Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 515


Yue'er is also a delirious person at this time, so she is naturally cute to the extreme when she speaks.

"But..., why should she hide behind the stone?"

With that said, Yue'er walked forward and detoured the back of the coffin to see Suying's condition.Suying also saw Yue'er's face at this time and said in surprise


Then he got up and said that Yue'er was very fragile after catching the master

"Bihua, you idiot, you are gone, why are you coming back? You are looking for death?"

Seeing Suying's emotions at Tianming, she was afraid that she might hurt Yue'er, so she hurried to Yue'er's side and protected Yue'er behind her, while Suying was still talking about letting Bihua leave.

"Go away, go away! I don't want to see you,"

Then Suying lay on the coffin, tears in pain

"I know I'm sorry. But, don't come to me, don't come to me!"

Yue'er frowned and asked Tianming

"Aunt, what is she talking about? Why can't I understand? It's so dark and scary here, is she scared?"

Tianming looked at Suying and sighed.

"may be."

Then look towards Yue'er

"Yue'er, if you don't like this, let's go now, okay?"

Yue'er nodded hurriedly

"it is good."

Then he looked at Suying and asked

"Then, can I take her away too? She doesn't seem to like it either."

Tianming glanced at Zhao Gao and didn't answer Yue'er's question, so Yue'er had to look back at Zhao Gao, his eyes full of eagerness, the kind of eagerness that children have when they see their favorite toys.

Seeing this, Zhao Gao thought for a moment and said

"Come on,"

I thought Xiao Si from Yin Yang family came over


Zhao Gao opened his mouth and said

"Send the Moon God back to where she was originally. Watch me, don't let her run around."


Then Xiao Si took Su Ying and walked out, Yue'er laughed happily, looked at Zhao Gao and said

"You are a good guy,"

Zhao Gao smiled, and Tianming glanced at Yue'er, then looked at Zhao Gao vigilantly, for fear that he would be against Yue'er.

At this time, Xia Yu came to the place where the chief commander was to help check the construction of the altar.

Soon after, a small boat drove over, and a few Xiaosi unloaded a few frames of black soil from the boat and said to the chief commander.

"My lord, the black soil has arrived."

Da Si Ming glanced at it and said

"The formation is a secret, and people can't wait to step forward. You should step back first,"

Those Stoudemire quickly returned to put it on and drove away.

Da Shiming looked at the black soil and golden sand that had arrived, sighed, and took out a wooden box from his arms. The wooden box contained cinnabar.

Da Si Ming raised his hand to cast a spell, and a formation made of cinnabar appeared on the altar.

Close the wooden box and say to Xia Yu

"The formations of these two formations are surprisingly similar. The only difference is that the two kinds of charms they need are indeed completely opposite. To dissolve the power of the jade evil, it is necessary to use the fire attribute cinnabar as a guide to completely open the jade evil. The power needs to use metallic gold powder as a guide. The charms I just made with cinnabar under the black soil are the ones that can really work. After a while, on this black soil, I will use gold powder. , I’m drawing a spell, but I’ll make them useless when the time comes.”

Xia Yu nodded clearly

"You have worked hard, I thank you for Tianming and Yue'er."

Dai Shiming smiled bitterly and said

"No, I promised to give the young man an order, and I will avenge her."

Da Si Ming took a deep breath, looked at Xia Yu, and said

"When the magic circle works, the power of Yu Sha and the power of Yu Gui will both be withdrawn from the bodies of Jing Tianming and Gao Yue. When they are fused together, they will generate huge energy. When the time comes, they will kill. All the casters who died on the scene, I want Zhao Gao to see him with his own eyes before dying, and look forward to how the things of his life will be destroyed bit by bit in front of him."

Xia Yu took a deep look at Da Si Ming, then sighed, and shook his head helplessly.

"Although I have no position to persuade you, after all, you are also trying to save Tianming and Yue'er, so I can only wish you success. If Zhao Gao does not die by then, I will take action. I assure you that he will not survive. That day."

Da Si Ming nodded

"Thank you."

Although this kind of big formation is very troublesome, it doesn't take too long. Once three days have passed, the chief commander will prepare everything for this big formation. Of course, it is not at this time. To start the formation, the Yin Yang Family still needs some preparation.

Zhao Gao took the current elders of the Xi clan to the altar to check the formation.

Da Si Ming saluted Zhao Gao and said

"The big formation has been set up, please have a look at it, please."

Zhao Gao looked at the formation in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, and said to Da Si Ming

"Da Si Ming, you do things so safely, you will be in charge of the Xi family's great cause sooner or later."

Da Si Ming said to Zhao Gao without being surprised

"I am ashamed of my subordinates for showing love,"

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