Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 52

"It must be done."

"Little Junior Brother, although I am not a runemaster, I still have some research on the formation. Regarding the formation of Yanming Lake, I will help you do some."

Seventh Sister and Ning Que looked at Xia Yu upon hearing this, Seventh Sister hurriedly stood up and hugged Xia Yu

"Little twelve, no matter what, we are all here, don't be sad."

Senior Sister Seven didn't know what Xia Yu was angry about last night, but she could imagine how sad Xia Yu was now.As a sister who has always loved her younger brother so much, she can only comfort Xia Yu in this way now.

Xia Yu gently hugged Senior Sister Seven and said to Ning Que

"Little Junior Brother, if you are not sure, I can help you kill him. In short, I hope he will die."

Ning nodded

"Brother Twelve, I want to kill him myself."

Xia Yu reached out and patted Ning Que's shoulder

"Okay, then I'll help you prepare."

In fact, at this time, there was nothing to prepare. Before Xia Yu came back, Ning Que and Sangsang had already bought the entire Yanming Lake, and asked Senior Brother Fourth and Senior Brother Six to transform his weapons.The only thing Xia Yu can help now is the transformation of the Yanming Lake Array.

Ning Que left, and went to prepare his weapon against Xiahou. Only Xia Yu, Seventh Sister and the Second Senior Brother who had just arrived were left here.

The second brother looked at Xia Yu

"Twelfth Junior Brother, you can actually do it for the younger Junior Brother, after all, now you have such a big feud with Xiling."

Xia Yu shook his head

"Xiahou must die because he is enshrined in Xiling. However, I think it is best for Junior Brother to do it himself. There are some things, even if you give everything, I have to do it. Back then, when Junior Brother made a choice, I was watching. Now, when he understands everything, I'll just watch."

Brother 2 nodded

"Little Junior Brother does it by himself. Without this knot, his thoughts will be more understanding, and it is good for cultivation, so good."


A few days later, Xiahou returned to Chang'an, preparing to go to the imperial palace to meet his Majesty's return.

In fact, the day before Xiahou returned to Chang'an, the big brother had also been to the palace.

In fact, the people in the academy never wanted Ning Que to shoot Xiahou, not for Xiahou, but worried that Ning Que would be injured.That's why the big brother went to the palace.

Big brother salutes the king of Tang

"School Li slowly, see Your Majesty."

King Tang will naturally respond

"What does the master mean?"

The big brother put his hand in front of him, just like standing next to the master.

"Wrong is wrong, please make an end for the Lin Mansion back then."

Tang Wang pondered for a moment

"I will give Ning Que and the General's Mansion an explanation, but I'm afraid that, for both of them, if they get a good deal, this battle will be inevitable."

The big brother sighed, he knew that no matter if Ning Que did not make a move, Xiahou was going to die.

"As long as Xiahou is no longer obsessed with being obsessed, and confessing his sins and returning to the old age, I think there may be room for relaxation on the side of Junior Brother"

"If this matter cannot be slowed down, what do you think Ning Que would do?"

"The younger brother will definitely fight Xiahou Capital City, swearing to death, and seeking justice for the dead souls."

I am the dividing line

This morning, Xiahou walked into the palace hall with his spear.

"General Xiahou has served his entire life and has outstanding military engineering. He has been stationed in the northern border for Datang for decades. We and the people of Tang will never forget your merits. Now, you are asking to return to the old age, we are allowed."

Xiahou had disdain on his face, saying that he would never forget his credit, but now he still didn't protect me?

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"General Xiahou, I, there is something I want to ask you, 15 years ago, General Xuanwei, Lin Guangyuan, the treason case, do you remember?"

"Why your Majesty mentioned this case today, you and I are very clear, and the princes present are also very clear. Don't you just want me and a stinky kid to bow their heads and admit their mistakes. I am Xiahou, that's right! Lin Guangyuan, damn it."

"That's what the Master meant. If it's wrong, it's wrong. Things will come to an end."

Wang Wang, a little angry, his tone became more solemn.

"Master, hum, why are you a Master again. Your Majesty, you are the king of a country, why do you always talk about an old man from a college? I beg your Majesty to remember that it is Tang's army that guards the country of Tang. The hard-earned veterans in the military department are not the one hiding in the ruined college in the capital."

"My Xiahou, I have made countless feats for the Tang State's army for half my life. I made the Tang State's northern border as solid as gold. The iron cavalry I built can sweep the nations at any time. But for one thing, an old thing in previous years, because of Mr. In a word, the dignified General Zhenbei will be disarmed and returned to the field. Your Majesty, haven't you given an explanation to the military department? The minister retires."

Xiahou took his guards out of the palace gate, while Ning Que was accompanied by Sangsang to the palace gate at this time.The two sides stopped and looked at each other quietly.

At this time, the courtiers who had left the court also walked out of the palace gate.

Ning Que ignored the many ministers who wanted to persuade him, whether they wanted to save Xiahou or himself.Ning Que finally said that to Xiahou.

"We have only one way, life and death duel."

And cut his palm.

At this moment Li Peiyan spoke

"Are you going to use your own life in exchange for illusory results? Is it worth it?"

"What are you doing with His Royal Highness at this time? Are you afraid that I will challenge you next?"

Xiahou looked at the Heavenly War Book that Ning Que handed him

"Head-on duel, this is the best choice. Because I killed you, I don't have to pay any responsibility."

"So, did you accept my challenge?"

"You have been planning for so many years, I can't let you bother in vain."

After finishing speaking, Xiahou drew a knife from his entourage behind him, and pierced it with his own palm with the Zhanshu strap.

"Time and place, you decide."

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