Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 466

"Tomorrow, everyone from the Mo family is going to Ziwuling to help Young Master Fusu build a straight road."

Susu hurriedly said to Xia Yu

"Mr. I will pack up and salute."

Xia Yu stretched out his hand to stop Susu, wanting to say something, but hesitated.

Susu saw Xia Yu's hesitation and asked

"Mister doesn't want the same elements? So Susu just stays here and waits for her to come back."

Xia Yu shook his head, thought for a moment and said

"No, I want you to go to Jinghu."

Susu doubted

"Jinghu Medical Village?"

Xia Yu nodded, looked at Susu, sighed, and said

"My goodness, after going to Ziwuling with them this time, I will not necessarily come back here, but may also leave directly to find the my lover I told you before."

Susu's body shook, looking at Xia Yu, there was a trace of pleading in her eyes

"So, does your husband want to abandon Susu? Susu said, don't ask what your husband does to Susu, as long as your husband allows Susu to follow her husband."

Xia Yu shook his head and said

"The place I'm going to is very dangerous, and you can't go to your current cultivation base."

After speaking, Xia Yu turned his head and glanced at the sky outside the window, and sighed.

"Susu, you and I have learned so much divination, and we should also understand that the world will be in chaos soon, right?"

Susu nodded

"The world is indeed about to be in chaos, and wars are flying,"

Xia Yu turned to look at Susu

"Jinghu Lake is a place to hide from the world, and the fires of war will not affect it. Therefore, I hope you go there, first for safety, and secondly. Later, when Duanmu and the others return there, you can also help and learn. Duanmu's medical skills."

Susu was very hesitant, Xia Yu saw this and continued

"Moreover, I am not going forever. When I find that person, I will come back. At that time, I will definitely go to Jinghu to pick you up."

To be honest, Xia Yu really didn’t want to give Susu hope, because he knew that if Susu had such hope, he would probably be waiting for him for the rest of his life. However, it’s impossible not to give hope to him.

Xia Yu still remembers the things that Susu did after she rejected Susu. Susu is a very chaste woman. She fell in love with herself. If she told her that she would never come back again. After being completely unrelated, she will definitely understand her life. This is something Xia Yu didn’t want. The reason why Susu was allowed to go to Jinghu Medical Village was to keep Susu away from the war and save her life. Naturally, So Susu will understand herself.

Susu heard Xia Yu's words and came back to pick herself up, and he was relieved and nodded.

"Na Susu was there waiting for her husband to come back."

Xia Yu smiled, raised his hand to touch Mo Susu's head, and said

"Okay, I will definitely be back. You pack your things, we set off tomorrow, and you also go to Jinghu tomorrow."

Then he turned around and left. He still wanted to talk to Duanmu about this. After all, Jinghu is the place of Duanmu. Although Xia Yu knew that Duanmu would not refuse to pass, he still had some things to talk to Duanmu. .

302 Arrival (Part 1)

On the second day, everyone left from the Mangdang Mountain, and Susu who was also leaving for Jinghu Lake.

After Xia Yu talked to Susu about his arrangements, she went to find Gai Nie and Duanmu. The three of them talked for a long time. In the end, Su Su would go to Jinghu Lake, and Duanmu and Gai Nie would be right when they lived in seclusion. She takes care of some.

Yingzheng's body is not as good as one day, and Fusu is still in charge of the construction of the straight road at the time. If he did not return to Xianyang before Yingzheng's death, his consequences would have been tragic.

Although Fusu is the existence of a gentleman who grew up deeply in the doctrine of benevolence, it does not mean that he does not understand the dark things in the dark.The factional disputes in the court, as well as the previous fights between him and Hu Hai, Fusu knew clearly in his heart, and he also understood that even if Hu Hai didn’t want to harm his own mind, Zhao Gao and Li Si would not let go. Live yourself.

Therefore, the only way for him to live safely was to return to Xianyang as soon as possible, and then to inherit the throne in an open manner, so that people like Zhao Gaolisi could not take action against himself.

However, now that the construction of the straight road is encountering difficulties, he had to go to the Mo Family for help, and the distance between the Mo Family’s place and the Ziwu Ridge where he is located is far away, and it takes a month to go back and forth.Therefore, this Fusu still has to wait at this time.

Half a month has passed, and the Mo family still hasn’t arrived, so Fusu became anxious, and he was very anxious and anxious, asking about his cronies over and over again.

"Is this letter delivered?"

In this era, there is no telephone, no internet, and no distance between people. The communication between people depends on letters.And the cronies around Fusu naturally didn't know whether the letter was delivered to the Mo family.

So, his confidant had to answer

"My son, this new bird was specially given to my son by the Mohist school. Logically speaking, there will be no problems."

Fusu frowned. It stands to reason that it has been half a month now. It stands to reason that the Mo family members should have already arrived. Unfortunately, Fusu did not know that Yue'er and Master Ban were also here this time. For those who can’t ride a horse or can’t ride a horse, there are naturally no horses coming soon.

"It's been half a month, why there is still no news."

At this time, the gate of the camp was opened and a general came in

Fusu raised his head and greeted

"General Wang."

The General Wang was not polite to Fusu, and he didn't have the slightest respect, so he asked

"The eldest son, have you decided? Have you made up your mind? The straight road has a tight schedule, and you can't wait. If you are too late to make a decision, then do it according to my method and change the road directly.

Fusu was also very angry, but he also knew in his heart that the General Wang in front of him at this time could be regarded as his own confidant. He was so anxious to protect himself, so he suppressed his anger and spoke. Said

"General, please be patient. I have already sent a letter. I have asked some experts to come and help me. I believe that soon..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by General Wang, who gave a cold snort

"Huh! Please someone? Who?"

Fusu subconsciously started to speak


Then it occurred to me that the Mo Family is now the most wanted criminal in the court, and that the greatest credit and hearts in my body were obtained by destroying the Mo Family Institution City, and I couldn't sell the Mo Family in any way.Thinking of this, Fusu said

"It's all, the narrative."

General Wang snorted disdainfully, smiled and looked at Fusu.

"Oh? Really? Where are they now?"

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