Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiang Ye Chapter 36

Xia Yu and Xia Xuan are twins. They are like one person. Therefore, after Xia Xuan's death, Xia Yu's world collapsed. This is also one of the reasons why Xia Yu acted casually in the night world. It is also no matter who Xia Yu is with. , Even the relationship with Shanshan has some reasons for the estrangement.Because he has already hidden his true self.

He is no longer alone.

He is Xia Yu and Xia Xuan.

Finally, let me say, this time, if you have any dissatisfaction, I hope you can comment in the previous chapter. I really like the relationship between Xia Yu and Xia Xuan, so I don’t want to see those in the comments outside these two chapters. Bad comment.

I don’t know what other authors are like, but I feel that everyone in my writing is real. I like this responsible little girl very much. In order not to burden the family, her determination really makes me like it. And distressed.So please don't hurt her.

Okay, I admit that there is a factor in the number of words, because I am really stuck, and the positive story needs to be well conceived, so I can only write this story.


Xia Yu stared at Xu Shi's eyes, his eyes firm, firm enough to make Xu Shidu feel like a light on his back.

"But don't target the college. Don't let you. I may attack your family. Trust me, I can do it. No one can stop what I want to do."

After speaking, Xia Yu stopped paying attention to everyone, using his boundless cultivation base, stepped to the back mountain of the academy.

Senior Sister Seven was standing at the gate of the academy with Shanshan. Seeing Xia Yu coming back, Shanshan ran towards Xia Yu and looked at Xia Yu nervously. She didn’t know Xu Shi’s cultivation base, so she didn’t know if Xia Yu could ever fight. Xu Shi.

Senior Sister Seven looked at Xia Yu and nodded, her eyebrows frowned, she hesitated and said

"The teacher asked me to tell you that although you didn't kill Xu Shi, you lost the face of the military after all."

Senior Sister Seven raised her hand and pinched Xia Yu and said.

"You, if you kill Xu Shi, it will be fine. A general is no more important than a disciple of the academy. But the problem is that you did not take Xu Shi's surname, and the king of Tang came forward. Good paragraph."

Sister Seven gave the eyebrows together

"But Xu Shi is still alive after all, and he is still Tang's general. Since he is a living general, he still needs him to contribute to Tang, so he needs to be given a step. Of course the important thing is to give Tang Wang a step."

Senior Sister Seven raised Shanshan's hand and looked at Xia Yu and said

"It just so happens that the mountains and mountains should also set off and go back to Dahe. What the teacher meant is that if you can take the mountains and mountains back, it would be nice if you can drop by."

Xia Yu nodded, looked in the direction of the back mountain, and said to the disciple.

"Originally, I came to the college today to say goodbye to the teacher. Since the teacher arranged this way, Xia Yu listened."

Xia Yu put down her hands in the ceremony and said

"Senior brothers and sisters, Xia Yu will not go up the mountain to say goodbye to you. Anyway, I can contact the academy wherever I go. Pippi, Junior Brother, you two should listen carefully to the seniors in the back mountain. Do you know? Third Sister, Yilan's practice is up to you."

After all, Xia Yu saluted Senior Sister Seven.

"Senior Sister, Junior Brother will now take the mountain and set off."

Senior Sister Seven, nodded, she knew.

Xia Yu took Shanshan's hand and came to the residence of the Mochiyuan disciples, and went out to Chang'an with everyone.

Back Mountain of the Academy at this time

Ning Que was released from the tight lock by the master.Senior Sister Third took Tang Xiaotang and Situ Yilan, standing in front of Jiu, Senior Brother Fourth and Senior Brother Six also walked out of their iron furnace.The fifth brother and the eighth brother did not play chess anymore. The nineth brother, the tenth brother, and the eleventh brother also walked out of the forest and watched Xia Yu head out of Chang'an.

Brother Six said worriedly

"You said, will the military department stop the twelfth junior brother?"

Big brother said with a smile

"No, the military department hopes Xiao Twelve is not in Chang'an."

The second senior nodded.

"Don't worry, my sword is pointed at the military headquarters"

A simple sentence made everyone feel a kind of coolness. Yes, other people in the military department may not be dangerous to Xia Yu, but most generals at the level of Xu Shi are in the pinnacle of martial arts.

In the morning, Xia Yu was fast, and the others didn't react. If they stopped Xia Yu now, Xia Yu with Mochiyuan's disciple by his side would be a burden, and it wouldn't matter if they were opponents.

There are two roads from Tang State to Dahe, one is from Qingxia to Xiling, passing through Xiling and along the South China Sea to Mogan Mountain.

The other is to go to Daze, enter the Southern Jin Dynasty, and enter the Dahe.

When Xia Yu was young, it was the first way to go to Dahe.But this time, because of the injury of Longqing in the wasteland and the death of Wei Guangming in Chang'an, etc., Xia Yu and Shanshan unanimously decided to enter Dahe from the Southern Jin Dynasty.

Whether you are going to the Southern Jin Dynasty or the Xiling, you have to go through the Qingxia. It takes at least 20 days for ordinary people from Chang'an to Qingxia, while it takes seven days for the cavalry. Xia Yu and others are practitioners, and the speed may be faster. But those need 3 days or more.

Xia Yu was sitting in his four-wheeled carriage, and mountains and mountains were riding with Xia Yu.It's not that the two want to carry other people's heat or something, but because Xia Yu's carriage is driven by thought, and it has four wheels, which is relatively stable. Shanshan likes to practice calligraphy in it.

Of course, Xia Yu was helpless for Shanshan to practice calligraphy in such a private environment. He did not want to mess with Shanshan in the past, but it turned out...

Xia Yu drew a feather from the cushion and looked at the mountain next to him practicing calligraphy, with the corners of his mouth rising.

He stretched his feathers into Shanshan's back collar and shook it gently.

Shanshan's neck was itchy because of his feathers. After shaking slightly, he turned his head and gave Xia Yu a stare.

But Shanshan's stare really didn't have the slightest deterrent.Shanshan's eyes are big, big eyes, long eyelashes, and the eyes flashing at Xia Yu, will not make Xia Yu feel intimidated at all, but a touch of cuteness.

Xia Yu really has no resistance to the cute girl in front of him. Looking at the girl’s big twinkling eyes, Xia Yu couldn’t help but handed her body forward and printed her mouth on the girl because the baby was fat. The resulting little beeping mouth.

Shanshan blinked, a little startled, she didn't expect Xia Yu to kiss herself at this time.The thoughts in his head turned around, and it took a long time to realize that he was kissed by Xia Yu.

Shanshan pushed Xia Yu away fiercely, his face flushed, and even made her feel a little hot.She raised her hand and touched her face, gave Xia Yu a white look, and quickly got out of the car. She really didn't dare to stay in the car anymore.Otherwise, Xia Yu might make fun of her for a while.

Although Shanshan is usually a little dazed, he is still very careful in some small matters.Not as good as now

After several days of walking, Xia Yu and his group finally reached Qingxia, a dangerous place in the south of Tang Dynasty.

Not far ahead, you will enter the southern Jin Dynasty. The Southern Jin Dynasty is a popular sword master, not only because the sword pavilion is in the Southern Jin Dynasty, but also because the Southern Jin Dynasty is where the largest iron mine is located.

Also because they were about to enter the Southern Jin Dynasty, everyone decided to pitch the camp in the Qingxia and wait until tomorrow to enter the Southern Jin Dynasty.

When Xia Yu looked at the sky when the sun was setting, he would think of the various things in the previous life and the things of the previous life, which he could not forget anyway, which made him develop a habit of watching the sunset and drinking.

Shanshan noticed this habit. These days, before this time, she would warm Xia Yu with a pot of peach blossom wine. Although it was a trivial matter, Shanshan's actions made Xia Yu feel warm.

When Shanshan was very young, he knew that Xia Yu would be watching the sunset, showing a faint sadness. Shanshan didn't know why, and he never asked Xia Yu, because if Xia Yu wanted to say, then Xia Yu would definitely tell her.


When Shanshan was very young, he knew that Xia Yu would be watching the sunset, showing a faint sadness. Shanshan didn't know why, and he never asked Xia Yu, because if Xia Yu wanted to say, then Xia Yu would definitely tell her.

Shanshan actually likes Xia Yu very much. For Shanshan, love between men and women is not enough, but for Xia Yu, it is indeed an accident. Xia Yu has never said that he likes Shanshan, nor has he said love to Shanshan. I have said that I want to be together.However, Shanshan still likes it very much.

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