Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 447

Before Ying Zheng's words were finished, Xia Yu said

"Your Majesty, even if you are the destiny, you have to act according to the ancestral system, so that you can last forever."

Winning is exhausted, if it is not Xia Yu who is standing in front of him at this time, but someone else, if he interrupts him in this way, he can already be given a death penalty.However, it was Xia Yu at this time. Although he was angry, he could only endure it in order to survive.

Xia Yu continued

"Yushu is the royal family of Tuan, which means that she has been demoted to a slave at this time, so in the next national teacher, there is nothing wrong with disposing of a slave at will. There is no problem, right?"

Xia Yu’s words, but absolutely put Yingzheng there, if Yingzheng does not recognize Yushu’s status as a slave, then it means that he wants to change the ancestral system, and Xia Yu also said that changing the ancestral system is to change the national destiny. , But admits Yushu's status as a slave, so let alone Xia Yu and Xiaochuan who used Qiang yesterday, even the soldiers of the entire imperial tomb did it, and Ying Zheng had no reason to convict.

In other words, Xia Yu's simple words have left Ying Zheng unable to attack him and Ogawa.

Of course, it looks like a few simple sentences at this time, but what you say and what you do is completely different and not simple.

First of all, you need to have the strength of Xia Yu, so that you can say such things completely without worrying, angering Yingzheng and ordering the guards to surround yourself and kill.

Secondly, you also need to understand the ancestral system and the law, and be able to argue with Yingzheng that you did not violate any law, and let Yingzheng know how bad it was for him to kill himself if he did not violate the law. One thing.

Xia Yu is an alchemist, he himself is not so easy to die, um, not so easy to be killed by Ying Zheng, and Xiaochuan is Meng Tian’s younger brother, Meng Yi, is the former commander of the Meng family army, Ying Zheng completely believes that once he has no reason Killing Xiaochuan, then the Meng family army will definitely rebel. It is not precisely because the current Meng family army only knows people from the Meng family but not who he is, that he agreed to let Zhao Gao and Li Si’s opinions let Xiaochuan come. It was built by the imperial tomb.

Finally, that is, you and your accomplices must have the identities that can do such things, so that they can become famous.

Ying Zheng naturally understood the purpose of Xia Yu's doing this, but he could only let Xia Yu and Xiaochuan go, and even admitted that Yushu is now owned by Xia Yu. After all, Yushu is only a slave now, and he admits that. , It also means that Yushu is going to become a slave. In the future, without a reasonable name, he will not be able to make Yushu the former concubine, because her ownership has already belonged to Xia Yu Up.

In the end, Ying Zheng could only wave his hand at Xia Yu and said

"Okay, I see. Since the husband said so, then the slave will be yours."

Ying Zheng can only say that, because he knows that once he quibbles, according to Xia Yu's uncertain personality, he might decide whether he will take action against him. A concubine who he is not so fond of, compares with his own life and throne. , Ying Zheng will naturally choose the latter one.

Since ancient times, heroes love beauties and do not love countries, but since ancient times, Ming Jun has loved countries and mountains but not beauties.,

When Xia Yu returned to the imperial mausoleum, he found that this wave of unsettled waves recurred.

At this time, many farmers and laborers in the imperial tomb fell ill, and fell ill overnight.

Seeing Xia Yu's return, Xiaochuan hurriedly walked to his side and said

"Brother Xia, you are back."

Xia Yu nodded and said

"Don't worry, no one will be able to stop you and Yushu from now on. She is now a slave and is regarded as my slave. But what is going on? Everyone was fine when I left? Are all sick in between?"

Xiaochuan shook his head and said

"Thank you for Yushu."

Ogawa also knew that now Xia Yu's method was the only way to keep himself and Yushu together. Although he could not bear to let Yushu become a slave, only Xia Yu's slaves would not be taken away.

After thanking Xia Yu, Ogawa explained the situation to Xia Yu.

"I don't know what's going on. All of these farmers fell ill overnight. I briefly checked. All of them were weak in limbs and sore, but there were no other symptoms. The doctor did not find out. The reason."

Xia Yu frowned and said

"Is that so? How many people are sick now?"

Ogawa sighed

"More than 10% of people have gotten sick, and the number of patients is increasing,"

Xia Yu's solemn opening

"If they are not cured, the construction period will definitely be delayed, so this may not be a natural disaster."

Xiaochuan was taken aback and looked at Xia Yu

"You mean,?"

Xia Yu nodded

"The construction period is delayed, so your head is likely to be the same as the previous ones, and it can't be saved."

Ogawa nodded

"Indeed, so many people fell ill overnight, there is something strange about it."

Xia Yu nodded and said to Xiaochuan

"Xiaochuan, you prepare a room, and then take the first and most seriously ill patients in. Let me see what happens."

Xiaochuan nodded and said to Xia Yu

"Okay, I just cleared the room inside, and plan to let Doctor Lu use it to treat patients."

Xia Yu nodded, walked to the room first, and said when passing by Yushu's side

"Yushu, come in and help me."

Then walked into the house.

Xiaochuan also hurriedly arranged for someone to send the patient Xia Yu requested to Xia Yu's room at this time.

At this time, in that room, Xia Yu ignored the two patients who were sent in. Instead, he stretched out his hand to hold Yushu’s wrist. Just now he found that Yushu’s complexion was worse. Sure enough, Yushu was also infected. This kind of disease, but the disease is not deep.

However, Yushu's body itself is very weak. Now that the illness gets worse, her body is naturally getting worse, and it will even go from bad to worse.

Xia Yu frowned, Yushu's situation was worse than he thought, and she couldn't help but say

"Ogawa, come in first."

Xiaochuan walked in with some doubts

"Brother Xia, do you have such a clue..."

Before Xiaochuan finished speaking, I saw Xia Yu frowning and giving Yushu a pulse.

"What? Yushu too?"

Xia Yu nodded

"Yes, Yushu is also sick, and she is also sickly and sickly. At this time, the condition is not bad, but it is not optimistic. Moreover, the most important thing is that her body is because of this. I am sick, and I may not be pregnant again."

Ogawa froze for a moment. Although he didn't take the matter of having children so seriously, in this era, it is a very serious matter for women to have no offspring. He was really afraid that Yushu would not be able to think about it.

Xia Yu sighed and said

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