to kill Duanmu before Wei Zhuang could react. In this way, she believed that Wei Zhuang would not do it for one. Useless dead people blame themselves.

In a Lubian post, Chilian shot Duanmu.

I saw that she handed a bowl of noodles to Duanmu

"Eat it."

Duanmu is a medical immortal of the Mo family, the authentic heir of the medical family. As a doctor, he is naturally very proficient in using poison.

Duanmu understood what was going on when he saw Chilian handing it to himself.

However, she didn't care. She picked up the bowl of noodles, put it on her side, and smelled it. The corners of her mouth rose, and she picked up chopsticks.I took a big bite.

At this time, a flying bird flew over, Duanmu put down his chopsticks to catch the bird, and Chi Lian also took the opportunity to put medicine in Duanmu's bowl. No wonder Chi Lian's face was not red and heartbeat when Duanmu smelled the noodles. The noodles before are not poisonous.

After Duanmu drove the bird away, he was about to continue eating noodles, and found a problem with the noodles. Duanmu, who is very sensitive to poisons, knew very well that this noodle was poisoned.

"Hey, why did you take a bite so that you are so full."

Seeing this, Chi Lian didn't want to give up like that, and said

"I advise you to eat a little bit. If you are starving to death, you won't be able to see Gane, because it is you, not me."

Duanmu gave Chi Lian an angry look, picked up the noodle bowl and continued to eat the noodles.

Seeing this, Chi Lian smiled at the corner of his mouth.And Duanmu's actions also stopped.

There was vomiting in his mouth, and then he burped, making Chi Lian who was ready to look happy, look dumbfounded.

She didn't take the wrong medicine. At this time, shouldn't Duanmu have been poisoned and died?

"How is this possible?"

Chi Lian was very surprised. She knew her poison best, was very powerful, and shouldn't be ineffective against Duanmu.

Duanmu said to Chilian with a smile on his face

"Do you know what the people in the rivers and lakes call grandma my aunt? The doctor of the Mo family wants to poison me? I am invincible."

Speaking, he picked up the chopsticks in his hand and pointed to the noodle bowl in front of him.

"You are too tender, and you, Brochanger, are too unnatural. The grade of wolf poison is not good, the month is wrong, and you have lost a taste. Do you know what it is? It's a hook kiss, I don't know. Dare to come out and mix?"

Speaking of disdain, he threw away the chopsticks in his hand, and ignored the already angry Chi Lian.

Chi Lian was very angry, and since that time when she was young, she couldn't stand her own.

"What are you talking about? Do you dare to underestimate me?"

Duanmu looked back at Chilian and said

"How do you still disagree?"

After speaking, he felt that he was behind him, stopped his words, and turned to look at Wei Zhuang with white hair.

"Girl, are you finished? You can go on the road after eating."

On the other side, Xia Yu and Susu also thought that the former site of the Seven Kills Gate kept getting closer.

"My son, where exactly are these seven kills?"

Susu looked at Xia Yu curiously and asked.

Before, Xia Yu said that he would take him to find some Mohist school. Then, after seeing a stone tablet, he turned to the Seven Kills Gate, which made Susu very curious.

Xia Yu smiled and said to Susu

"This seven kills gate has a long history. According to legend, it originated from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and its founder was Ji Shaoyi, a member of the royal family at that time. These seven kills gates have always been a chess player who disturbed the world, and a famous shogun in the world. Most of the talents came from the Seven Killers, such as Chong, Fan Li, Wu Qi, Sun Bin, Qin Xiang Zhangyi, Su Qin, the prime minister of the Six Kingdoms, and so on."

Xia Yu paused, raised his head and looked in the direction of the Seven Kills Gate, and continued to say

"I have a good friend who is the deceased of the Seven Killers. The pavilion master of Feixue Pavilion I met in Luoyang, Miss Snow Girl, was also a member of the Seven Killers. After telling me the whereabouts of the Mo family, What she said to me should be true when I think about it, otherwise, she would not be as sincere to the Mo family."

Susu was a little surprised. For the scholars Xia Yu mentioned earlier, most of them were well-known talents over the years. Such people are from the Seven Killers, so Xia Yu's previous Seven Killers has always stirred the world The black hand behind the scenes is true. After all, if you want that country to develop well, you can send your excellent talents to that country, and that country will naturally develop extremely smoothly.

In contrast, other countries have no threats, and no wonder such a sect will be encircled and suppressed. After all, no one who is an enemy of the emperor likes to be controlled.

Even indirect control is unwilling.

However, even so, Susu still didn't understand why Xia Yu had to go to the Seven Kills Gate to take a look. Is there anything worthy of Xia Yu's attention?

Xia Yu saw Susu's doubts and couldn't help but smile

"I'm only interested in this sect that can influence an era. I just passed by, so I went to have a look."

236 Secret

In terms of purpose, Xia Yu really has no purpose. After all, he would not know that at this time, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang would choose to learn about the old site of the Seven Kills Gate.

Xia Yu just feels that since passing by the former site of the Seven Kills Gate, it is necessary to take a look and see what the Seven Kills Gate looks like, which once controlled the rivers and lakes and even the court for a long time. When the academy was at its strongest, it did not say that it could control the entire arena and court.

Coincidentally, once something like this happens, it will continue to appear, just like Murphy's law. The less you want it to happen, it will definitely appear.

In fact, this is the case at this time. Xia Yu walked from Luoyang towards the Seven Kills Gate, while Wei Zhuang and others set off from Xianyang, but at a distance from the Seven Kills Gate, these two roads Will gather together.

In other words, when Xia Yu saw Wei Zhuang, he naturally saw Duan Mu Rong who was captured by Wei Zhuang.

It was an inn under the mountain at the former site of the Seven Kills Gate. It only took about half a day to go from here to the Seven Kills Gate. Therefore, both Xia Yu and Wei Zhuang chose to rest here.

What’s more peculiar is that Xia Yu actually came here before Wei Zhuang and the others. It’s just that because the weather was late, and Xia Yu with the plain was not suitable to continue on the road, this would stay here, and then, I saw Several people from Weizhuang in Duanmu walked in.

It's just that Wei Zhuang and others didn't notice Xia Yu.

When Xia Yu saw Duanmu and Wei Zhuang together, he felt a little strange.

After all, Duanmu likes Gai Nie, this matter was seen before Xia Yu left, and the problem of hunger between Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie is a legacy from a long time ago. Duanmu's temperament will not let her and Gai Nie's opponent cooperated, so that we can judge that if it wasn't for Gai Nie's problem that made Duanmu have to seek Wei Zhuang's help, then Wei Zhuang would have captured Duanmu.

I just don’t know why the group of them came here at this time. Generally, only people going to the former site of the Seven Kills Gate will come to this place. As an old man of the Seven Kills Gate, Wei Zhuang can't always return to the old site to remember it?

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