Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 352

After Duanmu and Master Ban locked Tianming, they were about to leave. At this moment, a disciple of the Mo family ran over.

"The two leaders, the giant is back. Let you go to the discussion."

Duanmu is very confused about this

"Didn't the giant go to see the son Fusu, why did he come back so soon?"

Master Ban was also very confused, but he still said to Duanmu

"Okay, let's go first."

After speaking, they went to the chamber together.

Sitting on the front seat, the giant said Duanmu’s doubts to everyone

"The son Fusu is not in Xianyang. It is said that he was sent by Yingzheng to inspect in Southern County, so I left a few disciples to explore his traces, and also took the opportunity to come back and have a look. During my absence, everything went well. Right"

The master class yelled and said

"Don't mention it, I was just about to tell you, just these few days..."

He looked at the other people and wanted them to continue. However, Master Ban found that everyone did not tell the giants about the mischief of Tianming, and was a little embarrassed.

"Don't tell me, it went smoothly. Everyone performed very well, one is better than one, especially the three children who performed very well, so don't worry."

Master Ban couldn't believe what he said, so he stopped talking.

Duanmu smiled and continued

"Yes, and Tianming's situation has been brought under control. With Xia Yu's help, the treatment went smoothly."

The giant nodded

"Everyone has worked hard. During this period of time, the Mohist has changed frequently. I am really worried that it will affect everyone's morale."

Dong Guo nodded

"Yes, the giant is observant. There are indeed a lot of young children who are depressed recently,"

The giant sighed

"In extraordinary times, you should be cautious in everything,"

Talking about the giant and looking around, he suddenly found out that Xia Yu was not here, so he couldn't help asking

"By the way, where is Young Master Xia"

Duanmu thought for a while and said to the giant

"When Xia Yu was treating Yue'er before, she suffered some internal injuries, and now she is training, and there is no major problem."

The giant nodded,

"Since Young Master Xia is injured, we don't want to disturb him. It's rare for everyone to get together so well. Why don't we have a competitive meeting to boost morale."

Everyone agrees

"Okay, the giant's proposal is great. I just take this opportunity to pull these little boys out and see how they are."

The hammer said loudly, and the master class ridiculed the hammer

"Don't just say good things, keep saying good things, you two are the most qualified to speak in this competition. Take a stand."

He took a picture of Dong Guo,

Dong Guo smiled and said to the giant

"Giant, don't worry, this matter, it will definitely be no problem with me and Brother Hammer,"


Leaving aside the affairs between the giants and these leaders, Yue'er, who was punished by the master class on the other side, heard the news of the giant’s return from other Mo family disciples and was very excited.

Before returning to Zhongnan Annex, Yue'er learned that the giant might be her father. Then, before returning to the office city, Duanmu also took out the letter from her mother Bihua, although she did not say where it came from. It came, but Yue'er intuitively thought it was given to Duanmu by the giant.

Later, Xia Yu treated her for her and confirmed Yue'er's guess, but Yue'er still had to hear all this from the giant's mouth.

It's a pity that even if Yue'er wants to find a giant at this time, she can't go. The Mo family has rules. Whoever makes a mistake is punished. It is not allowed for others to be punished, even if Yue'er has it at this time. It's impossible to find a giant in an emergency. Rules are rules.

By the time Yue'er finished all the work at hand, it was already midnight, even if Yue'er hurried to the giant's room, he was stopped by the disciple on duty outside the door.

"Miss Yue'er, the giant has rested,"

Yue'er still doesn't want to leave like this

"But, I have something important"

Disciples on duty don’t care about these things

"The giant has been running around for a day, so tired, Miss Yue'er, what can I say tomorrow,"

"I'll just say a few words, and then leave."

"It's the same as I said tomorrow, Yue'er girl, please rest early,"

At this time, in the giant's room, Xia Yu was playing chess with the giant.

"You really don't see her. She has a lot to say about your father, and she is full of desire for fatherhood."

The giant shook his head

"Before, I didn't recognize her to protect her, but now, I stepped into her because I was dying."

Xia Yu looked at the giant and frowned

"But, you can't die without recognizing Yue'er, you know, Yue'er already knows that you are her father, and now all she wants is your affirmation, let her call her father. ."

The giant still shook his head

"What about the acquaintance? I still have a few months to do it. If I do it, the time will be shorter. Under such circumstances, how to recognize her? Does it make her experience the pain of losing her father?"

Xia Yu sighed and said

"It's up to you, maybe your choice is right or wrong, but after all, it's your own choice. No matter what the outcome is, it is your father and daughter who will end up with the outcome, so you can figure it out. "

Xia Yu was also very tired, but, after all, this is a private matter between the giant and the father and daughter. It is okay to make suggestions, but if you repeat it too many times, it will be too much.

The giant sighed and shook his head. He stopped talking about this, but looked at Xia Yu’s legs and asked.

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