Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiangye Chapter 503

Shaoyu glanced at Fan Zeng, then said

"In the end, I will swear to death."

"The widow has one more thing, we need to discuss with you. In order to boost morale and avoid future incidents, the widow agreed with Zhu Aiqing today that the first to enter the pass is Wang Zhi, whoever enters Xianyang first, and the land in the pass will be sealed. He is the king of Guanzhong,"

In the end, the alliance between Shaoyu and Liu Ji was broken. The first entry was Wang Zhi. This was not something Shaoyu or Liu Ji could refuse. Sooner or later, there would be a battle between the two.

It is also possible that this is what the King Chuhuai meant. After all, Shaoyu’s army is too strong. How to make him the king, then there will be nothing to do with King Chuhuai in the future, and if Liu Ji still follows Shaoyu’s The army, then, this army, no one can underestimate it.

318 Break

The meeting soon dissipated, Shaoyu walked out of the hall angrily, and then met Tianming outside the hall.

Tianming happily walked to Shaoyu and said

"Shao Yu! I knew I could meet you here, how about? What are your plans next? I am going to go with you!"

Shaoyu said coldly

"No, let's go our own way in the future."

Tianming asked with some doubts

"What? Are you still angry about the last time? I'm sorry, I will listen to your opinions more in the future, Chen Liu's matter."

Shaoyu interrupted Tianming

"You don't need to mention Chen Liu's matter. My uncle's death is not your fault. It's just that after Chen Liu's incident, I understand a truth. There is a different way and no conspiracy."

"Shaoyu, you..."

"You and I are really not suitable for walking together,"

Shaoyu paused and went on

"Actually, I envy you. I envy you with the magical power of the evil spirit. I used to think that if you help me in everything, I will get twice the result with half the effort, but now, I don’t need it anymore. I just want to rely on my own efforts. , My own strength, to avenge our Xiang family, to avenge our Chu State, and fulfill the long-cherished wish of my ancestors. Although Chu has three households, Qin must be destroyed. I don't believe it, I Xiang Yu can't win my life!"

After speaking, Shaoyu ignored Tianming, and walked directly over him, Tianming called him

"Shao Yu,,,"

Unfortunately, it was useless, and Shaoyu still ignored him.

At this time, Liu Ji and Xia Yu walked out of the main hall, Liu Ji looked at Guyie who was waiting outside with Tianming and said

"His Majesty King Huai ordered me to expedition west, and I will return to the camp in Dang County tomorrow morning."

Tianming's face changed all of a sudden, a little depressed and disappointed.

Seeing this, Xia Yu looked at Guyie and asked

"Tianming what's wrong? Did Shaoyu just tell him something?"

Gane nodded

"You still know Shaoyu. Just now Tianming and Shaoyu said that they would go on an expedition with him, but Shaoyu refused."

Xia Yu sighed and said

"I just thought that Shaoyu would say something nasty. Just now, Shaoyu recommended himself to go to the west, but was rejected by King Chuhuai. Then, King Chuhuai immediately let Gong Pei lead his army on the west. The complexion is already very difficult to read. In addition, Shaoyu and Tianming have fundamentally different ideas. They have different ways and do not seek each other. Sooner or later they will have conflicts."

After speaking, Xia Yu came to Tianming's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said

"It's a good thing not to be with Shaoyu."

Tianming looked at Xia Yu with some doubts, Xia Yu said with a smile

"Shaoyu is the commander of the first army, that is, the talker. What he said is the military order, and he cannot be rejected or refuted, even if it is wrong. Similarly, as the commander of the first army, Shaoyu must always maintain Your own majesty, you are a good brother with him, so naturally you will be less concerned about getting along with him. In many cases, you refute Shaoyu’s face. Shaoyu is also not good because you are his brother. What to say to you, but these are not good for you or for him. Now, whether you are separated, the relationship between you will change from the new to the original, without a trace of interest intertwined."

Tianming nodded in despair. Xia Yu knew that he hadn't figured it out yet, but it didn’t matter. Now everything has become a fact. Tianming and Shaoyu are destined to separate. Slowly, Tianming, he himself Figured out.

Gane came to Tianming's side, nodded in agreement, and said

"You and Shaoyu are both excellent, but after all, they are not the same person. Shaoyu is right. They are different. They don’t seek each other, and blindly insist will only intensify the conflict between you. It’s also a good thing to separate now , At least, you have not yet reached the point where you will turn your heads against each other,"

Having said this, Guy Nie also raised his hand and patted Tianming on the shoulder.

"You have to cheer up, consider for yourself and the Mohist school, how to go next."

Tianming looked at Guy Nie, then nodded, Guy Nie continued

"Compared to the Xiang clan, I value Gong Pei’s personality, calmness, loyalty, enthusiasm and general knowledge. In order to save my brothers, subordinates, and even willing to sacrifice his own life, I think you should lead the Mo family to follow Pei Gong’s west expedition and do your best. To help him, I have a hunch that Gong Pei is the person that the Mo family has been looking for after Fusu. He has the demeanor of a benevolent person. If he finds one day, he can dominate the world and bring peace to the people."

Tianming said hesitantly

"But, Master, I still can't let go of Shao Yu,"

Xia Yu said helplessly

"Tianming, what you have to remember is that you are the giant of the Mo family. You must always remember your identity. Every choice you make not only represents yourself, but also represents the entire Mo family."

Gane nodded

"I know you are reluctant to bear Shaoyu, but is he really suitable for the Mohist school? I didn't mean to belittle him. There is no right or wrong in all things in the world, there are just the same and the difference, and the difference. He. As a Mohist tycoon, you have to look at things calmly and not be influenced by emotions."

Tianming nodded thoughtfully

"Master, Brother Yu, I understand. I will think calmly and find a new direction for the Mo family."

Gai Nie and Xia Yu nodded in satisfaction and walked outside.





Liu Ji led his army from Dangxian County to the northwest. They went all the way and fought, attacking the city and plundering the land, and the momentum grew stronger, unexpectedly.But in Changyi met fierce resistance from the Qin army, the city couldn't be attacked for a long time, so everyone decided to change their route and travel westward to Gaoyang.

At this point in the winter, the weather became more and more cold, and the soldiers put on heavy coats one after another.

At night, Tianming sat next to the fire, using the temperature of the fire to keep warm. At the same time, he didn't know what he was thinking.At this time, Gane walked out of the camp, came to Tianming’s side, and sat down

"It's so cold, why don't you stay in the tent anymore? Are you worried?"

Tianming frowned and said

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