Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 432

But when Xia Yu heard Gao Yao say this, he thought that he must want to take this opportunity to get Meng Yi off, so when Gao Yao was about to get up, he said

"Your Majesty, General Meng is fighting for Da Qin. Now that he has returned from victory, I want to pray for Master Meng. Why not drink this glass of wine later?"

Ying Zheng looked at Xia Yu interestingly

"Oh? Mr. Xia wants to pray for General Meng."

Xia Yu nodded and said

"On the battlefield, the enemy must be killed. Although General Meng fought for Da Qin, killing is killing people. The side of his body is to be contaminated with some grievance karma. Since General Meng is fighting for Da Qin and the people of the world, I feel that This karma is still good."

Although Ying Zheng didn't understand what Xia Yu was talking about, he thought these words were mysterious and powerful, so he nodded and said

"Since Mr. Xia said so, then just do what you said, pray for Meng Aiqing first."

Xia Yu saluted Ying Zheng and then came to Meng Yi's side.

Where did Xia Yu pray for blessings, what karma, and grievances were all in order to be able to come to Meng Yi's side and delay talking nonsense for a while.

In the meantime, he came to Meng’s side, pinched the Dharma seal in his hand, and moved around Mengyi, while driving some breeze around Mengyi with his thought force, as if what a great thing he was doing at this time, but in fact, He was just pretending.

After a while, Xia Yu walked to Meng Yi's body, stopped, her lips moved slightly, as if she was chanting some spell, but she was actually speaking to Meng Yi.

"Gao wants to take this opportunity to toast you, probably to irritate you, although I don't know the method he intends to use, but no matter what happens, you have to calm down and wait for me to go back and talk to you about specific things. Remember to be calm."

After seeing Meng Yi nodding slightly, Xia Yu stopped the mind that was driving the breeze, turned around and looked at Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, I have finished praying for General Meng,"

Ying Zheng laughed and said

"Okay, then let Meng Aiqing drink this wine with me."

Hearing Ying Zheng’s words, Gao Yao brought the glass of wine to Meng Yi’s front, handed the wine to Meng Yi respectfully, and said to Meng Yi.

"Master Meng, Gao must wish sincerely and sincerely, hoping that this glass of wine from your majesty can resolve the misunderstanding between me and Master Meng. Master Meng, please!"

Meng Yi looked at Gao Yao coldly, then reached out and took the wine glass, and said to Ying Zheng

"Your Majesty, it is the duty of the minister to fight for Da Qin. The minister is grateful for the great love of your majesty this time. Therefore, the minister must drink this cup of wine for the soldiers of the whole army,"

Ying Zheng said with satisfaction

"Good! Meng Aiqing, you have to drink it happily."

Meng Yi drank the wine in the glass, Gao Yao came to Meng Yi's side flatteringly, took the glass, and said to Meng Yi at the same time

"Li Fei has been beaten into the cold palace,"

Then said loudly

"Congratulations, Master Meng."

Meng Yi kept thinking about calmness and calmness in his heart, but in fact, he was a little unable to calm down. He stretched out his hand to hold Gao Yao’s collar and asked.

"what did you say?"

Gao Yao turned and said with aggrieved expression

"Master Meng, let go, Master Meng, you,,,,"

Meng Yi didn't let go, but grasped a little tighter.Said to Gao Yao

"High important, don't deceive people too much."

Gao Yao said with a smile

"Master Meng, don't care about the past between us,"

The two argued for a while, Ying Zheng became a little angry, and his expression began to change. Seeing this, Xia Yu hurriedly knocked Meng Yi out with his thoughts.

Seeing Meng Yi fainted, Ying Zheng couldn't worry about getting angry, so he asked hurriedly.

"Doctor, what happened to Meng Aiqing?"

After seeing the imperial doctor, he said to Ying Zheng

"Your Majesty, Monsieur Meng has no serious problems, but he was too tired and passed out."

A trace of unbelief appeared on Ying Zheng's face, and Xia Yu spoke at this time

"Your Majesty, when I prayed for General Meng just now, I was aware that I was only General Meng who fought for a long time. I didn’t have enough rest. I was a little tired. Now, I’m probably too nervous on the battlefield. The suffocation entered the body. Just now because of being too tired, when he was almost in a coma, Lord Gao Yao was treated as the Huns."

Yingzheng's face became a lot slower and looked towards Xia Yu

"So that's it, I said Meng Aiqing is so weird today. He is humble and polite on weekdays, but today he is a bit perverse."

"What can Mr. Xia do? This evil, yes, is the evil spirit serious?"

Xia Yu shook his head and said

"It only needs to be trained for a period of time, but this training place should be more remote. Why not let General Meng go to my alchemist academy for training? It is secluded, and because of your majesty’s will, there are usually very few people coming and going. ."

Ying Zheng hesitated. After all, the Alchemist Academy was a place to refine the pill for him. Even now, with the method Xia Yu taught him, his consumption of pill has been reduced a lot, but he still has to take it, so , He didn't really want Meng Yi to go to the Alchemist Academy.However, Xia Yu's words were right. If you want to find a sparsely staffed and secluded place, only the alchemist hall is most suitable.

After hesitating for a moment, Ying Zheng said

"Don't have to be so troublesome. Let Meng Aiqing cultivate in her own house. I decreed that no one should disturb his cultivation."

The ministers salute


Meng Yi was sent back to his general mansion by the guards, which is not far from the original Meng Mansion, and the original Meng Yi is now under the name of Meng Yi, but he rarely passes by.

In the evening, Meng Yi opened his eyes and looked around very vigilantly. After a while, he found that he was in his own home, and then he relaxed. However, at this time, a voice came over, letting him relax. Tighten up at the time.

"you're awake."

Meng Yi heard the sound and saw that it was Xia Yu. He was sitting where he usually sat, drinking, drinking, and pouring a glass to the ground.

Xia Yu turned to look at Meng Yi and said

"You don't need to think about Lifei. Of course, it's useless to think about it. It's pretty good that she hasn't been sentenced to death."

Meng Yi sat up, looked at Xia Yu, and asked anxiously

"what is the problem?"

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