Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 378

"Yes, it is a chivalrous man, a chivalrous man, like a man standing with a sword, protecting two weak people. If you keep saying that you want to be a hero, then you must understand that you must be like this word, a real chivalrous It's not that martial arts are outstanding and superior to everyone, but people who want to do their best to protect others. As long as they do this with their heart, a person's strength is a real hero even if he is humble."

Xia Yu nodded and said

"Okay, well said, Tianming, you have to understand that your inner strength is the strongest. As long as you understand this and make up your mind, it's never too late to start working hard."

Master Ban has also looked at Tianming and said

"Boy, you have to keep in mind what I said today, Xia Yu and Lao Gai. I believe that one day, you will be useful. Remember, a person has good intentions. , Working with your heart, small people will also become great. On the contrary, if a person has a hostile heart, even if he has practiced martial arts and obtained the world-shaking secrets, he can only become like defeating enemies. In that way, because of hatred in my heart, I wasted my life in vain."

Guy Nie nodded and said

"These days, I also think a lot. You can live your life without forgiving me. This is your right. I can't interfere. But you don't have the right. Because of this knot, you have been decadent, self-destructive, and even crooked. Road, squandering life, you are burdened with the expectations of many people. You are not alive alone. You may not understand what I said, but I really hope that you can think about it."

Tianming looked at everyone, then nodded

"I think about it."

Xia Yu said

"After this incident, no matter what the outcome is, I will leave. I should go to Xianyang, Tianming, I can’t teach you anything, but I think that there will be a day when you can control it. With the power of your own jade evil spirit, martial arts has this old cover beside you, I think you don’t need me to teach you anything.

Master Ban looked at Xia Yu in surprise

"Xia Yu, are you leaving?"

Xia Yu nodded and said

"This time I came to the Organ City, mainly to help Yue'er treat the illness and ask you to help make the prosthesis. Now that both things have been completed, I have to do my own thing."

Duanmu looked at Xia Yu and asked

"Where are you going next?"

Xia Yu said with a smile

"Maybe I will go to Xianyang, Xiaochuan should be there now, and then I will go back to the mountains and forests where I used to live in seclusion, take some good wines from the past, and wait for the next time I meet you, I will drink with everyone A cup."

259 plants, trees, bamboo and stones, all can be swords.

Master Ban sighed.

"Now that you have decided, I won't stop you, and have a safe journey."

Duanmu also nodded,

"Safe journey."

This made Xia Yu very helpless. They all said that after the matter was over, as a result, these people said that he was going to leave now.

"I said, several people, I am not going to leave now. Why did you say that I am going to leave now. Even if I want to leave, Wei Zhuang and those Qin soldiers won't let it."

Master Ban was taken aback and laughed

"makes sense,"

At this time, Mohe's door opened, and everyone looked back, and it turned out that Zhang Liang had returned.

Zhang Liang said

"Brother Hammer and I met Yi Fuzi just now, and it has been resolved."

Guyie looked at Zhang Liang and asked

"Where is Wei Zhuang?"

Zhang Liang shook his head

"I didn't see it, Hammer went to look for it again."

Gane was lost in thought. Where can Wei Zhuang go at this time?

The door was opened once, and this time, the voice came back before anyone else

"Girl Rong, girl Rong!"

It was Xiao Gao's voice. His voice was a little weak and anxious. Obviously, he and Xue Nu were in trouble.

Duanmu heard the sound and hurried over, and saw Xiao Gao holding Xue Nu out, playing back with some difficulty, both of them were very pale, and Xue Nu was so weak that he had to rely on Xiao Gao's support to move.

"What's going on here?"

Duanmu hurriedly asked

Xiao Gao replied

"Axue has been poisoned by Chilian. I have been lucky for her just now. I am afraid that her remaining poison will not be exhausted. Please show her quickly."

Duanmu helped Xiao Gao over the Snow Girl and said

"Okay, come."

She helped the Snow Girl to a clearing inside the ink core,

"Come on, be careful."

Seeing that Xue Nu was picked up by Duanmu, Xiao Gao breathed a sigh of relief, and then fainted. Fortunately, Gai Nie was close to him, otherwise he would fall to the ground.

"Xiao Gao, what's wrong with you?"

Guy Nie asked worriedly

Xiao Gao shook his head and said

"It's okay. I had too much luck just now, and I consumed some internal energy. Just rest."

Gane hurriedly asked

"Did you meet other people just now?"

Xiao Gao glanced at Guy Nie, he naturally knew who Guy Nie was looking for

"And Baifeng,"

Gane is a little unbelievable


At this time, Xue Nu has been treated by Duanmu, and has eased

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