Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 463

After all, the sound of the piano is about to stop, and the lyrics and music have also ended. Obviously, Duanmu already knows that Gai Nie is behind him, and the lyrics and music she sings are still a woman who admires others but dare not show it openly. The Xuan'ai repertoire, at this time, is already shy.

The action stopped for a moment, and Duanmu saw that there was still no sound behind him. He couldn't help turning his head and looking behind him with some curiosity, and he saw Gai Nie looking at him affectionately.

Seeing that Duanmu turned around and saw himself, Gainie no longer stood there stupidly, so he lifted his steps and walked slowly towards Duanmu.

Walking forward, there was no change in the direction of the eyes, just staring straight at Duanmu's eyes, and then holding Duanmu's little hand, gently supporting her up.

Gai Nie looked at Duanmu that way, making Duanmu very shy, but also very happy. He smiled and said softly.

"Happy birthday."

Gai Nie took a deep breath and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it, so he couldn't help but smile.After pondering for a while, he said to Duanmu

"If you don't tell me, I forgot it myself,"

Duanmu took Gai Nie's hand and listened to Gai Nie's words, but then he thought of something again. He broke his hand from Gai Nie's hand and took something out of his waist.

This movement made Ganie very curious, and moved his head over, watching what Duanmu was going to do.

In between, Duanmu pulled out three kits, or sachets, from the bag with medicinal materials on his waist, and then slammed them into Gai Nie's hands, making Gai Nie stunned, and then looked down at Duanmu curiously An object in your own hands.

"this is?"

Duanmu was a little shy and didn't answer. At this time, cheers came from afar, obviously calling everyone over after Tianming left.

"Happy birthday,"

"Happy birthday."

Congratulations are endless and endless.Gane was very touched, and he clasped his fists to show his gratitude to everyone for their blessings.

Then, Gai Nie turned his head to look at Duanmu next to him, smiled slightly, looked down at the object in his hand, and said a little bit amused.

"You ducks, the embroidery is good."

Duanmu's face changed when he heard Gai Nie's words. There was astonishment, a trace of anger, and a bit of shyness and embarrassment.

"People embroidered mandarin ducks,,,"

As soon as the words fell, everyone around him also laughed kindly, making Duanmu even more shy, reaching out and snatching those sachets from Gai Nie's hand, and said to Gai Nie.

"Just forget it if you don't like it."

Ganie hurriedly shook Duanmu's hand that snatched the sachet and said anxiously.

"Hey? Who said no?"

Then he looked down at the sachet in his hand and the jade hand of Duanmu with a gentle look, and carefully checked Duanmu because he embroidered the stitches left on his fingers by these mandarin ducks. It was a little distressed, and this move made Duanmu even more shy, thinking To withdraw his hands, Guine pulled tighter, Duanmu heard Guine speak

"It's not easy for you,"

When Duanmu heard this, he raised his head and looked at Gai Nie, wanting to see if Gai Nie was telling the truth, and Gai Nie looked at Duanmu's eyes affectionately and continued.

"I really don't know how much you embroidered before you can find out these three,"

The warm words were said because they were distressed, but when they came out of Gane’s mouth, they turned into jokes, making everyone laugh again. Of course, everyone didn’t mean to laugh at Duanmu, just to set off the atmosphere. , It's just a close relationship.

However, everyone's laughter made Duanmu very embarrassed, a little embarrassed, and even at this moment some wanted to find a seam on the ground to get in.

Reaching out, he was about to hit Guy Nie, so Guy Nie hurriedly stopped.How good is Gai Nie, after stopping Duanmu, he also made Duanmu's center unstable and fell directly into Gai Nie's arms.

Gai Nie clasped Duanmu's shoulders with both hands, looked at Duanmu's eyes carefully, and said affectionately.

"Such a precious thing, I will definitely keep it away,"

Hearing this, Duanmu didn't have the anger and shyness just now, but lowered his head in joy.

Seeing this, Tianming shouted in a low voice

"Kiss. ​​Kiss!"

Tianming's voice seemed to be a signal, causing everyone present to follow suit and let Duanmu and Gai Nie kiss each other.

"Kiss one, kiss one"

The constant voice made Guyie feel embarrassed, seeing this, Xia Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Oh! Lao Guy, you're embarrassed. This is rare."

Master Ban was busy with Xuenv and Xiaogao during the day, and was finally empty at this time. After seeing everyone booing, he opened his mouth to relieve Duanmu and Gai Nie.

"Okay, okay, everyone don't make trouble."

After a while, both Duanmu and Gai Nie calmed down, and did not pay attention to the babbles of kisses around them.

Duanmu whispered to Guyie

"These three tips mean that you can make three wishes with me. No matter when and where, I will promise you unconditionally, which will take effect today."

Hearing this, Gai Nie couldn't help laughing, and asked Duanmu amusedly.

"Effective today?"

Duanmu smiled and nodded.


Gai Nie wanted to kiss Duanmu with some emotions, still talking

"Then I will do it now,"

Duanmu hurriedly stopped him and said

"Hey, don't make trouble! This is a very solemn thing. If you want to say it later, if you waste it now and regret it later, I don't care about you."

Gai Nie smiled and left Duanmu's head and said

"Okay! I would like to follow the orders of Master Medical Immortal. Why should I pay such a generous gift?"

Duanmu became even more shy when he heard the words, and said with some twist

"Huh? No need to report anything,"

"People want to know what they want,"

Duanmu turned his eyes, walked a few steps back, detoured behind Gai Nie, and said

"If you really want to reciprocate, I want you to firmly remember your previous promise,"

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