Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 331

Thinking of this, Xia Yu stopped and turned to look at Susu with a serious expression.

Susu saw Xia Yu stop and looked at herself very seriously, and couldn't help but panic.

"That son, I am not trying to force you, I just ask, if you don't like it, I won't ask in the future, you must not drive me away."

Xia Yu sighed slightly, looked towards Susu and said

"I won't drive you away, but you have to know that it is impossible for you and me."

Xia Yu paused, pointing towards Duanmu ahead

"Even if you treat me the same way Duanmu treats Guinie, I am not Gaie Nie, so I will not treat you the same way Duanmu treats Duanmu. Think about it."

Xia Yu stopped for a moment, and began to think in her heart, whether to talk to Susu, what should be said, finally, could not help but sigh again.

"I told you directly, you are in my heart, more like a younger sister, or even a younger generation like a daughter. It has nothing to do with age. I have never had any affection for you. If you want to return to Pei Pei County, when you reach the Zhongnanshan Courtyard, I will find someone to take you back. Of course, if you don’t want to leave, I won’t push you."

Susu actually knew what Xia Yu meant when Xia Yu stopped and looked at herself seriously. She was already prepared, but when she heard Xia Yu's words with her own ears, she was still very lonely. Susu, who was shooting, quieted down for a while.

Seeing Susu who suddenly calmed down and looked lonely, Xia Yu was actually uncomfortable in his heart, but he still had to make it clear with Susu. Sometimes, he should be broken when he breaks down. what.

Xia Yu understands his situation, and what he loves is always that kind of cute, unclear, with some naughty, but more of the quiet mountains.

Even if the mountains are not by his side at this time, the mountains and mountains he loves are still mountains, even though ten thousand years have passed.

After all, there will be such a day, he will fly away, to the dark, cold universe, to find the footsteps of the mountains, to explore the steps of the brothers,

At that time, Susu can't follow her anymore. If, yes, Xia Yu sincerely hopes that Susu can leave from her side, return to Peixian, return to Lu Mansion, and be his second Lu Mansion. Miss go.

Perhaps Susu would be sad now, but it was better. One day in the future, she knew the truth of everything, and it was better to be sad when she was completely away from this world.

Gai Nie and Duanmu walked forward, Xia Yu and Susu also walked forward, but the atmosphere on the two sides is completely different, if there are special effects at this time.

Gai Nie and Duanmu are the kind of pink bubbles that are constantly flying towards the sky, and between Xia Yu and Susu is that kind of cool gloom.

After a while, Susu raised her head and looked at Xia Yu

"I don't want to leave, even if you don't like me, I don't want to leave you."

Xia Yu turned his head and looked at Susu, only to realize that Susu was already in tears at this time, and his eyes were flushed like a rabbit.

It makes Xia Yu feel a little distressed. Regarding Susu, he is really taking care of him as a junior of his own. This is like a father who learns that his daughter has been cheated by a scumbag and comes back in the same mood as when he cried. At this time, this scumbag was Xia Yu himself.

Seeing Susu’s appearance, Xia Yu knew in her heart that even so, Susu did not give up. At this moment, Xia Yu really has a headache. Susu’s stubborn character is true.

With a long sigh, Xia Yu looked at Susu and said helplessly

"I said, I won't like you. If even so, you still have to stay by my side, then keep it. I really lack a disciple who can help me with some trivial things."

Susu stopped abruptly, disciple, if he became Xia Yu's disciple, then he really had no hope, but if he didn't become Xia Yu's disciple, what reason would he have to stay by Xia Yu's side?

Thinking of this, Susu shed tears and nodded to Xia Yu.

If I really can't make you like it, then I would rather be your disciple, as long as I'm always by your side.

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Xia Yu actually never thought that Susu would agree to be his own disciple. You must know that in this era, masters and disciples are fathers and sons. If you become a teacher for a day, you will be a father for life.

Once Susu agreed to Xia Yu's request, then it would never be possible to be with Xia Yu in this life.

Xia Yu knew Susu's stubbornness, and he also understood Susu's stubbornness, but even so, Xia Yu didn't expect that Susu would choose such a path to cut off his hope in order to be by his side.

This made Xia Yu couldn’t help sighing, Susu is indeed a good girl, and a girl worthy of being loved. It’s a pity that I met her too late, I already have mountains, otherwise, maybe I would really like this stubbornness. And ordinary little girl.

After sighing, Xia Yu looked at Susu, spoke slowly, and said in a very soft voice.

"Have you really considered it?"

Without any hesitation, Susu nodded at Xia Yu, firm and decisive.

The rain stopped, looked up at the sun that was about to set, and said

"If that's the case, then go quickly, and when you arrive at the other courtyard, you can go to the teacher."

From here to the other courtyard, if you drive with all your strength, you will be able to reach midnight, and at that time, the sky is when the moon rises the highest.The moon is the incarnation of the Master. Susu treated Xia Yu like this. Xia Yu wanted to accept her as a disciple. Naturally, he asked the Master to witness it, and was formally admitted to the back mountains of the academy.

Even if there was no Master's breath on the moon at this time, Xia Yu knew that the moon had been guarding this world, and the Master would definitely be able to sense what he did.

The Zhongnanshan Courtyard is a retreat built by the Mohist family in Zhongnanshan, which can be regarded as a temporary residence for emergencies.In Luoyang City, for various reasons, the Mohist disciples could no longer stay in Luoyang, so it was opened here.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is activated, because the chief engineer of the Mohist school, Master Ban has always lived here, studying his strange inventions.

It was not officially opened until Tianming and his party moved in here.

Although Zhongnanshan Bieyuan is a temporary resident, the only people living here are the giants, Dongguo, Duanmu, Gainie, and the three young Shaoyu.Now, the giant led the Mo family disciples stationed here to Xianyang, and Dongguo also went with him.

Gai Nie left to find Wei Zhuang to learn about the past, and Duan Mu looked for Gai Nie. Now in this other courtyard, only Master Ban and three teenagers are left.

However, Master Ban himself is a child character, and coupled with the two lawless demon kings Tianming Shaoyu, no one knows what Huo Huo will be like here.

Gai Nie and Duanmu thought so, they saw two people in a tavern not far away, and then stopped.

When Xia Yu walked in and took a look, she found that one of the two was the Snow Girl who had been separated not long ago.

Xia Yu saluted the snow girl,

"Ms. Snow Girl, don't come unharmed."

Xue Nu gave Xia Yu back

"The Snow Girl has seen Young Master Xia."

Then, Xia Yu complained to Guyie

"I said, Gane, we are right behind you, and you don't say wait for me."

What did Gai Niemei say, but Duanmu gave Xia Yu a white look, as if he was saying, wait for you to come up and make light bulbs?Then he looked at the snow girl and asked

"Why are you here?"

Xue Nu turned her head to look at the desolate man with her,

"We want to take a look at the Seven Kills Gate Old House."

Duanmu said curiously

"What are you going to do there?"

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