Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 61

"She is born with coldness, and has not cured her disease well in these years. In her internal organs, bone marrow, I don't know how much yin and yang aura is contained. Fortunately, she met the opportunity and worshiped Wei Guangming as a teacher, so that she could absorb Haotian divine glory."

Ning Que wiped Sangsang's forehead and asked

"How could this be?"

Master is a little helpless

"She was originally a sick girl, but you, a ruthless master, took her to fight with Xiahou. Is Xiahou so easy to kill? To help you, she shined on the cliff that night All the Haotian Divine Radiance was consumed in an instant. The cold aura in her body took the opportunity to rebel."

Ning Que is a little worried

"What can I do?"

The master thought for a moment, then said

"Washan Yulan Festival is about to begin. Lanke has a penance named Qishan. He will open a house to meet guests. You dare to go to Washan and hand over Sangsang to Xiaoqishan. There is only Xiaoqishan in the world. I can save her. What's more, Xiaoqi Mountain is a rare great virtue in the world. If you go there, it will be good for this little girl or for you."

"Teacher, I will tell you the last time that you must hand over Sangsang to Qishan before the last leaf of that tree falls in front of Xiaoqishan Cave House."

Ning Que nodded quickly

"I'll go, I'll go right away."

At this time, Xia Yu stopped Ning Que and said to the master

"Little brother, wait. Teacher, Sangsang is my sister, and the little brother did not kill Xiahou because of me. This time the little brother and the others will let me follow when they go to Qishan."

The master looked at Xia Yu's face and didn't see anything, but today Xia Yu doesn't have many rivals in this world, so just go if you want.So I nodded to Xia Yu

"Little twelve, go if you want. Remember, the last leaf."

Xia Yu and Ning Que salute the Master

"is teacher."

At this time Washan, before the cave of Qishan.

Master Qishan fruited a leaf from the tree and said to the sky

"Master, you are really willing to trouble Lao Qishan."

Master smiled into the air

"Xiaoqishan, you have to take care of my little apprentice."

Everything goes without saying, in fact, as long as the strength breaks through the five realms, you can already perceive some truths between heaven and earth, whether it is Master Qishan or Wei Guangming.Even Liu Bai had some doubts about this day. Only then was there a man who was unwilling to give up killing the son of Hades, one who desperately suppressed his own cultivation base, and the other, who had been closed for many years, now opened the mountain.

The next day, Ning Que and Xia Yu came to the Tang Dynasty imperial palace to say goodbye to King Tang.

In the palace at this time, the king of Tang and the queen, Li Yu, Li Hunyuan, and Li Huo were all together

Wang Wang saw Xia Yu and the two, walked forward, hugged them, and said

"Ning Que, Xia Yu, when will you leave?"

Xia Yu salutes the king of Tang

"Tomorrow, after all, I'm going to treat Sangsang, and I'm just an escort. It's basically the younger brother's decision."

Tang Wang pointed his finger at Xia Yu and smiled.

"You, you've been slick since childhood."

Then he said to these two people

"Since the master has said everything, let's set off early."

087 Departure

"I will send a team of elite cavalry to escort you."

Wang Wang said this to Xia Yu and Ning Que.

Ning Que shook his head

"We are going here to see a doctor, and we can't work hard to mobilize people like this."

Wang Wang continued to persuade Ning Que

"Everyone knows that Sangsang is your destiny. Now that she is sick, there are many people taking advantage of the danger."

Xia Yu was sitting on the chair of the king of Tang and eating dried fruits on the table of the king of Tang. Because Xia Yu was the son of Zeng Jing, and a person who had a close relationship with the older brother, he had a good relationship with the king of Tang since childhood, so here In the palace, it has always been so casual.Because Xia Yu was young, Wang Wang also regarded him as a junior.

Xia Yu raised his head and looked at King Tang

"Your Majesty, are you talking about the son of the younger brother Pluto? Now no one knows whether this is true or false. If it is true, then the entire Xiling, and even the entire world who believe in Haotian, will regard Ning Que as a thorn in them. I don’t agree with him, and will do my best to kill him. No matter how many cavalry you send, it’s useless. Even,,,,"

Xia Yu stopped for a while and didn't say the next thing

"Besides, your Majesty, don't forget, I will also go with the younger brother. I think as long as there are not a large number of masters who know our lives together to calculate us, we will not be in any danger."

Wang Wang raised his hand and patted Ning Que's shoulder

"I don't worry about afflicting Tang country. I only know that your duty is to protect Tang country. Ayu, I can be regarded as watching you grow up. I know that you are a person. Ning Que will be taken care of by you, so I can rest assured. As for Xiling, you don't have to worry about Tang Guo, just do it as you like."

Xia Yu got up from the chair and saluted King Tang with Ning Que

"Your Majesty, then we will leave."

Xia Yu and Ning Que bid farewell to everyone in Houshan in the next two days.

Xia Yu came to the cottage of Situ Yilan and Tang Xiaotang. The third generation of Houshan now only has these two. If you really want to count, in fact, the young book boy of the second brother is also the third generation of Houshan, but he usually follows the second generation. Brother, so the only people living here are Yilan and Xiaotang.

"Yilan, I'm going out this time. It is reasonable to say that it won't take a long time to come back, but I am afraid that something will be delayed on the road. Since I took you, my master has not personally taught you anything."

"You are a sword master, and you are also learning my Wuhen sword. Although your sword is your natal sword, it is not the most suitable sword for Wuhen sword."

"Fortunately, you have a short time to repair your natal sword. Now you can replace your natal sword. My sky flame is the most suitable sword for Wuhen Sword Intent. My natal thing is not it. Now, I will give it to you. Right."

Yilan took the Sky Flame Sword and said to Xia Yu

"Master, you gave me this sword, what did you do?"

Xia Yu drew his Bing Xuan from his waist and said to Yilan

"I am originally a teacher. Although I follow the path of the sword like the big brother, the weapon is still the most suitable for my own life."

Xia Yu no longer relied on kendo as he did before. After confronting Qi Nian once, he discovered that his previous ideas were wrong. He and Liu Bai asked for the sword before because he alone was not strong enough to attack. , But against Qi Nian, he discovered that in fact, his biggest advantage is his mind power.

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