Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 430

"Come here, please check this loyalty hall for me."

Then look at Meng Yi

"Meng Aiqing, can you guarantee that you will not rebel with Juxiantang?"

Meng Yi said to Yingzheng

"Your Majesty, if they are rebellious, the ministers will execute them on the battlefield. If they are not rebellious, they will definitely fight the enemy courageously. It is my blessing for Da Qin whether to react or not. Your lord is worried,"

The last sentence was addressed to Gao Yao and Li Si.

Gao Yao looked at Meng Yi bitterly, and wanted to say something to Ying Zheng, Xia Yu spoke

"Your Majesty, I think that what General Meng Yi said is the best way to do three things with one stone."

Ying Zheng looked at several people and said

"I once promised Meng Tian to re-interrogate Juxiantang's case. Unfortunately, Meng Tian is dead now. The case is inconclusive. Now, at the time of employment, Mr. Xia also proposed to release the prisoner. In my opinion, Send them to the battlefield and let God determine their life and death,"

Then he looked at Zhao Gao and said

"If the order continues, all prisons in Juxiantang will be in the army. Those who have fled outside will be exonerated if they participate in this expedition."

The corners of Meng Yi's mouth rose slightly, and Xia Yu let out a sigh of relief. There are indeed many capable people and strangers in Juxian Hall. Now they can get out of prison. In the future, I wonder if Xia Yu will use them.

Moreover, not surprisingly, after Ying Zheng died, Meng Yi would intervene when the world was in chaos. Now the people of Juxian Hall have become Meng Yi's great kindness, and he will definitely repay it in the future.

The stronger Meng Yi is, the stronger the forces Xia Yu can draw on, and the easier it is to find clues to the vitality of heaven and earth.

At night, in the Meng's army camp and in Meng Yi's military tent, Meng Yi was drinking with Xia Yu.

Well, Xia Yu ran out of the alchemist hall secretly.Dexiang takes care of the two.

Xia Yu and Meng Yi were drinking, suddenly, a feather arrow flew in and shot the scimitar in Dexiang's hand.For a while, several people were stunned, and it was Meng Yi's lieutenant, Pang Li who shot Yujian.

With the iron bow in his hand, Lieutenant Pang staggered into the military tent.He looked straight at Dexiang, and after taking a deep breath, Dexiang knelt down to Meng Yi.

"Please forgive Dexiang, Dexiang once swore to protect the general with my life, but I am a Huns. I have sworn since I was a child to kill all the enemies of the Huns. But tomorrow, the general, you will lead the soldiers to attack the Huns. Dexiang’s oath cannot be fulfilled. Dexiang does not want to be a perfidious person.”

He picked up the scimitar and handed it to Meng Yi.

"Please understand Dexiang's life long overdue."

284 War

Xia Yu saw this scene, smiled and said to Meng Yi

"Meng Yi, Meng Yi, look at what I said, this girl Dexiang will definitely choose an extreme dead end, but it is really difficult for this girl,"

Meng Yi did not pick up the knife in Dexiang's hand, but looked at Xia Yu and said

"Brother Xia, all right, don't laugh at me, then as I said before, Dexiang will ask you for the time being."

Xia Yu waved her hand and said

"All said, I am temporarily short of a girl who pours water, what can I do not ask."

Meng Yi looked at him holding the machete in front of him, was silent for a moment, took the machete, and said

"I told you that everyone's life is precious. Since you don't want to face this war, then you can follow Brother Xia to the Alchemist Academy to take care of him."

Dexiang's eyes shed tears and said

"Dexiang knows that choosing death is the most cowardly and selfish. But Dexiang has nothing to do. Tomorrow, my relatives will fight with my favorite person on the battlefield. Then what will I face? sorrow?"

Dexiang looked at lieutenant Pang, eyes full of dismay.

"General Pang, please forgive my cowardly choice, forgive me for my selfishness. Only this time, I came to Xianyang with hatred, but I can go back with longing. I am already very satisfied. Forget me, who came from the Xiongnu. Woman."

Xia Yu took a sip of the wine and looked at Meng Yi

"I said, Meng Yi, when did this girl hook up with your lieutenant?"

Meng Yi said very dissatisfied

"What kind of hookup? It's love."

Xia Yu looked at Meng Yi playfully

"Yes, yes, love,"

Dexiang turned to look at Meng Yi and said

"General, Dexiang hopes that the general can give me a happy one. However, Dexiang has one more request. After I die, please bury me in the water in the way of the Huns, and let my soul drift into the blood of the Huns. In it, General, do it!"

With that, he raised his neck high, so that Meng Yi could kill himself.

Seeing this, Xia Yu spoke without hindrance

"I said, Dexiang, your general said, let you go to my place to take care of me for a few days. Why, you would rather die than take care of me? I don't look ugly, right?"

Dexiang opened his closed eyes, shook his head and said

"Mr. Xia is naturally not ugly, and Dexiang is not unwilling to take care of her husband, but now Dexiang is in a dilemma and there is only one choice he can do."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again and waited for Meng Yi's hands.

Meng Yi looked at Xia Yu hesitantly, and Xia Yu nodded slightly

"Didn't you have made a decision?"

Meng Yi took a deep breath and raised the scimitar in his hand.

Seeing this, Lieutenant Pang closed his eyes unbearably and turned his head in another direction.

Meng Yi raised his hand, and the scimitar cut across Dexiang’s Xuebai’s neck. The swallows were as if there were no traces left, and there was no natural blood line on the snowy skin. Instead, Dexiang’s neck was on the side. Her hair fell quietly.

Meng Yi dropped the scimitar in his hand, picked up the hair on the ground, and said

"Dexiang, I originally planned to let you go to Brother Xia, isolate from the world, and wait for the final result. However, now that you have made your own choice, I am not good at interfering with you. Today, I will Acting chief, cut off your hair and replace your head. You have already died before me now. Starting today, you are not my slave. Dexiang, I give you freedom, but , I cannot stop the beginning of this war. All I can do is fight for Daqin and end this war. Similarly, I cannot stop your choice to fight for the Xiongnu and for your Qin people."

Meng Yi sighed, helped Dexiang from the ground, and said

"However, I can still give you another way now."

As he said, Meng Yi also helped Pang at the door, and slowly put the hands of the two people together, and said

"You go, stay away from this battlefield, the farther you go, the better, go find your own life,"

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