Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 346

Duanmu looked at Tianming with some worry. She didn’t understand why Xia Yu told Tianming about these things. Didn’t he know Tianming couldn’t stand the stimulation?

How could Xia Yu know that he was only doing this deliberately, because only in this way could the power in Tianming's body erupt completely and he had the opportunity to remove it.

In fact, Xia Yu has always hesitated about the strength in Tianming. However, just seeing Tianming’s willfulness, Xia Yu feels that it is unrealistic to make Tianming a peerless master all at once, and Tianming has no way of accepting that power. Hidden after the internal strength of the low-key.

His arrogant and self-willed character determines that once Tianming becomes a peerless master, he will promote it everywhere. At that time, the Mo family will have a crisis once again.

Therefore, Xia Yu finally decided to remove all the power in Tianming's body, even if it could not be eradicated, he would get rid of a part.

If it weren't for Xia Yu, it would be difficult to get rid of the power in Tianming's body.

The reason why Xia Yu was able to do it was only because of the transfer of flowers and trees in the Ming Jade Art he cultivated. By absorbing part of Tianming’s power, the injuries in his body would be much better, and the other part was the jade that sealed Yue’er. The existence of Gui's power can seal Yu Gui intact and prevent Yu Gui's body from appearing in danger.

Sure enough, when he heard Xia Yu’s irony, Tianming couldn’t stand his breath and directly aroused the power of the evil spirit, and began to impact his own meridians, and Tianming’s meridians could no longer withstand the impact of the evil spirit. At this moment, Tianming He was seriously injured.

At the moment when the power of Yusha broke out, Xia Yu acted.

He raised his hand and stretched it to the top of Tianming's head. A powerful suction force was generated from Xia Yu's body, quickly absorbing Tianming's power. At this time, the hidden injuries in Xia Yu's body were also quickly recovering, but this In the era, the vitality of heaven and earth is scarce. Even a pure existence like the power of Yusha is still limited in size and cannot preserve too much vitality of heaven and earth.

Therefore, Xia Yu's injury is impossible to heal under the power of Yu Sha.

245 Treatment started

However, even if the power of these jade evil cannot make Xia Yu heal, it can slow Xia Yu's injury a little, and even speed up the entire recovery process.

In fact, Xia Yu himself had planned it. When everyone settled in the organ city, he would absorb part of the power of the jade evil of the sky, and then rely on this power to use the means of transferring flowers and trees to deal with the power of Yugui in Yue'er. Make a seal.

After all, if you want to seal the vitality of the heavens and the earth, you still have to rely on the vitality of the heavens and the earth to do it, and in today's era, Xia Yu cannot extract the vitality of the heavens and the earth from the air, so the source of the vitality of the heavens and the earth is only the power of the jade in Tianming's body. Up.

However, after Tianming's unreasonable troubles, Tianming's power exploded. If you don't deal with it quickly, Tianming will die. By then, no one can guarantee that Yue'er will be fine. After all, when Yugui, Yusha will go crazy, then Yu If the sha is dead, Yugui will inevitably not happen.

At this time, only Xia Yu’s Ming Yu Jue could save Tianming. At this moment, all Xia Yu could do was to absorb the power of Tianming and calm the riots in his body.

The best way to resolve a riot is to reduce the power of the riot to the point where it cannot sustain it.

Of course, Xia Yu still had some measures in his hands, and would not let Ming Yu Jue suck Tianming into corpses like he would deal with the Taoist priests in Xiling.

Since the curse seal disappeared, Tianming was able to stay awake during the power riots. Now, under Xia Yu's control, Tianming who is angry is naturally unwilling and wants to break free.

It’s a pity that the suction of Xia Yu’s Ming Yu Jue is not something that Tian Ming can break away. You must know that back then, the first seat of the suspended lecture, second only to the existence of the Master and the Master, could not escape from Xia Yu’s exercises, and was therefore Xia Yu Wounded, now, Tianming, a young man who can’t control martial arts and cannot control his own strength, how can he break free?

On this side, Xia Yu absorbed the power of Tianming, on the other side, he spoke to Duanmu

"Duanmu, quickly take Yue'er to make preparations,"

Duanmu was taken aback and looked towards Xia Yu

"I'm about to start now, isn't it saying to prepare?"

Xia Yu’s current mind is mostly focused on controlling the power in his body not to repair his own Qihai Snow Mountain, so he did not answer Duanmu’s question, but said

"I need cinnabar, ink, silver needles, stove, and a bed. Also, prepare an airtight room. When the time comes, you can only help me in it, and no one else is allowed to come in."

Seeing that Xia Yu did not answer his own question, Duanmu realized that it might be really urgent at this time. It should be some changes brought about by the riot of Tianming forces, so Xia Yu had to choose to treat Yue'er at this time.

Thinking of this, Duanmu looked at the hammer

"Why are you still sending me a daze? Take me to prepare, Yue'er, come with me."

The hammer was obviously still a little dazed, but he still knew Duanmu, and when he heard Duanmu's words, he nodded and turned around and ran inside first.

Seeing this, Duanmu and Yue'er followed the hammer and ran towards the depths of the organ city.

How much heaven and earth vitality is in Tianming's body, in other words, how many heaven and earth vitality is the power of Yusha?At this time, Xia Yu finally knew, because with his Ming Yu Jue, it took a long time to absorb these powers, until Duanmu had everything ready and returned to Xia Yu's side.

You know, back then, it took Xia Yu less than a moment to absorb Long Qing's power.

Xia Yu did not absorb the power of Tianming completely, because Xia Yu discovered that the power of Yusha did not completely riot, only less than one-tenth of the riot. If calculated in this way, the power of the jade evil At night, the vitality of the whole world is five percent.

In addition, for so many years, without the barrier protection of Sangsang back then, the vitality has been lost. It is understandable that the vitality of the earth has become so thin today. After all, there are two big sources of vitality such as Yu Sha and Yu Gui.

After solving Tianming’s problem, Xia Yu immediately looked towards Duanmu

"Take me to the room you prepared."

Duanmu also knew that it was not the time to ask a question, so he nodded and took Xia Yu to the prepared room.

This is a room that fully meets Xia Yu's requirements, in other words, it is a secret room, the whole room has no windows and only the door to enter.

There is a bed and a table in the room.There are trays on the table. The trays contain the cinnabar and ink that Xia Yu requested.

Looking around, Xia Yu nodded, turned and said to the people who followed

"If you have any questions, wait until I come out to talk, Yue'er, Duanmu, you two come in with me, Dong Guo, I think the giant should have told you what I am going to do, you help me guard the door of the house, no one can come in. "

Dong Guo knew Yue’er’s true identity. After all, when Duanmu confessed Yue’er’s identity to the giant, he was there, and as someone who was always around the giant, he did not come back with the giant this time, but with Duanmu. The few people came back early because the giant Tongdong, Guo told Yue'er's situation that he came back to help.

Therefore, after learning that Xia Yu was going to treat Yue'er, he stopped drinking with Zhang Liang, and immediately went to the room prepared by Hammer and Duanmu, and always followed Xia Yu's arrangements.

Regarding what Xia Yu said no one could enter, Dong Guo nodded cautiously, turned around and stood at the door, without speaking any more.

Close the door, Xia Yu looked at Duanmu and Yue'er and said

"Yue'er, Duanmu should tell you that you have a physical problem, right"

Yue'er nodded silently, did not speak, this little girl was a little nervous about coming.

Seeing Yue'er nodding, Xia Yu said

"Since you know, then I won't say much, Yue'er, you lie down on the bed first, um, it's best to lie on your stomach, because you can't wear any clothes on your upper body."

Upon hearing this, Yue'er gave a panic cry

Then he looked at Duanmu with a flushed face

Duanmu also frowned and looked at Xia Yu

"Does it have to be like this"

If it were in modern times, this might not be a big deal. After all, the doctors’ parents' minds, but in the Qin Dynasty, if a woman is seen naked, it is the same as losing control.

Xia Yu shook his head and said

"Originally it didn’t need to be like this, but now, it’s the only way to do it. Let’s not say so much, Duanmu, I have to trouble you, let Yue’er fall asleep, it’s better not to feel the pain, because my next treatment will It hurts."

Xia Yu looked at Yue'er's skin, um, the skin of her neck. After all, Yue'er hadn't taken off her clothes at this time.

"Well, I think Yue'er can't bear this kind of pain."

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