Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 523

"This thing can be said to be a combination of Yusha and Yugui, but it can also be said that it is not."

This explanation made Yue'er feel curious about what it is, and Tianming asked it for her.

"Brother Yu, what is it called yes or no, what is it?"

Xia Yu glanced at the two of them, then sighed helplessly, walked to the two of them, found a clean place, sat down, and said

"All right, Zhao Gao on the left and right is also dead, and the people in the Yin Yang family nearby are almost poisoned by Da Si Ming's medicine. There is no danger. I will tell you about this. Well, sit down, here It’s a long story."

Tianming and Yue'er glanced at each other, and then sat on the floor like Xia Yu, looking at Xia Yu, waiting for the long story Xia Yu said.

Xia Yu raised her head and looked into the depths of the sky with deep eyes, which made Tianming produce a kind of Xia Yu looking at the sky at this time, but farther and higher than the sky.

"I told you about the concept of heaven and earth vitality before, right."

Tianming and Yue'er nodded one after another, expressing that they still remember Xia Yu's unique statement.

Xia Yu continued

"Actually, the world a long time ago was not what it is now. That is, it may be tens of thousands of years ago, or it may be hundreds of thousands of years ago. The exact number is no longer verified."

Yueer asked

"Not what it is now, what does it look like?"

Xia Yu thought for a while, raised his hand, and drew a spherical pattern in the air, taking advantage of the vitality of the world that had not yet dissipated in the air.

"Well, speaking of this, you must first know what the world looks like at this time. The ball in front of me is what the world looks like."

Tianming doesn't believe it very much

"How is it possible, if the world is spherical, why don't we feel it, and also, don't all the people standing under the ball fall?"

Xia Yu smiled and said

"This involves some very advanced issues. We are not talking about these now. You only need to know that the world is spherical now. You know, in this world, there are not only the Huns in the north. In addition, there are many countries and races. Daqin is not the only country in the world."

Tianming was surprised

"This,,, is this true?"

Xia Yu smiled indifferently

"Is it true? In fact, it's all harmless. Let's not talk about how big this world is, that is, the endless sea, which cannot be passed through by current humans. Of course, I said this to let you know. , What the world looks like today,"

Yue'er caught the point

"It looks like this now, then, Mr. Xia, what you said before was not like this a long time ago. What does it look like?"

Xia Yu smiled, looked at Yue'er approvingly, then waved, the ball in front of him became a board.

"This is the old world, of course, it’s not exactly like this. The old world has a thin film on the outside, which protects the world. At that time, there was still an endless sea to the south of the world, it was really endless, because , At the end is a storm, that is, the film. The east is the same as the south, but the storm area is closer, so it is called the storm sea. The west is a desert, and at the end of the desert is a darkness without a trace In the north, it was a high mountain, the highest peak at that time. In the world at that time, as long as you go north and keep going north, you will definitely come to the foot of the mountain. That mountain, or that mountain range, is called Tianqi Mountain. It is said that in that mountain range, gods cannot see it either."

"The world at that time, going from north to south, first was a darkness, and a part of Tianqishan hidden in the darkness, and further south, it was an Atami that was warm as spring even in the cold winter. Over the heat. The sea is the wasteland. To the south of the wasteland is a grassland called the Golden Tent King’s Court. Then there is the Minshan Mountain, the Moon Wheel to the west of the Minshan Mountain, and the Yan Country to the east. Yes, it is also called the Yan Country. There is not the slightest relationship between Yan State. To the south, Tang State, the most powerful country at the time. Crossing the border of Tang State, Qingxia is the Southern Jin Dynasty. There is a big river called Daze before the Southern Jin Dynasty and Qingxia. The river passes by. The Southern Jin Dynasty flows into the Dahe Country to the south. To the west of Dahe is the Dahe Country, to the east is the Temple of Xiling, and to the north are some small countries."

"This is the world at that time. At that time, the people were under the protection of the world barrier. Every thousand years of experience and eternal night, each eternal night would die a large number of lives. Therefore, when people call Yongye the underworld, In the myths and legends at that time, it was said that the underworld was brought over by people, and the lord of the underworld, the son of the underworld, and the son of the underworld were the one who brought the underworld. In this way, the world has experienced at least tens of thousands of years until the new The birth of the son of the next generation of Pluto."

"He is not the real son of Hades, but has some inseparable fate with the sons of Hades. However, people at the time did not realize this. They slaughtered the boy’s residence at the mansion of a general of Tang Dynasty. It's done, but the boy ran out, he survived, and then he met a good brother and found a baby girl."

"The good brother is called Xiaohei, the boy is called Ning Que, and the girl is called Sangsang. They all have a common enemy, Xiahou, another general of Tang State who slaughtered the general mansion. After that, the three of them tried to avenge themselves for several years. After a lot of experience, Xiao Hei died and died under another conspiracy. Ning Que avenged him and really walked into another world. People at that time called it the world of cultivation."

Tianming's eyes lit up and looked at Xia Yu

"In this world of practice, are you the ones that Brother Yu practiced?"

Xia Yu nodded

"Yes, what I learned was the practice world at that time. The practice world at that time was divided into three major categories: masters, sword masters, and talisman masters. I have touched them all, but in essence, I was still a master. Master, these are not important. At that time, there were so many schools in the practice world, just like the hundreds of schools of thought today. However, these were not the most important. At that time, there was a place called the Unknowable Land. Just everyone knows they exist, but no one can find them."

"One view, one temple, one mountain and two floors. This is the unknowable place at that time, the Zhishouguan of Xiling, the Hanging Temple of Tianqing, the gate of Demon Sect, and the second floor of the academy."

Tianming's eyes lit up

"This Demon Sect is the Demon Sect I learned before?"

Xia Yu nodded

"Yes, and I am the descendant of the academy. Ning Que also joined the academy. The academy at that time had a philosophy that man can conquer the sky. The sky here refers to Haotian, the only god in the world at that time. That's right, and Now it’s different. At that time, the gods really existed. At that time, the world barrier was set up by this god to protect the world. However, the monks at the time agreed that this barrier was to imprison them, and the academy wanted to break it. Get real freedom."

Yueer speaks

"Since the world has changed, it means they succeeded."

Xia Yu nodded

"It did succeed, but it can also be said to be a failure. After the barrier was broken, the monks knew what it was like outside the world, and they knew what they would face when there was no barrier. There is nothing here. Not to mention the strongest man at the time, he was called the Master, and the sky does not give birth to the Master, and the eternal life is like a long night. The Master is the dean of the academy and the leader of the confrontation with Haotian. He and Haotian fought against Haotian and turned into After the moon, God cannot reach the world. After victory, he still maintains the shape of the moon and protects the people in the world."

Yue'er opened her mouth in surprise, then she was covered by herself

"The moon turned out to be human?"

At this time, the sky was dark, and the moon had appeared. Xia Yu raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

"Yeah, it is a person who has become a selfless person for this world. Without a barrier, the world begins to change. First, it becomes a ball. Then, the vitality of heaven and earth begins to radiate outside the world. In order to retain the vitality of heaven and earth, the world will of this world, well, the so-called world will can also be said to be the instinct of the world, projecting a part of itself into this world, absorbing a large amount of vitality of heaven and earth, and then dividing it into two. Yes, you know, Yu Sha and Yu Gui."

"And this whole story is called Jiang Ye. Of course, a lot of things happened in this, but it has nothing to do with this thing in my hands, so I won't go into details one by one."

Tianming looked at the light group in Xia Yu's hand

"So, this is part of the will of the world?"

Xia Yu smiled

"I prefer to call it the origin of the world. As for why I got it, you should all know that there are some injuries on my body that have existed for many years. Neither I nor Duanmu can heal it. "

Yue'er wondered

"Could it be that the origin of this world can still cure diseases?"

Xia Yu shook his head

"No, but there are many powers in it. That is the vitality of a world, and with the help of the vitality of heaven and earth, I can quickly recover from my injuries."

Tianming let out a long sigh, he still had another one, Xia Yu would also be a villain who coveted this power like Zhao Gao, luckily not.

Xia Yu continued to speak

"My generation monks, the biggest dream of my life is to be able to reach the realm of going to the sky, like those ancestors, to resist those enemies from the sky. Therefore, after I recover from my injury, I will leave here. My realm is actually long enough. It’s just that I couldn’t leave because of the injury.”

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