Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 386

A day later, Xia Yu and Susu hurried to the road with the giant, without stopping along the way. In the end, they finally felt that in the barren mountain outside Xianyang, it was the mountain where Xia Yu awoke.

"Susu, you go to Xianyang and look for Xiaochuan. If you don't know where to look, then go to Mengfu and mention Xiaochuan."

Susu nodded. She didn't know where Xia Yu was going. However, thinking of the situation of the giant, Xia Yu probably wanted to bury the giant by herself.So, very sensible nodded and walked towards Xianyang.

What Xia Yu is going to is where he wakes up. Anyway, he doesn't plan to fall asleep here anyway. When his injury heals, he will leave here to look for Shanshan and others outside the sky.

The place where I slept is the mountains, which was built by a group of people from Ningque. The environment is very good, and it is reasonable to use it to protect my rare friend.

When Xia Yu walked into the city under the barren mountain, the giant also came to life.

"Where is this place?"

Xia Yu put the giant on the stone platform and said with a smile

"The place where I retreat is isolated from the world. I think it's best to use it as a place behind you."

The giant was taken aback. Everyone in the Mo family knew that Xia Yu was a descendant of the ancient academy. Then the place where he retired was probably the remains of the academy. Using this place as a place behind him, the giant suddenly felt extremely honored and terrified.

"How can I be buried in the ruins of the academy."

Xia Yu said with a smile

"Why do you think so much? Even I can't extend your life in your body. Now there are only three days left. I didn't ask the Mo family to give you away. I don't think you want them to be because of you. Wasted time."

At this time, the giant had no ability to move. In other words, if Xia Yu were not here, the giant would have died.

"I won't say thanks to you. There is nothing to thank you for those who are about to die."

Xia Yu smiled and shook his head

"How not?"

The giant looked at Xia Yu with interest

"What do you like about me? Say it and I'll see if I can give it to you."

Xia Yu raised the wine jar in his hand

"Drink with me."

The giant was stunned,

"it is good!"

Xia Yu threw the wine tank in his hand to the giant, and then injected a thought power into the giant. Although he couldn't save the giant, it was okay for the giant to raise his hand and drink.

"Let me tell you, my wine is handed down from ancient times. It is a fine wine brewed when the academy was still alive. It is good luck for you to drink this wine before you die."

The giant smiled bitterly and pointed to Xia Yu

"I'm going to die, why, do you feel bad when you drink your wine?"

Xia Yu waved her hand

"Hey, don't tell me I'm picking, I don't have much wine, so you can only play with this jar."

The giant opened the sealing soil on the top of the wine jar, and a strong aroma of wine spread from it, and the giant took a deep breath

"Good wine, I can drink this wine before I die, I have no regrets!"

Xia Yu smiled

"As I said, this wine is handed down from ancient times. You can drink it after you have been convinced for eight lifetimes."

The giant laughed, he couldn't tell that this was a dying person, but he was very proud.

Giant, oh no, now Tianming is a giant. At this time, only Ju Xuan, Ju Xuan has not been drinking so happily for many years. For the Mo family, he must always keep himself sober. Even if he drinks, he can only drink in moderation. Ju Xuan was very happy to be able to drink a drink happily before he died.

Ju Xuan was happy, and Xia Yu was in a good mood. As one of his rare friends in this era, even if Xia Yu couldn't save him, he hoped that he could die happily instead of leaving with regret.

After drinking like this, it was three days later.

Three days, a very wonderful day, neither long nor short, usually ordinary, but it was the last end of Ju Xuan's life.

Ju Xuan died very peacefully. He and Xia Yu drank three days of wine and chatted three days of gossip. In the end, he died without any pain.

Liuli Poison Technique is a very vicious poison technique, otherwise the Xi family would not classify it as a forbidden technique. The most striking feature of a vicious poison technique is its death. It is miserable.

However, Ju Xuan's life was very good. Xia Yu was by his side. When the third day came, Xia Yu knew that Ju Xuan could not survive, knocked Ju Xuan out in advance, and then euthanized him.

Killing one's own friend by himself may be a difficult thing for other people to accept. Even if the friend himself is about to die, and it is still uncomfortable at the time of death, the psychological state is to make you Unable to help him understand life.

For Xia Yu, this is not a problem, not only because he understands that Ju Xuan can't live anymore, but also because of the things he has experienced, the stories in the Jiangye period.

This is not the first time he has learned about his friends. Well, of course, it can be said that it is the first time, but psychologically, this is not the first time.

Before Ye Qing, Xia Yu was beside him, and even helped Ye Qing, because this was a friend's request.

in fact.Neither Xia Yu nor Ye Qing are friends, just a few words, but they admire Ye Qing Xia Yu, so in Xia Yu's heart, Ye Qing has the same status as a friend.

Of course, if only experienced, Xia Yu would not be so calm and smooth.This is also because Xia Yu, to some extent, killing people is no longer a major event.

During the period of the night, Xia Yu's biological mother was forced to death by Xiling. Xia Yu massacred many Taoist temples in Xiling, and the massacres were carried out in batches, from the time the master was still to the destruction of the Haotian world.

It almost runs through the entire era of Jiang Ye. Therefore, it is totally unreasonable to say that Xia Yu kills embryos at once. Under such circumstances, under this kind of experience, killing has never been a matter for Xia Yu, even Xia Yu will feel that sometimes , Killing is the easiest thing.

Ju Xuan died and died with a whole body of internal power. Although Xia Yu said that he would suck this internal power away, he actually did not do so. After all, internal power was not only useless for him, but also a burden.

Xia Yu tidied up the things in the underground palace, and brought the wine gourd planted by the eleven brothers, the six brothers and the fourth brothers together, and the purse left by the seventh sister, and slowly walked out of the stone room, um, almost forgot There was only a little wine left. Ju Xuan was too good to drink, and he drank all the Tibetan wine in Xia Yu here.As for other things, Xia Yu, like the chessboards of the fifth and eighth brothers, didn’t plan to move. Let Ju Xuan be buried as a funeral. You can find the brothers in the future. .

The underground palace was sealed by Xia Yu, and he didn't plan to come back in the future. The next time he came to this mountain, it was time to leave the world.

The Mo family's affairs are considered to be good, the Yu Sha Yugui's affairs, as long as you stare at the Yin Yang Family, Xia Yu is really curious, he vaguely remembered, in the mythological story, Zhao Gao is a friend of Xiaochuan, but , Now, in this world, Zhao Gao is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin and Yang family. He has no memory of Qin Shimingyue Xia Yu, and this world is very different from the myth.

However, although the world will not follow the vague world trend in Xia Yu’s memory, the fact that Xiaochuan is Meng Tian’s younger brother will not change. Therefore, Xia Yu came to Xianyang this time, and this Ogawa’s thoughts, and, three days ago, Susu was sent to Xianyang to find Ogawa.

As for Susu’s safety, Xia Yu is not at all worried. Susu’s talent is not good, and after learning so long with himself, he can’t deal with top players like Gai Nie. It’s okay for a level player like Hammer. In Xianyang City, there are many masters, and they will not all be at the top level. Moreover, the masters at that level are all Yingzheng people, and they will not shoot at will.Therefore, Susu is very safe.Well, the ones who need to worry are those who have a bad heart for Susu and have a bad plan.

263 Return to Xianyang

This is not the first time Xia Yu has come to Xianyang, but every time he comes to Xianyang, he feels different. When he came here a year ago, Xia Yu could still feel the power of Ying Zheng and make every effort to govern, but one year later In the past few days, the people in Xianyang no longer live and work in peace as before.

The people living in Xianyang City, even the most ordinary people, are either rich or noble in other cities. Therefore, the country’s corvee in the past has nothing to do with these people living in Xianyang City.

However, in the past year, even the people in Xianyang City are now facing the situation of being enslaved. It is enough to see what the country has become at this time, and Yingzheng's mind is no longer in national politics.

It is said that today Ying Zheng is not only the relationship between Zhao Gao and the Yin Yang family, but there is also a person beside Ying Zheng, Gao Yao, yes, it is the person who later became Zhao Gao in the myth. To tell the truth When Xia Yu learned the news from the people, he was very surprised and interested. What was it like when the two Zhao Gao met, but at this time, Gao Yao is not Zhao Gao yet. I don’t know if he knows. Knowing that he himself would have become Zhao Gao.

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