Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 491

Xia Yu nodded

"It seems that you have thought about it. Wei Zhuang doesn't have you in his heart. Otherwise, he would not rather stand on the ground opposite me and protect you, even after you disobeyed his orders."

Xia Yu paused and looked at the potion on the table.

"However, now Wei Zhuang is considered a disabled person,"

Chi Lian's face turned black in an instant, Xia Yu said hurriedly

"I'm not saying bad things about him, or telling the fact that now Wei Zhuang must be disappointed with himself, so he can't help but think that if you really follow him, he can give you happiness,"

Chi Lian asked

"You mean, he will reject me? That's okay"

Xia Yu shook his head

"He will give you to others."

Chilian shook his head flusteredly

"Impossible? It is absolutely impossible."

Xia Yu sighed

"You are the person who knows him best. You should guess it. He will drive you away by what time of anger. There is a high probability that he will drive you to Shaoyu's side, because Shaoyu belongs to him. The disciple is also the master of the world he chose, so he will definitely think that Shaoyu can give you a good life and future."

Chilian was stunned, because Wei Zhuang was really likely to do this, or he was already preparing for it.

Speaking of this, Xia Yu stood up, patted the clothes on her body, as if she was playing dust, and said

"As for me, I just said here. There is nothing to discourage your thoughts. I just feel that if a woman like you is really given to others by Wei Zhuang, he will be very uncomfortable. So let you have a Be psychologically prepared, no matter how angry Wei Zhuang is, don't leave his side. His current cultivation level has been abolished, and there is no presence around you, which is very dangerous."

Chi Lian nodded and saluted Xia Yu to express his gratitude

"I understand, thank you Mr. for ordering."

Xia Yu shook his head, OK, I went to find their senior brother, I hope they don't fight.

On the other side, Gane pushed Wei Zhuang out of the camp and walked slowly toward the top of the mountain.

Ge Nie stopped, Wei Zhuang asked

"If you have anything, just say it. If you want to kill me, you can do it now,"

Guyie turned his back and looked at Wei Zhuang helplessly

"Xiao Zhuang, you know I won't kill you, I suddenly found out today that you are still alive, I am really happy,"

Wei Zhuang smiled disdainfully

"Dare you say you don't hate me?"

Guy Nie smiled freely

"Why should I hate you? This way, there are fewer and fewer people, why should we bother about each other,"

Weizhuang looks into the distant scenery

"You have been saying that you are detached, and you don't put any fame and fortune in your eyes, so how do you start fighting for the world now?"

Ge Nie walked a few steps forward and spoke

"It is precisely because there are fewer and fewer old people that I have to plunge into troubled times. I can save the next one. I don't want to wait until I get old and I don't even have a person who can talk.

Gai Nie turned around and looked at Wei Zhuang

"You people, you know that this troubled world is a big vortex, and you are scrambling to jump down. I stand on the shore and watch you get involved one by one and disappear one by one. You, might as well be with you and jump down, at least on Huangquan Road, there is a personal company, don't you think?"

Wei Zhuang didn’t answer, so he looked at Guinie, and Guinie slowly continued.

"Xiao Zhuang, let's reconcile, after all, we will have to get along with each other day and night, and our headquarters can always be so arrogant."

Wei Zhuang's eyes changed, but he still ignored Guinie, Guinie continued.

"I understand that the knot between us cannot be solved in a few words. My heartfelt words may sound hypocritical to you, but I am still very happy because you are still alive and because I am today , To be able to tell you all the truest words and true feelings in your heart, even if you may not want to believe them, I hope you can consider these words carefully."

Wei Zhuang didn't answer, but looked into the distance. Obviously, he was really considering what Gane had said.

At this time, Xia Yu came from the camp.

"Yeah, old guard, it's been a long time,"

Wei Zhuang looked back at Xia Yu

"Mr. Xia, I didn't expect a person like you to join this troubled world."

Xia Yu shook his head

"I didn't plunge into troubled times. I just stayed with Lao Gai and them temporarily. There is still a problem between Liu Ji and I. Although he said he doesn't care, you know me. I never believe it One person, so, just came with his troops, did not join his troops, did not say that he must be supported,"

Wei Zhuang was taken aback. He did not expect that Xia Yu had not joined Liu Ji’s army, nor did he know who he would support.

"Don't you always advance and retreat with the Mo family?"

Xia Yu shook his head

"Although, Duanmu and Dongguo are all my friends, and Tianming is considered my junior, I just got closer to them. Speaking of which, you are also my friends, and Shaoyu is also mine. Junior, don't I also support him?"

Wei Zhuang waved his hand

"It doesn't matter, it's your own business, but what are you doing here?"

Xia Yu smiled and pointed to Wei Zhuang and said

"Always looking for you,"

"doing what?"

Xia Yu smiled, then looked at Wei Zhuang seriously

"You made Shaoyu Tucheng's actions, right?"

Ganie's expression changed, looking at Wei Zhuang, but Wei Zhuang ignored him, but looked at Xia Yu and nodded

"I let it. Shaoyu is going to be the king's hegemony, so he naturally has the dominance he should have."

Xia Yu shook his head

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