Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 488

As the saying goes, the princes will have a kind of Xiangning.

Accompanied by this idea, the insurgents from all walks of life fought bravely to kill the enemy, this time severely injuring the rule of Da Qin.At this time, Shaoyu has changed to Xiang Yu, and he is about to enter the glorious period of his life.

The Xiang clan headed by Xiang Liang occupied Kuaiji County and possessed the capital of the uprising. Xiang Liang appointed himself the guard of Huiji County and appointed Xiang Yu as his lieutenant. With Kuaiji County as his lieutenant, he was invincible and invincible in the surrounding areas. After that, eight thousand Jiangdong children crossed the Yangtze River and marched westward to meet the elite troops of Da Qin, Zhang Hanjun. Their actions inspired the rebels of all roads, Chen Ying, Tingbu, General Pu and others all led their troops to vote. Soon The army of the Xiang clan has become an army of 60,000 to 70,000 people. Seeing that the strength is growing day by day, Xiang Liang, who is eager to win, decides to divide his troops to conquer more territories in a short period of time. Liang Zhiming attacked Xiangcheng, but suffered a setback here. Xiangcheng did not surrender in a deadly battle. Xiang Yu captured it only ten days after the capture, and his own side suffered heavy casualties. In the end, Xiang Yu received Wei Zhuang's suggestion to kill the city.

The Mo family members who had received news of the Xiang clan's uprising, under the leadership of Tianming, joined Shaoyu's troops and planned to fight against the Qin Dynasty together.

However, in marching battles, the army was already at high speed, and Shaoyu's troops were much faster than Mohist's troops, so Tianming went out alone to find Shaoyu's traces.

In the end, in the woods outside the battlefield, I saw Shaoyu who felt frustrated because of the first massacre.

"Shaoyu! I finally found you."

Hearing this, Shaoyu turned his head and saw Tianming coming down from the horse with a happy expression on his face. He was very surprised.


Tianming said

"I heard that you led the army to Xiangcheng, so I hurried over to find you. I didn't expect to meet you here,"

Shaoyu asked suspiciously

"Why are you here?"

Tianming laughed and said to Shaoyu

"I'm here to help you. A few months ago, Uncle Liu Ji, it was wrong. Now it is Gong Pei. He has also started an uprising in Pei County. After we discussed it, we unanimously decided to come and join you. Uncle and Brother Yu both agreed."

Shaoyu looked shocked and asked with a little joy

"real or fake?"

Tianming said

"Of course it's true. From now on, our brothers can fight the world together and overthrow Bao Qin together,"

"Okay, great, we brothers will fight the world together in the future,"

"Yes, brothers are of the same mind, and the profit cuts money,"

Shaoyu watched Tianming stretch out his palm, hesitated for a moment, then smiled and held Tianming's arm.

Possibly, Shaoyu was thinking, if Fusu did not die, Tianming would come to help him. After all, it was because after the death of the former giant Ju Xuan, Tianming still had to support Fusu and Shaoyu would leave.

"If, my uncle will be very happy as long as you come, go, how can I go back to the city for a drink,"

"it is good."

On the other hand, Liu Ji took his subordinates to the army camp of the Xiang clan with the disciples of the Mo family.

"Please inform General Xiang, Liu Bang of Peixian County, and lead his army to defect."

The soldiers went to report. After waiting for a while, they didn't see Xiang Liang, but instead saw Weizhuang who had returned from Xiangcheng.

Gai Nie's eyes lit up, a little surprised, and some surprise murmured

"Xiao Zhuang?"

Then ran towards Wei Zhuang.Seeing this, Xia Yu followed closely behind.

"Are you not dead?"

Gane laughed


Then he saw Wei Zhuang’s disabled legs and his face changed.

"Your legs? Is it because you are in Institution City?"

Chi Lian behind Wei Zhuang said

"Don't be hypocritical, pretending to be concerned about him is simply hypocritical. If you really care about him, the day the institution city is destroyed, you won't just run away for your life. You keep saying it is too good. I'm afraid you are not happy that he is still alive, but that he is retired, and there is no stronger opponent than your Gai Nie in the world."

Wei Zhuang's face also changed, thinking about the fact that his legs were broken and he had completely lost to Gaie Nie, he couldn't help but shout.


Wei Zhuang was very angry at this time, but he took a few deep breaths and then calmed down.

Xia Yu stood behind Ganie, watched this scene, nodded in admiration, and said

"Weizhuang, I didn't expect that after your broken leg, your realm improved."

Wei Zhuang was taken aback, then glanced at Xia Yu, did not speak, but Chi Lian couldn't help but speak.

"What are you talking about,,,,"

The result was interrupted by Wei Zhuang, and Wei Zhuang said

"I'm tired, let's go in."

Then, Bai Feng pushed the cart, Chi Lian followed closely into the army camp of the Xiang clan.

Xia Yu looked at Wei Zhuang's leaving back, raised his hand and patted Guene on the shoulder

"It's not your fault, so don't feel guilty. As I said, although Wei Zhuang has broken his leg, his realm has improved. It can be said to be a good thing, isn't it?

Gane sighed and shook his head.

"He used to like martial arts very much, and he is also a genius. His kung fu was once his proudest thing, but now it has been ruined, and although it is not me who ruined it, it is also very close to me. Implicated,"

Having said this, Gai Nie sighed long and stopped speaking.

Xia Yu followed with a sigh

"Weizhuang is a warrior, otherwise you can let him be like me and let Master Class help make the prosthesis."

Gane shook his head

"He won't want to."

Everyone walked into the camp of the Xiang clan. Shaoyu and Tianming walked out of it. Tianming said hello first.

"Master, Brother Yu, Uncle Liu Ji."

Shaoyu also smiled and looked at the three of them and said

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