Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 339

"According to what I said earlier, the Yin and Yang family were involved in the affairs of the Jin's Trading Company in Xianyang City. However, the reason for going to the trading company at that time was the Qin soldiers. Right?"

The giant nodded,

"Yes, that's it."

Xia Yu said again

"But this logic doesn't make sense."

The giant looked at Xia Yu suspiciously

"Why can't it work?"

Xia Yu said

"Leave aside, the Yin Yang family does not have the right to send Qin soldiers. Even if they confuse Yingzheng to achieve their goals, it should be his eldest son Fusu who commanded the army, rather than he knew nothing about it. Second son Hu Hai."

"If this is also the hands and feet of the Yin Yang family, it is absolutely not enough to rely on a Tai Bu Ling Yun Zhongjun."

At this time, the giant took over Xia Yu’s words and said

"So, in the palace of Xianyang City, there is another person with a higher status who can even influence Yingzheng from the Yin Yang family?"

At this time, Gane also spoke

"If you say that, I know that it's possible to be alone."

Everyone looked at Guinie, the giant asked


Guy Nie said uncertainly

"Zhao Gao, he is the most beloved housekeeper around Ying Zheng, and he is also Hu Hai's teacher. Not only can he affect Ying Zheng, but also Hu Hai."

Xia Yu nodded

"From this point of view, he should be him. Moreover, Yun Zhongjun's status in the Yin Yang family should not be low, so Zhao Gao's status can only be higher."

Dongguo spoke at this time

"I just don't know who Zhao Gao is in Yin Yang's family."

The giant nodded and said

"Well, let's get here first today, everyone will go back to rest early,"

Slowly everyone dispersed, only Duanmu and Xia Yu stayed here.

Duanmu noticed the strangeness of the giant at this time, and Xia Yu looked at the giant with a little caution.

"Giant, there is something wrong with your body, right?"

The giant shook his head.

"It's just a little tired, it's okay."

Duanmu said anxiously

"Subordinate offended."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the giant's wrist, and diagnosed the giant's pulse.

After a while, Duanmu's expression changed.

"No, why do you keep using internal force? What's wrong?"

The giant sighed, stretched out his hand and pulled down the brace on his right hand.

I saw that the palm of the giant's right hand had changed color, purple with black, very strange.

Seeing the color on the giant's hand, Duanmu's expression became very disturbed, and his mouth was very uncertain

"Liu Li Poison?"

Instead, the giant looked at Duanmu with some surprise

"Do you know what this is?"

Duanmu said in disbelief

"This is the poison technique of the Xi family. It requires multiple wizards to apply poison at the same time. After the poison technique is seeded, the toxin will spread from the fingers to the body in all directions. Once it spreads over the whole body, it is the death period."

"This toxin is very poisonous and has no cure. It has been taboo by the Xi family."

"Giant, why are you?"

Xia Yu asked at this moment

"Yin and Yang family, right?"

The giant looked at Xia Yu in surprise and said

"It is indeed the Yin-Yang family. They set a trap for me. I couldn't prevent it. The Yin-Yang family couldn't catch the dawn. As expected, they were so angry that they even used this kind of poison. Unexpectedly, there are people from the Xi family in them. The power in Tianming actually comes from the Xi family?"

Having said this, the giant asked Xiang Xiayu

"However, how did Young Master Xia know this was done by the Yin Yang Family?"

Xia Yu said with emotion

"When Gainie rescued Tianming, I discovered that someone was protecting Tianming in secret, and it was a mage."

At this moment, even Duanmu looked at Xia Yu in surprise.

Xia Yu continued

"However, after entering, the mage disappeared. I thought he had already left, but after coming here, I heard that you were deceived to Xianyang by the Yin and Yang family. If you want to come, that person should have been in Tianming. By your side, tracking, protecting. Or rather, monitoring."

Duanmu's look changes drastically

"In that case, we have always been watched by the Yin Yang Family? So, our plan to retreat to the Institution City..."

Xia Yu shook his head and said

"Don't worry, I looked around after Tianming came back. That person didn't come back with Tianming. I think Xianyang's defeat was punished by Yin Yang family.

Xia Yu suddenly remembered something and said

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