Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiangye Chapter 483

"I do not have!"

The envoy pointed to Fusu's nose and said

"There is nothing to explain, take him away for me."

Gane hurried to protect Fusu


At this time General Wang also rushed over

"Who dares! Stop, stop!"

Then he stopped in front of Fusu and Gai Nie and said to Gai Nie

"Hurry up and take the son, and leave it to me here."

Gane hurriedly pulled Fusu to leave, but Fusu broke free.

"I can't go!"


Fusu pointed at the soldiers standing in front of him,

"I'm leaving, what do they do? Don't let other people be implicated because of me,"


At this time, a crossbow arrow hit Fusu's shoulder from a distance, and Gai Nie anxiously came to Fusu's side.

"The son?"

Others present also reacted. General Wang looked at Fusu in his hand, and angrily drew out the sword in his hand and shouted


All the soldiers belonging to the general king drew out their swords and began to fight against the guards of the envoys.

In the distance, another wave of crossbow arrows shot over.Ganie had to let go of Fusu and intercept the crossbow arrows with his sword.

310 Self-discipline

Ge Nie did stop those crossbow arrows that were shot at Fusu. General Wang and his soldiers also stopped the guards from those envoys from attacking Fusu. However, neither General Wang nor Ge Nie had forgotten them. Therefore, supporting Fusu is because of Fusu's benevolence, not only for his subordinates, but also for his enemies, and for all the people in the world.

At this moment, Fu Suzheng watched, countless Da Qin soldiers fighting each other in order to protect themselves, this may be more difficult for him to accept than death.

Fusu looked at the dead soldiers and yelled heartily

"Do not!"

Then came to the center of the camp. On the general stage of General Wang, he raised the dagger that Zhao Gao mentioned in the forged imperial decree for Fusu to commit suicide, shouted and pierced his chest .

For a moment, the whole scene was extremely silent. Gane stopped the sword in his hand, the soldiers who fired the crossbow arrows also stopped firing, and the soldiers who were fighting also stopped their weapons. Everyone was watching. No one took the lead in Fusu who stabbed the dagger into his body, because everyone didn't know what to say.

The first reaction was General Wang and Gai Nie. The two rushed to Fusu’s side. General Wang was in pain.


Fusu reached out and held General Wang’s shoulder,

"As long as you hold the military power, Zhao Gao will definitely take care of it, Hu Hai, too simple, too frank, you, you must help him well and tell him that you must treat the people of the world well.


A shout came from a distance, and a young man in Jinyi ran crazy towards Fusu who was about to die. It was Fusu's eldest son, Qin Ziying.

"Father, father!"

Ziying passed through the battlefield where many soldiers were fighting, and came to Fusu's side, knelt to the ground, weeping bitterly.

Fusu raised his hand with difficulty, stroking Ziying's face, his eyes were filled with dismay and worry.

"Ziying, my father wants you to follow Mr. Gai, and the Mo family, walk a long way, live a good life, promise me, promise me!"

Ziying nodded frantically, as if as long as Fusu was relieved, Fusu could survive.

"Zi,,, Ziying Ziying promises you,,,, promises you!"

Fusu smiled and turned to look at Guinie, with a little pleading in his tone

"Mr. Guy,"

Gai Nie squatted down and got close to Fusu.

"The son."

Fusu smiled dismal

"I'm sorry, but I still failed. The giant and the Mohist one,,,, are kind, wait,,, when I arrive,,, under the Jiuquan,,,, must,,, will personally apologize to the giant. ."

With grief on his face, Gai Nie stretched out his hand to hold Fusu's arm, silently, because he really didn't know what to say the whole time.

Say it's okay?But this is indeed the Fusu who has failed the tycoon and the many dedications of the Mohist school. You know, in order to support the Susu, the Mohist gave the Fusu the institution city that has been inherited for a hundred years.

However, when it comes to resentment, Gai Nie also understands that Fusu is not to be blamed. You must know that Fusu's personality is like this, otherwise the Mo Family would not support him.

Since he was speechless, all that Gane could do was to hold Fusu's arm tightly and let Fusu know that he understood.

Fusu looked at Ziying

"Ziying helped me up."

Ziying and General Wang Gai Nie hurriedly helped Fusu up.Fusu looked at the envoy who had been shocked

"Special Envoy, today's matter has nothing to do with the general king and all the soldiers. Fusu will follow his father's will, adjudicate himself, and apologize!"

He said that he pulled out the dagger that made his life at stake now, but also saved his life.

The blood spewed out and splashed on the faces of many soldiers and the Great Qin Army Flag that was waving in the wind.

Fusu died,




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