Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiang Ye Chapter 54

"Mr. Ye, tomorrow on Yanming Mountain, there is a good place to watch the battle. You can go with me."

He patted Ye Qing on the shoulder, pressed his thought power back into his body, and said to Ning Que.

"Little Junior Brother, you will be very tired tomorrow, so go back and rest first."

Ning Que was about to go back to the room when he heard what the senior brother said.

"Big brother, I thought it would be me and Mr. Ye watching the duel of the younger brother tomorrow,"

Big Brother shook his head

"Xiao Twelve, Mr. Ye is also an idiot, and has nothing to do with the actions of Xiling Temple."

Xia Yu looked at the big brother, then at Ye Hongyu

"Okay, okay, give the big brother and Dao Chi a face, I'm wrong with Mr. Ye."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Ye Qing who wanted to take action, the big brother who had been suppressing him, and Ye Hongyu who had been wanting to talk, and went back to Zeng Mansion without any distance.

The next day, Yanming Lake

Xu Chongshan led the cavalry to seal up the entire Yanming Lake. Of course, this could only stop the civilians.

Downstairs from a gate on Yanming Mountain, Big Brother, Ye Qing and Ye Hongyu are talking together while walking

"Mr. I heard that he was enlightened at the age of thirteen, and he was not confused at 30. In the three-day cave, within one day, he became Zhiming. I also heard that during those seventeen years, you climbed daily without hindrance. When I was in the back mountain of the second academy, I was outside the Chai Gate and I saw four words"

The big brother walked with the Ye family brothers and sisters with their hands on their backs. Hearing what Ye Qing said, he said back.

"The four words are the benevolent and happy."

Ye Qing continued

"So in your life, you love being company with streams and clear springs."

Big brother continues to talk to Ye Qing

"That said, it's true."

"I've always wanted to challenge, Master of the college."

"Mr. Ye, you are the direct disciple of Zhishou Guanzhu and the heir of Zhishou Guanzhu in the future, you are very proud."

"No, since the first year of the apocalypse, after seeing you, I have not been proud or even alone, hoping to get what I want today. Regardless of life or death, I only fight for victory or defeat."

Then the two came to the top of the gate together.

Ye Qing condensed all his Haotian divine brilliance on his small wooden sword.This wooden sword was originally his destiny, and now it has condensed all of his Haotian divine glory, this will be his strongest sword today.

At the pinnacle of Zhiming, Ye Qing's full blow, which was only a line away from the Apocalypse realm, was his strongest full blow, and the power was naturally not to be underestimated.

The wooden sword shot at the big brother, and the air around the atmosphere rolled up the white snow on the ground, and even the Ye Hongyu standing under the gate tower was almost unsteady.

However, it is a pity that the strength of this sword has no effect on the big brother who is already close to the extraordinary.

The big brother didn't do anything, nor did he attack Ye Qing with his thought power, but smiled at the sword that Ye Qing shot over.This sword did not touch the big brother, but was blocked by the big brother's own thought power.

The big brother expanded his thought power cover a bit, and bounced the wooden sword back with his thought power.The thought power of the big brother attached to the wooden sword had already trapped Ye Qing halfway.

"Unexpectedly, I used my most powerful sword, and I couldn't suppress you. I lost."

The big brother looked at Ye Qing with a slightly apologetic smile and said

"Sorry, I don't know how to fight. If you think it is my second or twelfth junior brother today, your ending may be different."

After all, shaking his hand to disperse Ye Qing's own thought power, allowing Ye Qing to move again.Ye Qing saluted the big brother and asked

"For Mr. Two, I may lose, but for Mr. Twelve, I think I am not weaker than him. Mr. Da, why would you say such a thing?"

The big brother shook his head and said

"Jun Mo is very good at fighting. Your realm is the same, so the ending will naturally be full of variables, but I think Jun Mo will have a bigger win. If you play against Xiao Twelve, then you may die. Xiao Twelve has five. The cultivation base above the realm is very good at fighting, so you can't resist his shot."

"Thank you for your confusion, but I still want to fight Mr. Twelve."

The big brother shook his head.

"You will have a chance to fight, but not now."


The battle between Ning Que and Xiahou was about to begin, and the second brother also stopped Xu Shiji on a stone bridge beside Yanming Lake.

"Mr. Second came to watch the battle too?"

"That was the decisive battle between Junior Brother and Xiahou. Do you think we would interrupt? I just think that Junior Brother will be exhausted physically and mentally after defeating Xiahou, so I don't hope that someone will attack him for any reason."

Xu Shi smiled disdainfully

"Unexpectedly, I believe that Ning Que will win. Xiahou has broken the peak of martial arts. With such a disparity, if you want to win, it is simply a dream."

At this time, the second brother talked to Chen Pipi who was watching the excitement

"My junior brother is not a fool, he just has a dream."

Xu Shi Leng Hun

"Hmph, you won't take action, but what about the twelve gentlemen of the academy? He said that Xiahou must die."

Brother Second said

"In fact, the Twelve Junior Brothers have no grudges against Xiahou, but Xiahou is from Xiling, and the Twelve Junior Brothers and Xiling have unresolvable hatred. However, I think our Junior Brothers will win, and the Twelve Junior Brothers will naturally Then I won’t make a move."

In addition to Ye Qing and Xu Shi, there is another person in Chang'an City who wants to attack Ning Que. That person is the Buddha's world walking, Qi Nian.

Qi Nian came to a wood on the bank of Yanming Lake, and saw a dead body and E Xiayu sitting on the stone beside the body.

The corpse was worshipped by the three of Qinghe County. Although Qinghe County is a chess piece of Xiling, they have always supported Li Yu.Nowadays, as the queen’s most powerful force in the battle between Xiahou and Ning Que, the Li Yu family naturally does not want anyone to be disturbed. Therefore, the three priests came to this woods and wanted to deal with something unfavorable to the battle. the elements of.

Unfortunately, it was Xia Yu that he saw first, and Xia Yu knew him, because Xia Yu had been to Qinghe County when Xia Yu's mother was alive, so he naturally knew the worship of Qinghe County.

Qinghe County was from Xiling, and it was the chief culprit who killed Xia Yu's mother. Now, how can Xia Yu see Qinghe County’s worship make him walk out of this forest intact.

Of course, Xia Yu never cared that killing this worship would offend Li Yu.

When Qi Nian saw Xia Yu, Xia Yu naturally saw Qi Nian.

Qi Nian wore a shabby hat and a tattered kapok robes on her body. His expression was firm. Even when facing Xia Yu, who couldn't feel the geometry of his cultivation, he did not show the slightest timidity.

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