Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiangye Chapter 359

Xia Yu looked at Yue'er who was still standing there with tears, and sighed.

"There are some things, don't entangle them so clearly. They are very things. Knowing everything is not necessarily good. The final answer may not be what you expect."

Yue'er raised her hand, wiped her tears, and said

"I am not afraid. Even if the final answer is not what I want, I want to know."

Xia Yu raised her hand and patted Yue'er on the shoulder

"Yue'er, you have to know that ignorance is the best in many cases. Just guess and infer. As long as there is no final answer, then you will not be disappointed and you will feel much better."

251 guess,

"Because, no one knows what will happen in the future, just like Lao Gai concealed Tianming Jingke's things, sometimes, if you don't tell the truth, it's actually for everyone's good."

Naturally, Yue'er is not a fool, otherwise he would not get the true biography of Duanmu at such a young age.

Since she is not stupid, then Yue'er actually understands what Xia Yu's words mean.Xia Yu’s words might be saying that the giant will not be Yue’er’s father. Let Yue’er give up or she will be disappointed. However, Yue’er knows that the giant is her father, so she came to ask the giant. These things are just forcing the giant to recognize her.

However, if you put Xia Yu’s words on the fact that the giant is Yue’er’s father, in fact, it’s telling Yue’er not to persecute. Although there is no recognition now, the giant is concerned about Yue’er, and even sometimes He would do what he thought his father should do. In this case, there is no difference between acknowledgment and denial.

Yue'er understood what Xia Yu meant, but she still shook her head firmly. Xia Yu sighed when she saw this and said

"If you persist in this way, you will lose more than you gain."

Yue'er still shook her head

"I just want to call him father and let him recognize me as a daughter."

Duanmu's expression also changed when she heard this. If she thought that Xia Yu was actually persuading Yue'er, and vaguely told Yue'er that the giant was not her father, then after hearing what Yue'er said, Duanmu also understood Xia Yu. In fact, she was telling Yue'er that the giant was her father.

Duanmu was unwilling to let the giant and Yue'er recognize each other before the giant poisoning technique, but after the giant was poisoned, Duanmu actually had the idea of ​​letting the giant and Yue'er recognize each other. After all, the Xi clan's poison technique was You can use your loved ones to stop bleeding for a simple delay.Of course, Duanmu didn’t mean to use Yue’er, it’s just that the giant is more important.

However, the giant refused at that time, and he bluntly said that so many years of hard work should not be wasted. At this time, Duanmu did not intend to violate the giant’s decision. Therefore, Duanmu's expression will only change after Xia Yu expresses this matter cryptically. .

Seeing this, Xia Yu didn't say anything anymore, turned around and left in his wheelchair.

Xia Yu left the giant’s room and drove directly to Master Ban’s room. During this time, he had been at Master Ban’s place to discuss with him about the prosthesis.

When Xia Yu arrived, she saw Xue Nu holding Xiao Gaoi's Zhu to look for Master Class.

Gao Jianli is good at hitting and building, and his saber is often placed in his building, and Xue Nu's affection for Xiao Gaosheng is also because of this building.However, in the past, Xiao Gao personally broke this building because of certain things. Now, if you want to come to Xue Nu to find Master Ban to repair it.

"Master Class"

Xue Nu whispered to the master class who was working, and directly scared the master class away from the tool in her hand.

"Oh, you scared me so much,"

With that said, Master Ban’s expression changed. After all, not everyone actively came to Master Ban like Xia Yu. What Master Ban was most willing to do was to persuade others to specialize in mechanism art. Therefore, when Xue Nu came, he revealed again. The iconic smile.

"Snow Girl, I didn't expect that your light work at a young age is so good. I don't even know if you come in, you are looking for me"

Xue Nu also smiled and said to Master Ban

"Master Ban, I want to ask if anyone can repair musical instruments."

Master Ban wondered

"What's wrong"

Xue Nu looked sadly at Zhu in her hand and said

"My building is broken, I want to fix it."

Master Ban angrily fell the tool in his hand on the table,

"Who else are you looking for? What are you doing? Put it here and wrap it on me."

Xue Nu looked at Master Class in disbelief. Master Class saw that Xue Nu had not left yet, and raised her head to see Xue Nu’s expression, somewhat displeased.

"What do you mean, Xuenv's organ city is such a complicated organ, I can repair it, this one, I can't repair you, this, oh, it's naive."

Master Ban likes to add her own ideas when making things, and Xue Nv also knows it. Moreover, most of Master Ban's inventions are failures and are well-known.

Therefore, Xue Nu is really worried about giving Xiao Gao's Zhu to Master Ban.

"Master Ban, I think such a small matter, there is no need to trouble you,"

When he said that, he picked up Zhu to go out.

Seeing this, Master Ban hurriedly shouted


Then she walked to the snow girl and said

"I want to criticize you, you are all a family, why are you so polite"

After speaking, he snatched Zhu from Xue Nu's hand.

"Don't worry, put it here. I will pick it up in five days. I promise to be the same as the new one. Go back."

Seeing this, Xue Nu could only hand it over to Master Ban, she couldn't help but speak.

"Thank you then."

Xia Yu smiled and patted Xue Nu's arm and said

"Don't worry, I'm watching. Although I don't know how to repair an instrument, I can play the flute, and I won't let the master class break it."

When Master Ban heard Xia Yu's words, he couldn't help being a little angry, and looked at Xia Yu

"I said, Xia Yu, what do you mean, I mean I can't fix this building"

Xia Yu said with a smile

"No, you can indeed repair this building, but you may not be able to tune the sound well. We still have to let us have fun in this respect."

Master Ban nodded

"Indeed, it's okay for me to fix things, playing musical instruments is a bit difficult."

As he said, he opened Xiaogao Zhu in his hand, and was stunned, because in this Zhu, there was a white feather.

After a cut, he threw the feather out. Xia Yu saw this and felt that the feather was very familiar. Then, suddenly found that the feather hadn't landed, but flew towards the outside. He couldn't help but be suspicious. Could this feather be? If there is something special, Xia Yu stopped the feather when thinking of this.

Although Xia Yu was in a wheelchair, it didn't mean that his exhausted thought power had not recovered. Perhaps he still couldn't fight if he wanted to, but it was still possible to control a thin feather like this.

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