Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 361

"Okay, everyone, go and prepare, Hammer, you are usually responsible for the safety of the agency city. Pay more attention to safety, Dong Guo, always pay attention to support Hammer and them, Rong'er, prepare detoxification and healing drugs, this This may be a tough battle."

Everyone nodded one after another and went to make their own preparations.

At this time, Xia Yu suddenly stopped Duanmu and Gai Nie

"Let Tianming also go this time,"

Duanmu frowned, and Gane looked at Xia Yu in confusion, hoping that Xia Yu could give them a good explanation.

Xia Yu smiled and said

"Although Tianming hasn't fully started the demon sect's exercises, after all, they have learned this kind of exercises. The biggest feature of these exercises is that they are all based on the type of fighting. It produces a different effect, and don’t you also want him to be more sensible? Perhaps, when he realizes that he can be so safe and stable now, or even nonsense, he might be more sensible if other people trade their lives."

Xia Yu paused and continued

"Of course, I also hope that Tianming can feel more in this battle, and help him better get started with the magic techniques of the Demon Sect. When the time comes, I must go to the front line. Why not let Tianming follow me,"

Gane was taken aback, and Master Ban said in disbelief

"Xia Yu, you are going to the front line, you are crazy, you are still injured."

Xia Yu shook his head

"I'm not crazy, it's just that my martial arts are very suitable for this kind of battlefield."

As for how Xia Yu's martial arts suits the battlefield, everyone hasn't realized at this time. Until that day comes, everyone knows what Xia Yu means today.

252 Qin Bing Arrives, Mo Yu Qilin

A few days later, the disciples who were on duty in the forest outside the Organ City found traces of a large number of Qin soldiers.

At this time, everyone in the organ city gathered together at once.

Dong Guo said to everyone

"This mountain is very dangerous, so when you go out, you must pay attention to safety, because there have been several waves of people who have been injured. Pay attention to safety, brothers."

Master Ban said

"Sure enough, as Xia Yu said, those Qin soldiers really searched the mountains."

Dong Guo nodded

"It's really different from the previous Soushan. This time, the number of Qin soldiers has increased. Moreover, they are all prepared. Many of our peripheral techniques have been cracked, so we should not underestimate them."

Master Ban was stunned when he heard Dong Guo's words. He unconsciously reached out and grabbed a wooden knife pinned to his waist. He was lost in thought and memory. Although he had previously judged that a public defeat might be a move, it was just A guess.However, when the organs outside the organ city were cracked, and even some of the Mo family disciples actually found traces of the organ technique of the public loser among the Qin soldiers, it was confirmed that the public loser really intervened.This discovery made Master Ban a little uncomfortable. After all, he had a good relationship with the public.

At this time, a disciple of the Mo family ran in

"Master Ban, Qin Bing of Soushan is close to the secret entrance."

Iron Hammer still didn't believe that Qin Bing came prepared, and said

"Oh, they must have caused the blind cat to run into a dead mouse. This is not the first time. It's okay. Just follow the old rules. Send a team to clean them up and it's over."

Gai Nie believed in Xia Yu's judgment. After all, this feather really looked like Bai Feng's feather.

"Things are strange. What Xia Yu said is likely to be correct. We should first send someone to investigate the movements of the officers and soldiers."

A big wave of the hammer

"Don't be so troublesome, they are just a coincidence."

Dong Guo looked at Master Ban and asked

"Master Ban, what do you think should be done now"

Master Ban glanced at Xia Yu who was resting on the other side, sighed and said

"What else can I do with the security work of the usual organ city? Sledgehammer is responsible for it. If he has experience, let's listen to him."

Hammer laughed and said to the disciple who reported the letter

"You tell Shihu, send a few people to clean them up. Go early and return early."

The disciple nodded


At this time Master Ban and Xia Yu spoke at the same time

"and many more."

Master Ban glanced at Xia Yu, then walked to which disciple and said

"You tell the brothers of the Mo family that if you find anything abnormal after you leave the city, you must not fall in love with the battle, come back immediately, understand?

After speaking, Master Ban looked back at Xia Yu and said

"Xia Yu, do you have any more orders?"

Xia Yu is sitting in a wheelchair. Although his prosthesis has been made for him by the master class in the past few days, it has not been adjusted yet, so he usually sits in a wheelchair.When Master Class finished his instructions, Xia Yu spoke

"Hammer, don't be afraid of trouble, or go there yourself, so that no matter whether these Qin soldiers are searching for the mountains or are really prepared, they can deal with them. Remember, if you have any problems, come back immediately."

Hammer thought for a while, nodded, and said

"Okay, then I'll go there myself."

Xia Yu had abolished a leg in order to help Yue’er’s illness. He was very impressed by the hammer. Therefore, although he did not believe that the Qin soldiers that Xia Yu said were really for the organ city, but, Under the condition that Xia Yu said that there were no problems, Hammer was still willing to do what he said.

As for Gane, perhaps he has really made a lot of contributions to the Mo Family, but Hammer still does not admire him so much. For Hammer, no matter who it is, he will only listen to him if he really admires him. What he said.

It was three hours after the hammer left, which made Dong Guo very anxious.

"Master Ban, it's been three hours, why didn't Hammer come back? No, there is no news,"

Master Ban stood up and said

"Oh, Xiao Zhi, what are you worried about? You don't know what the sledgehammer is. It's just some Qin soldiers, it's okay."

With that said, Master Ban walked to Dong Guo's side, and a chaotic punch against Dong Guo made Dong Guo very puzzled.Master Ban just smiled

"Relax, we have never seen a big scene in the Mo Family in recent years,"

Dong Guo smiled, but his expression was still unnatural, he was obviously worried about the hammer.

Master Ban said that he was very relaxed, but in fact he was also worried about the safety of the hammer and those disciples.

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