Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiangye Chapter 468

"So can General Wang be able to put his feet on Young Master Fusu?"

Xia Yu sighed and said

"Actually, this is for the sake of General Wang. After all, the construction period of this straight road is about to end, but the project at this time has been mistaken in Ziwuling. General Wang is a little worried.

This Ziwuling is a very tall and mighty mountain.It's no wonder that the fault of Lord Fusu will be trapped here.

Fusu pointed to the tall mountain in front of everyone and said

"It's this mountain. It's been in my heart for a month, it's really useless."

Xia Yu looked at the mountain in front of him and walked a few steps forward to make himself see more clearly.

Lord Fusu continued to speak

"If you avoid this mountain, this straight road will have to be changed. The amount of work will increase. If you want to complete the task on schedule, you can only double the enlistment and military service. It will make the people more painful, and Rao Yuandao would have violated Yes, the original intention of building a straight road, but if you don’t change the road, you must dig through the mountain. It takes only manual knives and axes. I don’t know how many years it will take, and it is extremely dangerous. It is bound to cause personnel In the casualties, General Wang just didn’t want to delay the construction period, so he insisted on changing the route. If I can’t immediately propose a better plan, I can only do what he said.”

Xia Yu has been observing the mountain during this period and discovered that the mountain is entirely a stone mountain, the mountain is full of stones and there are few soil blocks.

Similarly, this mountain is easy to eliminate, as long as the bearing point of this mountain is destroyed, this mountain will be destroyed without attack.

At this time, Gai Nie saw that Xia Yu had been looking at the mountain and couldn't help asking.

"Ayu, do you see anything? Do you have any good ideas?"

Xia Yu smiled and nodded, then said

"There are indeed some ideas. If the son believes in us, I don't know if he can win three days for us?"

Fu Su froze for a moment, and then was ecstatic. Since Xia Yu had given the exact time, there must be a feasible plan.Can't help but ask


Xia Yu shook his head and said

"It's hard to say right now, I need to conduct some more detailed surveys on this place. Three days later, I must give the son an explanation."

Fusu was full of joy and saluted Xia Yu

"So, Fusu thanks! I will go to General Wang for orders,"

Then he nodded to several people, turned around and left.

Xia Yu looked at Master Class and said

"Master Class, this time I will rely on your invention."

Master Ban patted his chest and smiled

"What's the matter, boy Xia Yu, do you have any good ideas? Tell me quickly, and make me happy."

Xia Yu shook his head, looked at Ziwuling and said

"This has to wait until I go up the mountain to see the situation."

In the evening of the second day, Xia Yu came down from the mountain and completely settled the thoughts in his mind. In Fusu’s camp, he unfolded a map of Ziwuling that he painted in the daytime, looked at several people, and said

"After my two days of investigation, we agreed that the most effective prevention is to blow up the rock mountain!"

General Wang on the side snorted coldly and said

"Idiot talk about dreams,"

Xia Yu smiled and said to General Wang

"The general doesn't need to worry. Since the general has been patiently waiting for us for a few days, he must not care, wait for a while, right? Listen to me and you will know."

Xia Yu paused and continued

"If after I finish speaking, the general still feels that this is a foolish dream, it will not be too late to leave by then."

General Wang nodded and said helplessly

"Okay, then I will listen to what you say."

Xia Yu smiled and pointed to the surrounding environment

"Whether it is the camp we are in now, the house, or even the towering mountain outside, the pillars and beams are used to support them. As long as these two things are destroyed, then whether it is a house or a camp, or even The mountain will collapse with it."

303 arrival (below)

Xia Yu paused, looked at several of you, pointed to the drawing on the desktop, and said

"As long as we accurately find the pillars and beams of the mountain, then the so-called blasting the mountain will not be a idiotic dream. This is a sketch I drew after a few days of surveys. This is the red mark The pillars and beams of the mountain. All we have to do is to blow up these points, and then the entire stone mountain will fall."

Master Ban nodded, agreeing

"Is such that."

General Wang snorted and said disdainfully

"Huh, it's light, let's take this point as an example."

He pointed to a blow-up point on the drawing and continued

"From the picture, it's more than three feet deep into the rock wall. I dare to ask, how do you want to blow it up? Can it still be drilled into the rock?"

Gane said with a smile

"Xia Yu can't get in, and neither can I. However, our class master has a way."

Master Ban looked at several people, then smiled at General Wang

"Of course, I can't get in. But, it!"

He lifted another drawing and said

"Able to get in. General, son. Please take a look at this picture."

Guene added that

"This is the latest design of Master Ban, drill mangosteen!"

Master Ban looked at several people and said with a smile

"A sketch, just draw whatever you want. Let's see if you can."

Guene continued to explain

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