Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 512

Tianming comforted

"It's okay, Yue'er, it's okay."

Zhao Gao went up and down a lot of dawn and snorted coldly.

"You are Jing Tianming, right?"

Tianming ignored Zhao Gao, and Zhao Gao didn’t feel annoyed. He turned to look at Yue'er behind Tianming.

"Girl, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Yue'er panicked even more, her whole body was shaking, Tianming hurriedly hugged her in her arms

"It's okay, Yue'er, it's okay. Don't be afraid, he just comes to see you, just comes to see you."

Zhao Gao smiled and took a step forward, but he was stopped by Tianming

"Hold on, let's take a step to speak."

Zhao Gao nodded


After speaking, he turned around and walked out first.

Xia Yu looked up at Tianming and nodded, letting Tianming rest assured that he would be guarded by Yue'er.

Tianming got up and followed Zhao Gao out.

When they came outside, neither Zhao Gao nor Tianming spoke. After a long time, Zhao Gao spoke.

"Why, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Tianming took a deep breath, as if tolerating a great anger

"Since we rescued her last time, she has been in a coma. After waking up, she didn't know anyone except me by accident. It's been three years now."

Zhao Gao said with deep eyes

"In three years, it has been difficult for her to hold on for so long. You thought that taking her away was for her good, but it was actually harming her,"

Tianming speaks

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Gao explained

"The strength of Yugui in her body has been torturing her, making her unbearable. Therefore, her body was forced to shut down her mind and all senses. In order to get a little peace, but this can't solve the fundamental problem. The question is, the strength of Yugui in her body will continue to eat her body unconsciously. If you keep on like this, you will run out of oil."

Tianming is a little anxious

"Da Shiming said you have a way? Is this true?"

Zhao Gao nodded

"Yes, as long as my people and I open the Universe Magic Array, transfer the power of Yugui in her body to you, and at the same time, the power of Yusha in your body can be completely unlocked. At that time , She will be saved naturally."

Tianming looked at Zhao Gao pleadingly

"Please help her."

Zhao Gao snorted

"Save her? I wanted to borrow the power of your jade evil spirits and try every means to get you back, but you refused to cooperate again and again. Now. I am already under one person and above tens of thousands, do you think Do I still need to come for your business and consume my spiritual energy and effort?"

Tianming is a little angry


However, he knew that anger could not solve the problem.

"Let's talk, what can I do to help me,"

Zhao Gao looks at Tianming

"Unless you are willing to use it for me and help me get rid of those rebels."

Tianming hesitated, Zhao Gao continued

"Of course, after it's done, I will naturally let you two stay and fly together. We all get what we need. Isn't this a very good thing?"

Tianming is still hesitating, Zhao Gao continued

"I don't force you. If you really don't want to do it, you can go to accompany the Gaoyue girl, and accompany her more. Perhaps, it can ease her pain before death. I have said everything I have to say, and I will pay We are not accompanied by official duties."

"Wait, I promise you."

Tianming finally nodded and said.

"But I have one more thing,"

"Say it,"

"Yue'er's aunt Suying, is she also here?"

Zhao Gao nodded

"she is at,"

"A while ago, Yue'er seemed to think of something and kept mentioning her aunt, so this time I came here, I just lied to her. I came to her aunt. On your side, can you arrange for the two of them, see? Last side."

"of course can,"

Tianming said in a lonely tone

"Wait for Yue'er, knowing I use this method to save her, I will definitely not forgive me,"

Zhao Gao smiled

"You still have time to regret now,"

Tianming hurriedly said

"As long as I can save Yue'er, I am willing to do anything,"

Zhao Gao laughed haha ​​when he heard this.

Afterwards, Zhao Gao called Xia Yu and talked with Xia Yu.

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