Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 357

With that said, Gai Nie also turned and left, which made Xia Yu here very helpless.

You guys who walked back, shouldn’t he be pushed back? This is on the top of the mountain. If you want to go down, you have to walk through the stone steps besides the Mo family’s office ladder. How can he walk in a wheelchair?

Thinking of this, Xia Yu couldn't help but shouted to the far away Gai Nie

"I said Lao Guy, should you send me down? Hey, can you hear me?"



The matter between Tianming Gainie and Duanmu has not been understood yet, and the body of the giant on the other side is indeed worrying.

The giant should have fought with something before returning to the organ city, and used his internal force, otherwise there would be no poisonous backlash. You know, at the beginning Duanmu inferred that if the giant had been suppressed with internal force, he could live three Months are even longer. However, less than a month has passed now, and the condition has changed to what it is now, and Duanmu has even begun to plan to use Ginseng Sumeng Pills, which can be seen by the name. When can things be used?

After Xia Yu separated from Gai Nie, thinking about the face change after Duanmu had the pulse diagnosis for the giant at the competition meeting, he guessed that the giant’s request was getting worse, so he planned to discuss it with Duanmu.

However, because Xia Yu walked in a wheelchair by herself, she was a little slow. When she came to Duanmu and Yue'er's room, Duanmu had already left, and Yue'er ran away with the medicine box in a hurry.

She found out that she shouldn't, not to mention that the giant did not want to recognize her, even Duanmu would not let her know about poison.

So we can only say where Duanmu leaked the secret.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu changed his mind and called Yue'er to stop.

"Yue'er, wait a minute."

Yue'er heard Xia Yu's voice and stopped. Her expression was very flustered at this time, as if she had encountered some great difficulty. Seeing this scene, Xia Yu understood that Yue'er did know the giant species. Poisonous things.

"What are you going to do?"

Xia Yu asked.

And Yue'er said in a flustered expression

"Mr. Xia, I still have an urgent matter..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yu interrupted

"You are going to meet the giant"

Yue'er was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.Then, what happened to Xia Yu

"Could it be true that what Sister Rong said is true? The giant really needs to use Ginseng Lifetime Pills"

Xia Yu frowned. He knew what the Ginseng Sumeng Pill was used for. After all, he was not stupid. It was said that he was renewing his life. I don’t know why Duanmu told Yue'er about this matter. With the permission of the giant, it is impossible for Duanmu to speak out without authorization, and the giant, a few days ago, Zeng plainly told Xia Yu that he did not want Yue'er to know about this, so,,,

"Where did you hear it"

Xia Yu asked.

Yue'er looked even more flustered,

"How can the giant use the life-saving pills"

Xia Yu shook his head

"Nothing, I don't know where you learned it. The giant was injured a little bit, but it's not as serious as I am. Where can I get things like Ginseng Sumeng Pill."

"But, I heard it with my own ears outside Sister Rong's room."

"That may be that Duanmu wants to spare it. No matter what the situation is, it is always good to have equipment. Who can say that Duanmu's temperament is accurate? No, if you say quarrel, just quarrel with Lao Guy. Slap, that's a little bit of affection for Lao Guy."

Yue'er is still a little worried, and her expression is also very worried, Xia Yu said with a smile

"Why don't you believe me yet"

Yue'er thought about it, indeed, Xia Yu never lied to their children, and it was because of saving herself that Xia Yu became like this, and all nodded to Xia Yu

"I believe."

Xia Yu just laughed and said to Yue'er

"That's right, you send me to find the giant."

When he came outside the house of the giant, but did not see Duanmu's assistant, Xia Yu was a little confused

"Didn't you say that Duanmu came to find the giant? She's the one"

Yue'er shook her head

"I don't know. Sister Rong really came here in front."

Xia Yu was thoughtful, thinking that Duanmu and Gai Nie met again.

"Then she may have something, the life-saving pill may also be used by other people, but when you come to see the giant, it will be sent to you. This time you don't have to worry about it."

As Xia Yu was talking, he heard a coughing sound from inside the house. It was the voice of a giant. Yue'er didn’t know martial arts, and she hadn’t cultivated her mind, so she didn’t feel it. However, Xia Yu felt a giant from this voice. The situation may be worse than Duanmu expected.

Yue'er's expression began to panic again, and the look in Xia Yu's eyes changed a lot, Xia Yu said somewhat sullenly

"After all, I was injured. Even if the injury is mild, it may be more comfortable to cough a few times."

With that, the prefect Xia Yu knocked on the door of the room. He didn't dare to listen like this while He Yue'er was outside the house, otherwise it would be time to reveal his stuff.

"Come in,"

This is the voice of a giant, it sounds nothing at first, but it is obviously lack of blood.

Yue'er opened the door and pushed Xia Yu in.

The giant was a little surprised to see Yue'er coming in.

"Yue'er, why are you here?"

Yue'er explained

"Sister Rong had something temporarily, so I asked me to come here for her."

The giant was a little uncomfortable and asked

"What are you doing here for her?"

Yueer explained

"Sister Rong said, let me check your health, is there any discomfort for you?"

The giant obviously didn't believe it, others didn't know, he still didn't know, it's impossible to tell Duanmu about his injuries, after all, it would greatly reduce the morale of the Mo family disciples.Looking at Xia Yu behind Yue'er, the giant frowned, he wondered if Xia Yu had said it.

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