Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiangye Chapter 506

"So if you are here, you still have to leave, right? It's better not to come, you toss like this, and then leave, you are satisfied, Yue'er will only be more sad and sad,"

Tianming looked at Yue'er, Yue'er quickly smiled far-fetched, and explained to Duanmu

"How come? It's too late for me to be happy to see Tianming,"

Duanmu looked at Yue'er with a hatred of iron and steel, and then muttered

"It's boring, well, I'm leaving, it won't hinder your eyes, let's get tired of it,"

Then turned around and left.Xia Yu hurriedly spoke

"Hey? Duanmu, wait for me, I don't want to eat dog food here."

Xia Yu followed Duanmu to the yard, glanced at Gane who was still sitting at the door, sighed, and looked towards Duanmu.

"You still let him wait there? I can tell you that he was injured some time ago. If he stands outside for a few days, the injury will definitely get worse."

Duanmu gave Xia Yu a white look and said

"You are not the only one who knows how to heal here. Even if his injuries get worse, I can rescue him!"

Xia Yu smiled and looked towards Duanmu, her tone raised

"Huh? Doesn't you want him to have an accident? He will definitely be saved. If you really don't care about him, you don't have to save him."

Duanmu's face was a little blushing, it was obvious that she was embarrassed, but it was just a moment, and then her face changed back.Stiff mouth

"Who cares about him, I don't want anyone to die at the door of my Jinghu Medical Village, ruining my name as a medical immortal of the Mo family."

Xia Yu smiled and nodded

"Yes, yes, yes, our Mo family doctor Xian Duan Mulong is not worried about him, or he is afraid of ruining his reputation."

After being ridiculed by Xia Yu, the sides of Duanmu became more red, but he didn't regenerate Tianming and Gai Nie's anger, just deliberately ignored Gai Nie.

To be honest, Xia Yu felt that both Guy Nie and Duanmu were too stubborn. For a whole afternoon, neither of them said a word. If I knew that, Xia Yu would not come back with Tianming and Guy Nie. Anyhow, he was in the barracks. , And this hammer and Master Ban are drinking with them. Here, there is no wine and Susu is not there. Now Xia Yu is very boring.

The general of the night, Xia Yu walked into the room and made Tianming and Yue'er tired and crooked for an afternoon. It was strangely cold outside, um, although Xia Yu has mental protection outside his body, he can’t feel the cold wind, but, watching The snow on the ground still feels cold.

The night in the north is colder than during the day. Snow and cold wind are blowing again today. Although Gainie’s clothes are warm, but after sitting in the cold wind for an afternoon, the warm clothes will be completely frozen. Yes, it is conceivable how uncomfortable Gane was at this time.

Duanmu stood by the bed in the room, looking at Gane, who was shivering outside the door, looking back at Tianming with a face full of worry. At this time, Tianming had no conscience and was talking about recent events with Yue'er.

"Actually, it’s very uncomfortable to be separated from Shaoyu, but what the master said is correct. Moreover, it’s not that I’ll never meet again in the future. Maybe I still have a chance. Anyway, I’ll follow Gong Pei at ease. Others are righteous and treat us well,"

Duanmu became more angry as he listened, walked to Tianming and scolded

"You kid, you're endlessly talking, talking endlessly, I'm sleepy, and Yue'er is still recuperating, so I need to rest early."

Saying that, I ignored Tianming’s displeased eyes and helped Yue’er to walk to their room, then took a quilt out of the room and threw it to Tianming.

"Your kid's conscience has been eaten by the dog, so you just care about your own food and clothes, and forget your master at all, right?"

Tianming looks innocently towards Duanmu

"It's not that I shut him out."

"Stop talking nonsense and send it to him,"

Tianming rolled his eyes and then smiled.

"Huh? Good, good."

Duanmu saw Tianming’s expression and knew that Tianming was playing a ghostly idea.

"If you dare to let him know that this quilt was given by me, you will immediately pack your things and leave. Don't even want to enter the medical village for a while, and don't want to see Yue'er again, you know?"

"Good, good, got it, got it."

Then Tianming was about to go out to give Gai Nie the quilt, Duanmu said again

"There are leftovers on the stove, and send it to him,"

Tianming smiled and looked at Duanmu and nodded

"Know, know."

Xia Yu shook his head and said to Duanmu

"You said, why do you hold it like this? You let the junior watch the joke."

"You want to control?"

Xia Yu waved

"It doesn't matter where you dare to control it. But ah, it's really boring for you two to be awkward."

The same thing was said by Tianming, who gave Gai Nie the quilt.

"Master, it would be really boring if you two get awkward like this. You are going to accompany me here. I didn't tie you here. Now that you are here, I'll make it clear. Can the headquarters be consumed like this? Master, you always teach me the way of chivalry. To be a hero is to dare to be a hero, but now, Master, you neither dare to do it nor be it."

Before Tianming finished muttering, he was frightened back by a look in Ganie's eyes.

Xia Yu heard Tianming's mumble in the room, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"Old guy, you are really inferior to your disciple now,"

But in this case, don't say it in front of Gai Nie. Duanmu's incident is now like Gai Nie's inverse scales. It can't be touched easily, otherwise it will hurt others and self.

The next day, early in the morning, Xia Yu walked out of the room and saw the clean doorway and neatly folded quilts.He couldn't help smiling, and then thinking about walking outside. Xia Yu is a teacher. Although he has never had the habit of getting up early to practice qigong, getting up early has long become his habit.

Although he was not a member of Liu Ji's army, he still had to march with the army after all. Naturally, he would not be able to wake up naturally after sleeping as before.

Xia Yu slowly walked to the pavilion next to Jinghu Lake, and saw Duanmu watching Gai Nie doing exercises in the distance.Then Xia Yu laughed

"Hey! My eyes are staring when I look at it."

Duanmu trembled, obviously frightened by Xia Yu, and then found out that it was Xia Yu, and couldn't help but feel a little angry

"Who is watching him, I,,, I am looking at the scenery, yes, I am looking at the scenery."

Xia Yu smiled and shook his head

"Yes, you are looking at the scenery, beautiful scenery."

Duanmu angrily pushed Xia Yu away

"I won't tell you anymore"

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