Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 495

Seeing that Duanmu's face turned dark, Dong Guo had to speak the truth.

"Actually, I came this time to invite you to come back with me,"

Duanmu glanced at Dong Guo and asked

"Go back, where? Back to the barracks?"

Dong Guo nodded.


Duanmu asked again

"Is someone sick or injured?"

Dong Guo nodded again


Duanmu ask again

"Still mixing with Liu Bang?"


Duanmu's face instantly became extremely ugly


Dong Guo was also dumbfounded, not making fun, but saying that he returned to normal

"No, it's been a year, why haven't you changed your temper?"

Duanmu said impatiently

"I will let you go."

Dong Guo is a little helpless

"No, Rong'er, don't do this,"

Duanmu said

"There are people I don't want to see, I won't go back with you,"

Dong Guo rolled his eyes, touched his nose, and said

"No, look at me, come here in a hurry, don't you even give me a sip of water?"

Duanmu looked back at Dong Guo impatiently and said

"There is a big lake outside. Go drink it yourself slowly,"

Dong Guo was dumbfounded and looked at Duanmu helplessly, then he had to take out the kit in his arms and said to Duanmu

"Look at this."

Duanmu didn't respond and continued to do his own thing

Dongguo had to say more

"No, take a look, Rong'er."

Seeing Duanmu still did not respond, Dong Guo had to speak

"Guine let me come."

Duanmu heard the words, stopped his movements, looked back, and then snatched the kit from Dong Guo.

Then he took Dong Guo’s hand and walked into the house and poured him a glass of water.

315 Dingtao Fall

Then he sat next to Dong Guo with a look of joy and asked,

"How is Gai Nie? How did he tell you? He must regret giving you the kit, and he wants to find me back and apologize to me,"

Having said this, Duanmu also felt that there were some problems, so he asked himself

"Why didn't he tell me himself,"

Then he looked at Dong Guo, who was eating the leftovers on the table with a panic on his face, and asked

"Is he hurt? Oh, why didn't I think about it,"

Dong Guo was directly confused by Duanmu's series of speculations, watching Duanmu unable to speak for a long time.

Duanmu was nagging for a long time, and when he saw that Dong Guo didn't reply to him, he couldn't help but asked angrily.

"You are saying something. Where did he hurt? Is it serious?"

Dong Guo said

"If you really want to know, ask him yourself, don't ask me,"

Duanmu smiled and nodded

"Yes, right, right, right, go,"

Then he was about to pull Dong Guo away, Dong Guo said helplessly

"I haven't finished eating yet,"

Duanmu complains

"You will know what to eat and you will leave."

Then he ignored Dong Guo’s yelling, pulled him and walked out, still yelling

"Susu, I'll be away for a while."

Susu, who is working in the yard, did not raise his head and promised

"it is good."

A few days later, Dong Guo finally returned to the army camp with Duanmu.

At this time, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang's army were in Chenliu. It was not easy to attack Chen Liuben. They happened to catch up with days of heavy rain, muddy roads, and insufficient supply of food and grass, which caused the soldiers' combat power to decline quickly.

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