Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 391

"Sir, what's wrong with my Mr. Yi"

Xia Yu's frowned eyebrows deepened.

"He was injured not long ago? Not only did he have many injuries, but he also had serious internal injuries."

With that said, Xia Yu pulled up Xiaochuan’s sleeves, saw the scar on Xiaochuan’s body, and asked

"Punishment? Who sent Xiaochuan to justice? With such a serious injury on his body, you even let him kneel here overnight, Meng Tian's heart is indeed quite cruel."

Xia Yu completely forgot the lively things he watched in the theater yesterday, and blamed all the sins on Meng Tian.

Hearing Xia Yu's bad things about Meng Tian, ​​Vice General Pang couldn't help but shoot Xia Yu.Xia Yu frowned and looked at him

"You want to shoot?"

Lieutenant Pang is naturally unable to take action. After all, Xia Yu is a guest of Ogawa, but he still said

"Naturally, I dare not do anything to my husband, but I also ask my husband to take back the words that slandered our general."

Xia Yu smiled

"Forget it, who doesn't know about Meng Tian's cruelty, and you think Meng Tian is a good person."

He hugged Xiaochuan

"Where is his home? I'll take him back."

Although Lieutenant Pang had some opinions on Xia Yu, he also knew that sending Xiaochuan back at this time was the most important thing.

Three days later, Ogawa woke up

"Why am I at home? No, Meng Tian! I'm going to find Meng Tian."

Hearing the sound of Ogawa's movements, the Hun woman who was taking care of him in the room hurriedly walked to him, but Ogawa was still talking

"I'm going to find Meng Tian,"

The woman couldn't bear to say

"Sir, you have been in a coma for three days,"

Ogawa froze

"Three days, what about them? How are they?"

The woman had tears under her eyes and said nothing.Ogawa understands the answer, a little lonely

"He still killed them all,"

Ogawa looked at the woman and said

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry,"

The woman took a deep breath and said


Then he got up and backed up a few steps and fell to his knees

"Please be respected by Dexiang,"

Xiaochuan is a little worried

"What are you doing, get up quickly."

The woman, Dexiang said

"This is the highest etiquette of our Huns, I use it to pay respect to Mr. Xie,"

Xiaochuan is very sad

"Why do you want to thank me, I failed to save their lives, I don't deserve your thanks,"

Dexiang got up and said

"Sir, because of your begging in the rain all night, they were put to death directly. Their souls are free from the pain of being Ling Chi and can go directly to heaven, sir, Dexiang is willing to use everything, including life, to repay Your kindness, sir,"

At this time, Xia Yu walked in and said

"Dexiang, go out first, I have something to say with Ogawa."

Dexiang got up and walked out of the room.

Xiaochuan looked at Xia Yu, a little sad

"What era is this? It is also a thing to be grateful for to be able to die happily?"

Xia Yu sighed and said

"Xiaochuan, you still haven't seen the world of this era clearly. The war hasn't been long since the war, but the north is still raging. The nobles of the six countries all have the desire to restore the country. The people don’t live a life. Isn’t it a blessing to be able to die happily in such an era and such a world?"

Ogawa sighed and looked at Xia Yu

"Brother Xia, tell me why this is?"

Xia Yu shook his head and didn't say anything. He knew that Xiaochuan would understand it himself. Maybe he already understood it but he didn't believe it.

Ogawa continued

"Brother Xia, do you believe it? After a long, long time, war will no longer be used to solve problems in the world. People can also measure their value without life and death."

Xia Yu nodded

"Maybe such a day will come. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the country is prosperous and powerful. It's a pity that the world is not like this now."

Xia Yu shook his head and said

"Don't talk about it, what's the matter with your injuries? Someone has tortured you before?"

Ogawa shook his head

"It's in the past,"

Xia Yu frowned. He knew what Xiaochuan meant and didn't want to intervene by himself. However, Xiaochuan's injury was indeed too serious. Even if Duanmu came here, it would take a long time to heal him.

"Since you have said it, I will not ask. I will tell you two pieces of news. You must be mentally prepared."

Xiaochuan looked at Xia Yu, a little strange. Xia Yu and him rarely spoke so solemnly. Obviously, this is not a trivial matter.

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