Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 370

"Okay, you go with us."

When Tianming heard it, he was immediately unhappy. That wouldn't work. Don't let Shaoyu abandon him.

Thinking of this, he also ran to Dong Guo's side

"I want to go, I want to go too!"

Dong Guo hesitated. At this time, Tianming didn't have much fighting power, and he could cause trouble.However, Dongguo has no way to say anything he refuses, which does not mean that Duanmu cannot say

"Where to go, you are not allowed to go!"


"You are not in good health. Go and join in the fun. Besides, it is not fun."

Tianming doesn’t know how to argue with Duanmu, so he can only look at Dongguo

"Brother Zhi."

It’s a pity that he forgot that Dong Guo was Duanmu’s first dog licking. Although he licked the dog and licked the dog until the end, Duanmu did choose Gai Nie instead of Dong Guo, but Dong Guo would still support it for no reason. Duanmu's decision.

No, like Duanmu, Tianming's request was rejected.

"Yes, your health is not good, listen to Rong'er, don't join in the fun, after you have taken care of your body, you can fight with us again."

Tianming is still not convinced

"I can't do it without internal power."

How could Duanmu let Tianming do such a dangerous thing?

"That's not okay, what if there is a chance?"

Guyie also spoke at this time

"Tianming, you want to help everyone, don't worry at this moment, first heal your wounds before talking."

Tianming is very angry

"You all treat me like a cripple."

Duanmu is very good at Fu Tianming and said to Tianming

"You don't want to be a waste, do you? Okay, come and help me take care of the wounded."

Where is Tianming?

"I do not want."

Duanmu said

"War is an adult's business, and if you go, it will cause everyone trouble."

Tianming pointed to Shaoyu and said

"Then, why can Shaoyu go?"

Duanmu's eyes turned

"Okay, Shaoyu, you are with us,"

Shaoyu is not happy anymore

"Me? Why?"

Tianming said

"We obviously can all fight,"

Shaoyu interrupted Tianming

"Come on, don't tell me, if it wasn't because you mentioned me..."

"If it weren't for me..."

When the two said this, they quarreled.Facts have proved that even two teenagers quarreling is very annoying, Duanmu shouted

"You two shut up for me, who is talking, who I am dumb."

Xia Yu looked at the gloomy expressions of Tianming and Shaoyu, and smiled. To be honest, the two are really funny.Speak

"Okay, Shaoyu go to fight with Dongguo. As the young master of the Xiang clan, I think you will never be unfamiliar with fighting. Even on the battlefield, you are the strongest."

After hearing this, Shaoyu looked at Tianming proudly, his expression seemed to say, look, I can finally go to war, you can only take care of the wounded.

Xia Yu ignored Shaoyu’s expression and continued

"As for Tianming, when will you be able to learn the martial arts I gave you and when will you be able to do it. As for now, you can honestly take care of the wounded with Duanmu."

Tianming still feels unfair, very unhappy, Xia Yu continued

"Well, in order to prevent you from escaping, and Duanmu can't stop you, let me take care of the wounded."

This time Tianming was completely dumbfounded, he was very afraid of Xia Yu.Because Xia Yu has always been strict with him, it is a strictness that is different from Duanmu's strictness. It is a strictness that makes Tianming very courageous, and a strictness that always makes Tianming feel that if he is not obedient, he will die.

This is actually just a kind of coercion used by Xia Yu against Tianming. In fact, it is to oppress Tianming’s mind that cannot resist by his own thought power. It is a very simple application technique. When in the night, all monks have thought power. The reason is that this method is not very practical, but if the vitality is thin today, this little technique is very useful.Moreover, because Tianming has the power of Yusha in his body, he is more sensitive to these powers, so it is the situation that Tianming is so afraid of Xia Yu at this time.

After everyone parted, Duanmu looked at everyone and said

"I'm stressing once again that Baicao Pill is no longer enough. Everyone should save some use. Baicao Pill is only effective for people who have not yet planted poison, or who do not have deep poison. Don't give it to those who are already unconscious. It's useless to eat,"

Xia Yu sighed

"Although we have tried our best to find out before opening the sluice gate, after all, there will still be negligence, and in order to buy time, there were indeed some places that were not explored at that time. I hope that there is no accident with those disciples."

Duanmu nodded and said

"By the way, who of you knows acupuncture?"

Xia Yu speaks

"I will,"

Some of the Mohist disciples also raised their hands and said that they would know a little.

Duanmu nodded, and divided his team into each other. Of course, Xia Yu still had to go with Duanmu and Tianming. After all, Tianming had to rely on Xia Yu to hold him down.

"When everyone encounters a comatose person, first protect their heart with acupuncture and then lift him to a place where the air is relatively circulated and the poisonous gas is thin. Hurry up and act quickly."

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