Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 501

On the other side, Tianming and Yue'er sat together, looking at the scenery in the distance, Yue'er hesitated and said

"After eight days of walking this way, you haven't said anything,"

Tianming said to Yue'er with a sigh

"Yue'er, I actually have a lot to say to you, but when I think that I will be separated soon, I don't know how to say it. I will part ways tomorrow. You go to Jinghu Medical Village and I go to Pengcheng , Go now, don’t know when I will see you again,"

After Yue'er had a meal, there was also a sad look on her face, but she immediately concealed it, and tightly held Tianming's palm, and said to Tianming with a strong smile.

"No, never see again,"

Tianming held Yue'er's show hand with his backhand

"Yue'er, thank you for walking along the way. Without your company, I really don't know how to stick to it. Thank you for every smile, every encouragement, and every trust."

Yue'er smiled,


Tianming couldn't help it anymore and hugged Yue'er tightly

"Yeah, I am the happiest fool in the world, because of you, Yue'er, marry me."

Yue'er heard this, her eye circles started to red, and she hurriedly turned her head away, did not speak, Tianming heard Yue'er's slight sob and asked

"What's wrong with Yue'er? Don't you want it?"

Yue'er shook her head hurriedly.

"I would, but not now,"


"Because now is not the time, you have more important things to do,"

"Nothing is more important to you than Yue'er,"

"Since it's important, how can I be so sloppy. On the way to the army, the wedding dress, the dowry, the sedan chair, the bride price, everything, you want me to marry you? I don't want it!"

After speaking, Yue'er solemnly looked at Tianming and said softly

"I want to wait for you to know everything before you marry me gracefully,"

Tianming nodded

"Yes, I will definitely, Yue'er, you must wait for me!"

It is also hard to give up and Duanmu. They are different from Yue'er Tianming. There are various misunderstandings and contradictions between them. Both sides have each other in their hearts, but for various reasons, there is no way to show each other.

Duanmu walked to Gai Nie's side, wanted to see them in pairs, and was silent. In the end, Gai Nie turned around and was about to leave, Duanmu spoke.


Ganie stopped, Duanmu continued

"I'll leave as soon as daybreak,"

Guy Nie had some difficult words

"I know,"

Duanmu hurriedly asked

"Don't you have anything you want to say to me?"

"Safe journey!"

Angrily Duanmu punched Gai Nie and turned to leave. In the woods in the distance, Dong Guo was looking at the back of Duanmu leaving, without a word for a long time.

"Since there is something to say, let's talk about it. It's useless to stand here."

Behind Dong Guo, Xia Yu's voice came out.

Dong Guo looked back at Xia Yu, then shook his head, without saying anything, and walked towards Gai Nie.Xia Yu followed closely behind.

Dong Guo's eyes looking at Gai Nie were very unfriendly

"Have you been beaten? Is it cool?"

Gane opening


Dong Guo speaks again

"Do you know what this is called? Duplicity! Make your own way! Why bother? It makes me feel uncomfortable. What is it?"

Gane sighed

"Long pain is worse than short pain,"

Dong Guo asked again

"To be honest, did you miss her when I asked her to come back?"

Xia Yu patted Dong Guo on the shoulder

"Don't be too embarrassed. You don't know him, you want to face and suffer."

Guy Nie sighed and said

"What can I do? If it was you, would you ask her to stay?"

Dong Guo hesitated, Xia Yu spoke

"Definitely not. You all hope that she can be safe and sound. War is the most impermanent thing. No one can guarantee that she will be alive after a battle. So you don’t want to let her stay on the battlefield. Come on, but, Lao Guy, your approach is too extreme."

Gane shook his head, did not speak, Xia Yu continued

"Think about it, this war will end sooner or later. What will you do at that time? Will she forgive you if she apologizes to Duanmu? Not necessarily, what can you do by then? Just like this completely The bottom and Duanmu are broken?"

Gai Nie shook his head and was not talking. Seeing this, Xia Yu had to sigh, then turned to Liu Ji's car and grabbed a jug of wine. He sat on the ground and drank a few drinks with Gai Nie and Dong Guo.

Silent night, the next day, it came.

On the way, in fact, whether it is Tianming, Yue'er, or Duanmu Gainie, they all hope that it can be longer and slower, because in this way, the two of them can get along for longer.

It's a pity that things went counterproductive, and when the long road was over, it was finally time to be separated.

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