Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 6

"Brother Twelve, you can't lie to Pippi" Chen Pipi believed Xia Yu's words, "I met a book friend in Jiu"

"Book friend?" Xia Yu heard Chen Pipi's words and remembered the plot of his previous life. Only then did he know that the plot has now developed to this point. Ning Que has entered the academy, and after constantly boarding the old, he asked the third senior sister to let him record Some things are on paper.

"Yes, book friend" Chen Pipi heard Xia Yu's mumbling and thought he was asking himself and replied, "In the beginning I just saw his questions on the old paper. As a genius, I told him. The correct answer. Then they became friends instead."

"But I didn't tell him my identity, nor did I mention Houshan with him. I just violated the rules under the second senior brother not to communicate with the students from the front mountain of the academy," Chen Pipi continued, his tone a little impatient, "I didn't Violating the rules set by the master and his old man"

"Haha, rest assured, this little thing, the second brother will not take it to heart." Xia Yu was amused by Chen Pipi's timid appearance, thinking that while respecting the master and the senior brother, the most feared thing is to stick to oneself. , The second brother who is strict with himself."As for your book friend, as long as it doesn't violate the teacher's rules, proper help is all right."

"Really?" Chen Pipi was pleasantly surprised that Xia Yu said that the second senior brother would not blame him, and that he supported him in accepting book friends, thinking that the third senior sister was right, and the twelfth senior brother was indeed among the senior brothers and sisters in the back mountain. The most unruly person.

"Senior brother, are you not opposed to me making friends with that person?" Chen Pipi seemed to be a little uncertain, and asked again.

"Of course, it is your freedom to make friends and how to make friends." Xia Yu smiled and looked at Chen Pipi. "Although the academy has many rules, it also requires everyone to abide by the rules and be reasonable, but whether it is a teacher or a group of seniors They won’t force us to do what we like. As for your book friend, it’s easy to get a daughter, but it’s hard to find a confidant."

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"Tell me about you and your book friend, let me change my mind." Xia Yu closed the book in his hand and looked at Chen Pipi.

"In fact, it’s nothing. Originally, it was just because of a bet between me and the second brother. I went to review the books I had read when I was a child. Then I saw the note he was sandwiched in during the preliminary exploration of Qihaixueshan, because his handwriting is very beautiful. And the question was very idiotic, so I wrote him a reply on a whim." Chen Pipi said embarrassedly.

"What idiot question?" Xia Yu asked.

"Which book friend of mine taught Ning Que, he couldn't read old books, and he had only ten holes in the air, sea and snow mountains, and couldn't practice. This led to the question that looking at mountains is not a mountain" Chen Pipi answered Xia Yu. But he is quite smart. He asked me a question before, and I did not solve it after several days."

"Yeah, there are still problems that your genius can't solve" Xia Yu said

"Well, it's a math problem"

"I'm not interested in any questions, you continue to say, since he can't practice, why continue to post the old?" Chen Pipi was interrupted by Xia Yu before he finished.

"I don't know why, he seems to have a special obsession with cultivation, it seems that he will die if he doesn't practice." Chen Pipi said to Xia Yu, "Yes, Brother Twelve, the sea of ​​Qi Hai Xueshan is not accessible, really can't practice? "

"Pipi, you were born in Xiling, and you are even called Xiling's unborn genius. How could you ask such a simple and idiotic question?" Xia Yu said to Chen Pip

"I also know that Qihaixueshan cannot be practiced, but Ning Que is really working hard to cultivate," Chen Pipi couldn't bear it.

"Actually, it doesn't mean that Qihaixueshan is impassable and it is not impossible to cultivate." Xia Yu hesitated and said.

"Really? But don’t people in the world say that Qihaixueshan cannot practice cultivation? And there really is no such thing as Qihaixueshan can't cultivate successfully." Chen Pipi was a little puzzled, and it was himself who raised the issue of Qihaixueshan cultivation. .

"Pippi, normally speaking, Qihaixueshan cannot be practiced. If you compare a person to a musical instrument, then Qihaixueshan is its stomata. Cultivation is to blow out music through the stomata that the spirit of heaven and earth can understand. The truth is you You should understand" Xia Yu said

"I know this, but what exactly is the method of cultivation that Qihaixueshan can't understand?" Chen Pipi asked

"There are three ways to cultivate in the Qihaixueshan Mountains" Xia Yu stretched out three fingers at Chen Pipi

"I also hope that senior brother will give me some advice, what are the three methods?"

"As I said just now, the use of heaven and earth aura is to make the aura understand your voice. These three methods are based on this principle." Xia Yu said, "the first one is not to perceive the heaven and the earth aura, but the heaven and earth aura. Absorbed into your own body is the so-called demon sect technique. Pippi, you can ask your pen pal if he is willing to practice the demon sect technique. If he is willing, I will introduce him to a teacher who is no less than the master."

"How can you practice the magic sect, Twelve Brothers, this is an act against the world" Chen Pipi was a little angry

"Pippi, you remember, the academy is the academy with the tolerance of the world." Xia Yu solemnly said to Chen Pipi, "Since you don't want him to cultivate the magic sect, let's talk about the last two methods, one It is the courage to smash the Qihai Snow Mountain to pieces, and then repair it by the major practitioners, which may change the situation of the Qihai Snow Mountain orifice. The other is to have the atmosphere to obtain precious medicinal materials or spirits with a lot of vitality It can be refining and refining in the body, and it can improve your own situation. The Tongtian pill that you Xiling knows and respects is one of them."

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Chen Pipi was silent after hearing Xia Yu's words.He happened to have Tongtian Pills. Tongtian Pills is a magical medicine of Xiling Zhishouguan. After taking it, ordinary people can increase their life by ten years or more, and practitioners may be able to cross the border directly after taking it.Legend has it that a Tongtian pill can even be exchanged for 30,000 meek virgins in Dahe Country, or even the position of a monarch.

Tongtian pills are rare in the world, and Chen Pipi is only because it is a rare cultivator genius in Xiling in a century, this will receive three Tongtian pills, so it also makes people know that the veteran Taoist priests have been driving for three days and three nights. At the conference, when Chen Pipi broke the mirror, he took one, and only two were left to save his life.

In fact, if other treasures of gold and silver, or even his own mental power, can help Ning Que step into cultivation, Chen Pipi is also willing, but the two Tongtian pills on his body are too important, and they are the most precious holy medicine of Xiling Haotian Daomen. I don't know what kind of turmoil it will cause when it spreads to the world.But Ning Que is also Chen Pipi's rare best friend.The intense psychological struggle made Chen Pipi not notice Xia Yu's expression at this time.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and it turned out that Chen Pipi told Xia Yu that the communication process between him and Ning Que was too fascinating, and neither of them noticed the change in the sky.

Xia Yu stood up suddenly and looked at Zhuquetian Street in Chang'an City in the distance.

"Suzaku moved!" Xia Yu said.

Hearing Xia Yu's words, Chen Pipi also stood up, knowing that the Vermillion Bird in Zhuquetian Street is the incarnation of Chang'an Jingshen Formation, and Jingshen Formation is a large formation protecting Chang'an, or Changan is the Jingshen Formation.The Shocking God Formation was built by the master, so as a direct disciple of the master in the back of the academy, Chen Pipi still has some understanding.But just because of understanding, I know what the changes in the big array mean at this time.

Xia Yu ignored the shock of Chen Pipi on the side, but saluted the sky and asked

"Teacher, do you need me to save him?"

Chen Pipi heard Xia Yu's words, "Brother Twelve, have you broken through to the distance lens?"

"Not yet, but it's not far." Xia Yu seemed to have heard something, and smiled slightly and said to Chen Pipi, "Pipi, go to the old one, you should go there now."

Chen Pipi came to the academy. Although he did not know what the twelve brothers asked him to do here, he still had to listen to what the twelve brothers said, not only because the twelve brothers are strong in cultivation, but also because the twelve brothers are willing to help him. Resist the punishment of the second brother.

There were still many books in the old one. Among the many bookshelves, Chen Pipi saw a teenager who was motionless as if he was asleep.

"Is there someone more desperate than Ning Que?" Chen Pipi thought.

After Chen Pipi approached, the boy suddenly opened his eyes, "The Yasha in the Underworld should be very dark. I shouldn't be dead yet, then, who are you?" the boy asked.

The boy suddenly opened his eyes and jumped under the skin of Chen Pi.Chen Pipi widened his eyes and stared at the pale face of the young man, "I want to know who you are?"

The boy looked to the side, as if he was sure of something, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Chen Pipi?"

Chen Pipi's eyes became more rounded. Of course, no matter how big they are, they are only changing from mung beans to green beans in the process of turning into soybeans. He looked at the boy and asked incredible "Are you Ning Que?"

In fact, when Chen Pipi asked this sentence, he had already determined his conjecture.Knowing yourself, and contacting Senior Brother Twelve to let yourself come over, you can be sure that this person has a certain relationship with you, but now in the academy, only Ning Que has a relationship with you.

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Chen Pipi put two fingers between Ning Que's wrists on her leg. After a moment of silence, suddenly frowned between her eyebrows, and looked at Ning Que in amazement, "Why are you not dead yet?"

"Not dead doesn't mean you won't die. I'm dying. How much nonsense do you idiot have to say?"

"You idiot, why didn't you go to Chang'anli for treatment after suffering such a serious injury, but went to the academy? Did you come to me to treat the injury on a special trip?"

"Why not? Didn't you say you are a genius?"

"What does genius have to do with medical skills?"

"The first question you ask is a prescription"

"Prescriptions can't kill people, you should have died now, and the subtle secret prescriptions can't cure you either"

Ning Que was very weak, his eyes dimmed, "I've been lying here for a long time, but no one in the academy pays attention to me, and even the gentle and pleasant female chair that seems to be so gentle and pleasant to leave me here Here, you can’t leave me alone"

"Senior sister has a calm temperament and has always been quiet and quiet. It stands to reason that she shouldn't care about you..."

"You don't need to explain anything to me, of course the college must refuse indifference and warm you and me"

Ning Que's expression became even more anxious and exhausted. He raised his head to look at Chen Pippi, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Anyway, I gave you this life."

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