Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 438

"General Meng, we are born to be members of the Meng family army, and death is the ghost of the Meng family army."

"Yes, if you want General Meng to leave us, and want us not to be called Meng's army, we will never agree."

This scene was also here. Li You, who was invited by Xiaochuan to accept the Meng Family Army, saw it. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. Fortunately, Meng Yi didn’t have any antipathy. , It's just the general commander.

Seeing this, Ogawa raised his hand to stop everyone’s voice and said

"Brothers, I ask you, what is the soul of the Meng Family Army?"

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As if the nerve response is normal, the many soldiers below clenched their right hands and fixed their chests.

"Loyal to the liver and righteousness, bravely to pass on the soul."

Ogawa continued

"However, what you are doing at the moment is contrary to the law. The military loyalty of the Meng family army is not to me alone. The so-called loyalty is your pledge to the country, whether I am still here or not. No matter if you are still called the Meng Family Army in the future, you must remember that you are Daqin soldiers, what you are defending is Daqin's land, what you are defending is Daqin's people, I hope you will not forget!"

Li You heard what Xiaochuan said and saluted Xiaochuan, saying

"Big Brother's remarks made Li You admire very much. Li You will definitely remember his eldest brother's remarks, just for loyalty and not for fame."

No one knows whether Li You's remarks are true or bluffing, but in this scene, it is considered brave to say this. Ogawa said to Li You in return.

"Meng Yi, and all the brothers of the Meng Family Army, thanked General Li,"

Next is the handover ceremony of the Meng Family Army.

Lieutenant Pang stepped forward and said loudly

"Please, the Meng Family Army Banner!"

For a time, except for Xiaochuan and Li You and the flag bearer, all the soldiers of the Meng Family Army knelt down, waiting for the flag to fall from the flagpole.

The Leilei army drum sounded, and the standard bearers slowly put away the general flag. For a while, the sound of the army drum was silenced on the entire school field, and the atmosphere of killing could not help. All the soldiers were a little sad. Once the flag was taken off In the future, I'll just talk about whether there is still the title of Meng Family Army.

Although Ogawa just said so many things, everyone understands that it is right and everyone should do it, but all the soldiers present regard the Meng Family Army as something more important than their own lives. This is not only It is a name, but also a heritage.

Finally, the military flag was folded and handed over to Xiaochuan, raising the military flag high, and many soldiers of the Meng Family Army stood up and drew their swords.

Holding a sword in his right hand, caressing the sword with his left hand, slowly passing it, blood flowed out.

The weapon fell to the ground, holding up the bloody left hand, Lieutenant General Pang said loudly

"The sky is above. Today, my brothers from the Meng Family Army and I swear by the blood in our hands that we will always be soldiers of the Meng Family Army when we live. If we die on the battlefield one day, we will also become the Meng Family. The loyal soul of the family army,"

Ogawa held the military flag in his hand, walked a few steps forward, and said to many soldiers

"Brothers, no matter where I am after Meng Yi, I will always be connected with you by blood."

Chief Tian Wu, the squad leader who went with Ogawa on missions before against Rong Di, later became the captain of the Ogawa Flying Tigers, and now he is also a general in the Meng Family Army, speaking to Ogawa

"General, although this military flag has left the high flagpole, in the hearts of our brothers, it will never land, nor will it land."

"As long as we have the word loyalty in our hearts,"

Wu Chang Tian made a fist with his right hand and said to his chest

"Loyalty is in the heart,"

Then the bloody left hand was printed on the military flag held by Ogawa.He walked quickly to the snare drum, took the stick from the snare drummer's hand, and beat it fiercely. The snare drum sounded again, this time full of sadness, reluctance, and a trace of tragic vigor.

Slowly, with the sound of army stocks, one soldier after another walked to Ogawa's side and placed his blood-soaked left hand on the military flag.

Finally, Li You brought a war horse, came to Xiaochuan’s side, looked at Xiaochuan solemnly and said

"Brother, take care now,"

Xiaochuan also looked at Li You and said

"Virtuous brother, the Meng family army is pleased to you."

"Brother don't worry."

In fact, to be honest, Ogawa did something wrong. Whether it was when he promised Meng Tian to accept the Meng family army or now he abandons the Meng family army, although he looks at his deep feelings for these soldiers, um, actually It is indeed very deep, but this way, the soldiers who will be born and die for themselves are handed over to other people. Although it can be said in the past, it ultimately hurts the hearts of these soldiers.

However, this has nothing to do with Xia Yu, at this time he is already in the palace of Ying Zheng.

This time it was Ying Zheng that Xia Yu took the initiative to find. Although it was decided that Xiaochuan would ask Ying Zheng to leave the alchemist hall to help him build the imperial tomb, but Xia Yu returned to the alchemist hall to think about it and found a very The big loophole, that is, since Gao asked them to join forces to let Xiaochuan go to the imperial tomb, how could he let himself, an obvious friend of Xiaochuan, help in the past?

If they speak more in front of Ying Zheng, they will not be able to leave the alchemist hall.Although the alchemist hall was important, it still couldn't affect the court situation, so trapping Xia Yu, a variable that could not be judged, was the best way.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu took the initiative to find Yingzheng, avoiding Zhao Gao, Gao Yao, Li Si and others, and went to find Yingzheng in private.

Ying Zheng was also very curious about this and asked Xia Yu

"Mr. Xia came to see me this time?"

Xia Yu saluted Yingzheng and said

"Your Majesty, I heard that there is another problem with the construction of the imperial tomb?"

Ying Zheng frowned first, then replied and asked

"How did the husband learn about it? I clearly understand that the husband has not left the academy for half a step. During this time, no ministers have applied to visit the alchemist academy. Therefore, it is impossible for the husband to know about this matter. Yes,"

Xia Yu smiled and said

"Your Majesty, you said before that the immortal descended from the earth. Although I denied it, some simple methods can still be used, such as divining. Moreover, my divining is very accurate."

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, looked at Xia Yu, and said

"Mr. That, why don't you help me count, can I be an emperor through the ages? Can my Daqin be passed on from generation to generation?"

Xia Yu smiled and said to Ying Zheng

"Then please wait for a while."

Then he pretended to sit on the ground, closed his eyes, and moved his lips slightly, as if he was meditating on some formula, and he did not listen to his fingers, thinking about that.

After a while, Xia Yu opened his eyes and looked at Ying Zheng and said

"Your Majesty is a man of heaven. Although you can't fully see your majesty's fate, you still see some fragments."

Ying Zheng looked at Xia Yu and said interestingly

"Mr. Tell me"

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