Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 440

The joke is over, and it is over. No matter what the situation is, it is important. Xia Yu pointed to the model in front of several people.

"This is a model of the entire Lishan Mountain, I think you can see it. After all, when you fight, the sand table used is not much different from this one."

Ogawa nodded

"The gap is really small, but it's not as detailed as this."

Xia Yu nodded

"The imperial mausoleum, it is natural to be perfect."

Then he pointed to the palace on the peak of the model on the desktop and said

"This is a palace on the ground. Shinto, city wall, river."

It turns out that this place is not a mountain closure but the ground. The reason why I want to see the mountain closure is because the palace in the basin next to it is an underground palace.Then he pointed to a cone-shaped model in the center of the basin and said

"This is the closed soil. Open the closed soil and it is the underground palace."

Hearing this, Ogawa mobilized the tools beside the table and opened the sealing soil.I looked at the model under the soil and asked Xia Yu

"Brother Xia, why is there only one hole in this place?"

Xia Yu said to Xiaochuan

"This is mainly because the structure is confidential. Each of their school orders has only one of the drawings. The real and complete drawings can only be owned by construction, that is, you. Well, you should be back now In the previous term."

Ogawa nodded, looked at the previous supervisor and asked

"Have you seen the complete drawing?"

The supervisor said

"The whole picture can only be seen by construction professionals. If the next official sees it, he will immediately goug his eyes."

Xia Yu nodded, looked at Xiaochuan and said

"Well, the defense is tight enough, I personally think that no one will know the secrets in this underground palace after thousands of years."

Xiaochuan nodded, pointed to the two pits in the narration and asked Xia Yu

"Brother Xia, are the two potholes next to the terracotta warriors and horses buried?"

Xia Yu hadn't spoken yet, the supervisor said with doubts

"Terracotta Warriors?"

Xiaochuan asked suspiciously

"You don't know the terracotta warriors?"

The supervisor hurriedly spoke

"My lord, forgive me."

Xiaochuan continued to speak

"You don't even know the terracotta warriors and horses, what school order do you still make?"

The supervisor was sweating profusely and said

"My lord, forgive me, forgive me, the official has never heard of any terracotta warriors,"

Xiaochuan pointed to the two pits and asked

"Then what if the two pits are not used to release the terracotta warriors and horses?"

Xia Yu said with a smile

"That's just an ordinary burial pit,"

The supervisor laughed

"Yes, your majesty will select thousands of the most elite soldiers, horses and chariots to be buried in this pit, so as to protect and follow the emperor in the underworld and protect the tomb."

Xiaochuan was surprised

"Martyred? Thousands of people?"

The supervisor said to Xiaochuan nervously

"My lord, please speak softly. Although the burial has been since ancient times, this time the soldiers selected are the heroes of Da Qin, so this matter needs to be kept secret."

Xiaochuan looked at the supervisor in disbelief

"You mean that thousands of soldiers will lose their lives in vain because of this burial?"

Xia Yu nodded and said

"You have to understand that today's Majesty is the First Emperor. He is the one who unified the six countries, unified the law, the books, and the cars on the same track. Only this kind of battle can be worthy of his majesty and credit."

Xiaochuan's face was very solemn, and he said to the supervisor

"You go down first,"


After the supervisor went down, Ogawa looked at Xia Yu in a desperate manner.

"Brother Xia, you will understand me as I am."

Xia Yu nodded and said

"I understand what you mean. Those soldiers shed blood and tears for Da Qin. They shouldn't die like this. Of course, not only soldiers, but ordinary people are also a life, but there is no life. You should die like this, but, Xiaochuan, you must know that in this era, life is the cheap thing."

Although Xiaochuan heard Xia Yu's words, he thought of something else in his heart. Isn't there any terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin Emperor's Tomb? Does the world miracle of preaching simply do not exist?Or are the terracotta warriors and horses all fakes of later generations?

Xia Yu sighed and said

"Moreover, Xiaochuan, you must be mentally prepared."

Xiaochuan looked at Xia Yu and asked

"Mentally prepared?"

Xia Yu nodded

"Well, yes, there are thousands of Da Qin's most elite soldiers, and now Da Qin's most elite army is the Meng family army you just disbanded,"

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