Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiang Ye Chapter 41

Although Xia Yu was not a pure swordsman, he was the one who realized his sword intent after all, and Liu Bai realized the sword intent of the big river from the big river, and has since stood at the forefront of the swordsman in the world.

The two of them, although they didn't do anything, nor did they collide between their thoughts, they were indeed competing between swords and intents.Liu Bai was because Xia Yu injured the man in the sword pavilion. Although that man was a traitor, he could only be dealt with by Liu Bai. This was Liu Bai's pride.

And Xia Yu really wanted to compete with this world's first swordsman, to see how much his sword was inferior to him, so as to perfect his Wuhen sword intent.


Although Xia Yu is very strong and talented in swordsmanship, compared to the sword master Liu Bai, Xia Yu's sword is still weaker.

Sure enough, after a while, Xia Yu suddenly stepped back, a little blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the proud figure at the gate of Jiange, Xia Yu felt helpless and said

"Sure enough, you are very strong on the way of kendo, maybe no one in this world beats you half a point in kendo except my teacher. How, nowadays, you are out of my anger at the swordsman disciples? "

Liu Bai nodded and looked at Xia Yu

"Although you made me angry about your action against my Jian Pavilion disciple, this matter is also what my Jian Pavilion disciple did after all. My Jian Pavilion owes you an explanation."

Xia Yu looked at the Juggernaut, thought for a moment and said

"I don't need to explain anything to your sword pavilion later. I heard that your sword pavilion has the custom of collecting swordsmen's sabers in the world. My sword was accidentally broken in the wasteland before, and now I just lack a pair of swords. Choose a suitable one from the hidden sword tower in your sword pavilion?"

After Xia Yu finished speaking, she paused, as if she was thinking something, she said again

"Also, this time, there is no problem with me, but the center of this incident is after all, the master of Mochi Garden. Shouldn't your Jiange also give her an explanation?"

Liu Bai nodded and looked towards the mountains

"Mr. Twelve really has some truth, don't you know what the bookworm girl wants?"

Shanshan was suddenly asked, because he hadn't considered this issue before, he couldn't help but hesitated, so he had to look at Xia Yu with his eyes for help.

Xia Yu saw Shanshan's expression and suddenly felt very cute. It's a pity that there is no camera in this world. Otherwise, he really took a picture of Shanshan's expression at this time as a souvenir.

Xia Yu looked at Shanshan's eyes for help, a bit funny, thought about it, and said

"Juggernaut, if Shanshan, it's better to use your one shot to make up for it. In the future, without violating morals, how about one shot for Shanshan?"

Liu Bai nodded and looked at Xia Yu, smiling at the corners of his mouth, with his hands behind him

"Since Mr. Twelve said so, so be it."

Then he turned his head and said to a Jiange disciple behind him

"You take the people from Mochi Garden to the guest room of the sword pavilion, and then take Mr. Twelve to the library of the library. Mr. Twelve can take a sword from it. Mr. Twelve can choose any sword."

After speaking, looking at Xia Yu, he nodded slightly and bowed

"As long as the original master is no longer a sword in the world, you can choose at will. I will deal with the personal affairs of my sword pavilion first.

Xia Yu and the people in the mountains salute Liu Bai after hearing this.

Then, Xia Yu, Shanshan and other disciples of Mochi Garden followed the Jiange disciple whom Liu Bai had previously ordered to the Jiange guest room. This is an independent courtyard with this small pavilion in the middle of the courtyard. Very elegant, but Que also revealed a sharp aura unique to Jiange.

"This is your residence in Jiange. My name is Yan Nantian. You can tell me what you want."

That Jiange disciple, Yan Nantian said

"Mr. Twelve, are you going to the Tibetan Sword Tower with me now, or will you go after a rest?"

Xia Yu looked at Yan Nantian, then turned to Shanshan and said

"Shanshan, you guys rest here first, and I'll follow him to the Tibetan Sword Tower."

Afterwards, Yan Nantian took Xia Yu to the Jiange Building.

The hidden sword tower of Jiange is located in the center of the Jiange complex, and there are four disciples guarding the four sides outside the building.

Yan Nantian handed over with the disciples who guarded the building outside the door, and led Xia Yu into this Tibetan sword building, and introduced Xia Yu

"Since the sword pavilion was founded, every world swordsman came to challenge, and the master would hide his sword in this hidden sword building without defeating anyone. The hidden sword building has three floors, the first floor is some ordinary swords, or ordinary swords. The human saber, or the sabre of the teacher or the master of talisman. The swords of this level can be selected by the disciples of the sword pavilion after a certain assessment."

He said that he led Xia Yu to the second floor and said

"The second layer is the more precious swords, and there is also the swordsman’s natal sword. Any swordsman defeated by the master’s father will hide their natal sword on this layer as long as the sword master himself dies. Because the natal sword lacks the vitality of the sword master, most of them are not sharp in life. Only the disciples of the sword pavilion designated by the master can come to this level, and only those who are new to the way of cultivation and have no natal sword can do it. "

Xia Yu looked at this level of swords, obviously not as many as the first level. Perhaps it was because most swordsmen repaired their natal swords, so the number of people who came to challenge was not as many as ordinary people.

Yan Nantian then took Xia Yu to the third floor. The third floor was beyond Xia Yu’s expectations. There were only four swords.

"This third floor is the most precious place in this collection building. The swords stored here are the most precious, or the original owner of the sword has to do his best to defeat the master, and the sword master will face The sword that has little influence with the natal sword, or it was forged by the world's swordsmith, and considered by the master to be a sword that affects the strength of the sword master. The above are all the swords in the hidden sword building of my sword pavilion. According to the instructions of the master, Mr. Twelve, you can choose whatever you want."

Strangely speaking, when Xia Yu walked to the second floor, he felt blood-connected, as if he was urging Xia Yu to search for his sword at this level. Even the sword on the third floor was not given to Xia Yu. feel.

Xia Yu walked down the stairs and came to the second floor. Xia Yu was not a swordsman at all. A sword that was naturally suitable for him would definitely make him stronger than a more precious sword.

Xia Yu felt that the sword that suits him best was on the second floor, so he went down.In his opinion, it was a freewheeling move, but in Yan Nantian's opinion, it was a bit unbelievable. The sword of Jiange disciple's natal sword was usually taken from this hidden sword tower.

So a better sword is very important. Their sword pavilion disciples all want higher-level swords, but now Xia Yuming can choose the third-tier sword, but intends to choose the second-tier sword. This is really incredible to him. .

Xia Yu came to the second floor and followed his corner to the innermost corner of this floor.There is only one sword in this corner, a very ordinary sword. The blade is made of a material similar to ice crystals, and it is light blue. There are several groups on the sword, but it is not clear anymore. No front, but Xia Yu and Yan Nantian felt a cold breath.

Xia Yu stretched out his hand to pick up the sword, and passed the Yuan Qi through the sword. The sword started to freeze at this moment. After a while, it turned into an ice sword. At this time, you can see the pattern on the sword. It turned out to be on the sword. In the seal characters, I saw the big characters "Tianyan Wufeng" on the sword body.


"The sword of the sky flame without front? I have not heard of this sword in my sword pavilion hidden sword building before. If Mr. Twelve wants to know its specific information, he may have to wait for a while and let me go. Look up the historical list of collectors in the Tibetan sword building."

Yan Nantian said so

Xia Yu put the Sky Flame Sword into the scabbard, and after saluting Yan Nantian, he called the sword the Sky Flame Sword.

"Then it will work, I really want to know the story of this sword."

Xia Yu took the sword back to the courtyard where the people stayed in Mochi Garden, while Yan Nantian came to the room where the directory of the Tibetan sword building was located.

This is a small room, surrounded by bookshelves. The bookshelves are numbered according to the floor, the shape of the sword, and the name of the sword.

For example, the information of Changjian Qingfeng on the second floor is in the blue scroll in the bookshelf at the end of the long word at the beginning of the word two.Although this search method is troublesome, the disciples of the sword pavilion are indeed very familiar with it. Perhaps this is also related to the fact that they will be on duty in the hidden sword tower.

Yan Nantian searched the bookshelf for a long time, and neither the Erlong Bookshelf where the Long Sword was located nor the Erwu Bookshelf of Wufeng Sword had no information about the sword named Tianyan.

Yan Nantian was also afraid that the name of the sword was not recorded by Tian Yan when it was included. He even spent some time searching through the directories on the two bookshelves, but still did not find relevant information, even similar. None of the swords were found.

In the end, Yan Nantian could only find his teacher Liu Bai to answer the question.Liu Bai took the sword pavilion all the year round in a lake in the hinterland of the mountain, practising his state of mind, and there were always people around him holding hands.

Originally, as Yan Nantian, he couldn't come to Liu Bai's side, but in order to know the information about the sword in Xia Yu's hand, he had to go to Houshan to try to see Liu Bai.

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