Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 336

Duanmu frowned and said

"Before, I always wanted to get rid of the power in Tianming's body, wishing to make him an ordinary person, but Tianming was not willing at all, so if this power can be used by Tianming, wouldn't it be better? After thinking about it from this perspective, I discovered that Tianming would suffer internal injuries. It was not the fault of that power at all, but that the body that carried that power was weakened. So as long as the body itself is strong enough, Tianming can control this. power,"

Duanmu paused and continued

"Actually, this truth came to my mind after taking a peek at Chilian’s method of preventing poison. Chilian detoxification does not rush to use medicine, but uses internal force to seal the toxin in a certain part of the body and prevent him Diffusion, slowly cooperating with the medication to force the poison out. In fact, for the same reason, I can also use a silver needle to pierce the corresponding acupuncture point to protect Tianming’s heart, creating a cycle in his body to let that The power runs through it and won’t leak out, and then I’m looking for a master to pass on the gong to Tianming in turn, strengthening his foundation, until the power in his body reaches a balance with the internal power, and then opening the meridians to let the power flow in Tianming's whole body is finally used by Tianming."

When Duanmu began to describe his method, Shaoyu and several people came to Tianming's room and came to see Tianming. Naturally, they also heard Duanmu's hypothesis for treating Tianming.

Shao Yu couldn't help but speak

"Sister Rong, according to what you said, isn't Tianming going to become a super master."

Duanmu shook his head disappointed

"Of course this is the best outcome, but this treatment process is not simple at all."

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Duanmu paused and said

"Not only is the treatment time long, and during this time, Tianming must not use his power. Otherwise, it will fall short. Therefore, we must try to prevent him from any stimulation. Too happy, too sad, too You can’t be excited."

Dong Guo said silently

"This is a bit embarrassing, isn't it? You say it makes him sad or not,"

And then asked

"Is there a quick way?"

Duanmu smiled and said to Dong Guo

"If you want to be fast, it's not easy. As long as you are willing to pass your life's inner strength to Tianming once, he will be fine immediately. But after that, you will become a useless person. However, I think this business is quite good. Cost-effective.",

Duanmu seemed to remember something suddenly,

"Oh, yes. Tianming already knows how the eldest brother died. So during this period of time, he is not suitable to meet Gai Nie. That is to say, you are the only Mohist master at the Zhongnan Pavilion."

Xia Yu smiled

"My approach is similar to what Duanmu said, but there are also some differences."

Xia Yu looked at the few people in the room at this time, paused and said

"In fact, the power in Tianming's body is not uncommon"

Xia Yugang spoke, and was interrupted by Duanmu.

"It's not uncommon? But, this is the first time I have seen such a power. Besides, isn't this power a supernatural power?"

Xia Yu shook his head and said

"I don't know how this power can be in Tianming's body, but this is definitely not a supernatural power, nor is it born tomorrow. After all, natural power will not backfire itself."

After explaining to Duanmu, Xia Yu continued the previous topic

"This power is actually everywhere, all over the air, but it's very thin. I call it heaven and earth vitality."

"The vitality of heaven and earth?"

Xue Nu murmured doubtfully.

Xia Yu nodded,

"Yes, heaven and earth vitality, that is, the original energy between heaven and earth. Normally, this kind of power should exist in the outside world, and it will not exist in the human body. However, Tianming is precisely inside the body. Existence, moreover, it can continuously produce new vitality."

Duanmu looked anxiously at Xia Yu

"But, does this have anything to do with your approach?"

Xia Yu smiled and continued

"I have to explain to you the nature of this power first. As for the method I said, it is actually a way of cultivation, but this way, no one will practice in this era."

Xia Yu saw everyone’s doubts and went on to say

"It is said that a long time ago, the vitality of the heaven and the earth between the heaven and the earth was very abundant. Therefore, people invented many ways to use this power. At that time, most people used this power in various ways. People do the opposite. They inhale this power into their bodies to forge themselves. In that era, both methods had advantages and disadvantages. Inhaling into the body was obviously stronger, but there was a danger of being blown up by the power."

"Time flies. Now, the vitality of the heaven and the earth is thin. No one is studying these two methods. However, the heaven and the earth are sparse and cannot be inhaled in the body. However, there is vitality in his own body. You can use this power by tempering your body in the way at that time. Moreover, because the power of Tianming is generated from the inside out, there will be no situation of bursting the body."

Xia Yu smiled and said to everyone

"Of course, the most important thing is that although the effect of this method is slow, you don't need to be sad or not happy, and after learning this method, you don't have to worry about the rush of power hurting Tianming's body. Moreover, There is no need to sacrifice everyone's skill."

Duanmu's eyes lit up.

"This method is good. In this way, Tianming can rely on Tianming to master this power, and the foundation will be very stable."

Xia Yu nodded, looked towards Duanmu, and said

"Now it's time to talk about your good apprentice."

Duanmu's expression changed, he looked at Xia Yu and asked

"You said, Yue'er also has a force in her body that is destroying her body, right? However, Tianming also has a mysterious force in her body but will not actively destroy her body?"

Xia Yu looked at Yue'er with a solemn expression, and then suddenly raised her hand to knock Yue'er unconscious.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Duanmu hurriedly shouted.

Xia Yu did not answer Duanmu's words, but looked at other people and said

"Thank you, please avoid me, I have something to discuss with Girl Duanmu alone."

Fortunately for others, Dong Guo was somewhat unwilling, looking towards Duanmu

"Rong'er, what can you talk to him? Why don't you talk to me?"

Duanmu was very helpless, but at this time, Yue'er was obviously more important. He pointed to Dong Guo and said

"get out."

Dong Guo wanted to say something, but he also knew that it was not the time to make trouble by himself, so he also left with everyone.

Duanmu looked at Xia Yu and asked

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