Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 388

"Although it is a green leaf, I know it is a green mountain,",

Xiaochuan is very anxious

"Your life is almost gone, I have no intention of picking leaves with you."

Meng Tian looked at Xiaochuan and said

"Xiaochuan, sit down, you and I know that the poison on my body this time has no chance to be cleaned up. My death is just a matter of time, if so, why not take it calmly? Think about it. what."

Xiaochuan thought of something and looked at Meng Tian in surprise

"You don't mean to tell me,,,,"

Meng Tian smiled

"Of course it's my funeral. I remember that I told you that the Meng family is loyal for generations. Since the first day of my military training, I am ready to serve the country with passion."

Ogawa solemnly said

"Well, what can you tell me? I will try my best to help you, but you must never give up on yourself."

Meng Tian said

"Confucian scholars were smashed, Juxian cousins ​​were investigated and killed, and someone assassinated me. In the end, who instigated these things, you and I are all clear, but what do you think we should do?"

Xiaochuan looked at Meng Tian with some doubts

"You want me to,,, get rid of Gao Yao and Li Si?"

Meng Tian shook his head

"Li Si is today's prime minister and the head of a hundred officials. Thanks to him, Da Qin was able to achieve hegemony. How can I get rid of him for some grievances and grievances with others? Xiaochuan killed them, Da Qin is unstable, they have power alone, Da Qin Still unstable,"

Ogawa nodded very heavily

"I understand. Above the court, only you, Lord Fusu, are able to compete with them when you are here. Now you two are gone. That's why so many major incidents happened one after another."

Meng Tian coughed a few times and said

"When I die, maybe it will be worse. I thought about it. The perfect solution is to find someone who can match them and is very reliable. This person, after I die, can talk to them in the court. Fight to the end, Ogawa, I think this person is you."

Xiaochuan said hesitantly

"Why do you say that?"

Meng Tian raised the green leaf in his hand,

"Although it is a green leaf, I know Qingshan."

Ogawa said

"I think you have taken a blind eye. What virtue and ability do I have? I can't even save the brothers from Juxiantang. I'm still in prison. Now I'm just a grassroots. What do you think I have contend?"

Meng Tian said,

"You know, why they can't deal with me in the court, so they can only use this method of assassination?"

Meng Tian looked at Xiaochuan very solemnly

"Military power! I have 300,000 Meng Family Army allegiance to me, you know? As long as you are my brother and take over the Meng Family Army as my brother Meng Yi, you can compete with them,"

Ogawa was hesitating, perhaps because of the contradiction between him and Meng Tian a long time ago.

Meng Tian continued to persuade

"Xiaochuan, I can only rest assured that the Meng Family Army is handed over to you, otherwise I will die."

Xiaochuan still chose his love at this time

"Sorry, I can't join the Meng Family Army,"

Meng Tian puzzled


Ogawa said

"Because I don't want to give up Yushu, nor do I want to get involved in a power struggle,"

Meng Tian took a deep breath

"Ogawa, in this world, responsibility is far more important than emotion. Responsibility is not only about yourself, but also about the life and death of others, but also about the rise and fall and survival of the country. We will not talk about others, just say Li Concubine, didn't she give up her freedom and emotion early just for the sake of responsibility?"

Xiaochuan was a little angry when he heard Yushu's name

"Don't tell me Yushu, you don't understand love at all. I'm different from you. We come from two worlds. In my heart, love is supreme. I'm sorry, I can't take on this important task because of my grasp."

Meng Tian nodded and said

"Actually, I actually thought so before. When you retired from the Meng Family Army, I thought so. I also doubted you. But this time, you stepped forward and went to rescue Juxiantang. Those brothers are courageous and strategic, loyal and righteous. At this time, you have forgotten yourself and Yushu. From that moment on, I think you are okay."

Ogawa suddenly refused

"You are wrong. My impulse is just a momentary impulse. I am not as great as you said. I'm sorry, please be smart."

What else did Meng Tian say? At this moment, a soldier from the Meng Family Army came over.What was said in Meng Tian’s ear,

Then Meng Tian said

"Bring them all here."

The soldier walked in with a group of shameless prisoners.Meng Tian explained

"These are the Xiongnu women we just caught. You can choose them at will and treat them as gifts from me."

As an aspiring young man in the twenty-first world, Xiaochuan naturally would not accept such slavery

"I won't accept these gifts from you,"

Meng Tian smiled

"You are thinking about it."

Then he looked at the slaves and said

"Let them kneel down and let us take a good look."

Then the soldiers of the Mengjia Army began to punch and kick the Huns.Forced these people to kneel on the ground.

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