Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 70

Ning Que raised his eyebrows

"What if I don't?"

The penance did not get angry

"Does Mr. Fourteen think he has the ability to surpass all the rules of the world?"

When Ning Que heard these words, he knew he had to pass without playing chess, and muttered to himself

"It seems that he is not going to let me pass."

Then he turned around and took out his Yuan Thirteen Arrows, intending to deal with that penance. At this moment, Penance was still talking.

"Baishan, you must abide by Lanke's rules. If you can't break my endgame, you can't even think about living the tiger's leap."

Ning Que ignored the words of penance, instead he stood on a large rock beside the carriage and said to penance

"I just want to see Master Qishan, I just want to save Sangsang, Master don't force me."

He raised his Yuan thirteen arrows and faced the person across the lake.

The people who watched the endgame in Penance were all aware of the power of the Yuan Thirteen Arrows. Seeing Ning Que's Yuan Thirteen Arrows, they all hid.

Rotten Ke's yellow-clothed hard work did not hide, but laughed.

"As expected, there is Ke Haoran's cold-blooded domineering legacy. But the old man still has to abide by this rule."

Ning Que looked at the monks of all sects behind the painstaking cultivation, and looked at the yellow-clothed cultivator who did not dodge. In fact, Ning Que didn’t want to do it. He just wanted to force the cultivator to make concessions, so he said solemnly.

"I just need the master to back down."

Practicing hard, raising his head, with a firm tone

"No retreat."

At this time, the cultivators behind him no longer dodge, but with their own mental power, they are ready to attack Ning Que at any time.

Ning Que's expression is also very firm

"The master, don't blame me."

Speaking of pulling Yuan Thirteen Arrows away, Sangsang stopped Ning Que

"Master, this master is a very powerful formation master. The streams, trees, and chessboards here have already entered his formation, and we can't walk past it."

Ning Que was a little embarrassed. He made up his mind to shoot, but he couldn't make it through.

"Then neither can I,"

Ning Que did not finish speaking, and broke away from Sangsang's pull, ready to take pains to cultivate, Sangsang hurriedly pulled Ning Que again

"Master, since we are so anxious to see Master Qishan, we shouldn't use force to waste time, or let me try?"

Ning Que looked at Sangsang in surprise when he heard this

"You try? Your chess is taught by Chen Pipi, and you can't even play him. How can you beat him? Besides, playing chess is not good for your health and exhausts your brain. ."

Ning Que still plans to take a shot at that hard cultivation. He felt that even if he couldn't beat him, as long as those people shot at himself, Xia Yu who was under the mountain would not stand idly by.

But Sangsang didn’t think so. Seeing that Ning Que was still going to take action, she hurriedly spoke.

"Well, I'll go with you."

Hearing what Sangsang said, the painstaking cultivator dissipated the power of the whole body and said to Sangsang

"Come here, please."

Sangsang wanted to walk over, but found that there was no bridge on the lake, so he had to pull the corner of Ning Que's clothes.

"You get me over."

Ning Que was initially a little angry. Angry Sangsang didn't listen to him, but seeing Sangsang with wide eyes and looking at him quietly, he couldn't help but feel softened, so he had to hug Sangsang and came to the chessboard.

Sangsang watched the endgame quietly, and it took a long time before he slowly fell a son. The opposite was yellow-robed hard training. When he saw Sangsang Luozi, he also fell a son. Looking at Sangsang, he sighed slowly.

"This game ends."

This made Ning Que a little unhappy next to him, and said to the penance practitioner

"Master, it's just a child, why are you the end of the play?"

At this moment, a Jiange disciple on the side spoke

"This bureau is called Luanke."

But before finishing speaking, Ning Que interrupted

"Chaos, what is the chaos. Did I ask you something? Don't affect my family Sangsang's mood. Sangsang, it's okay, come on."

Sangsang ignored Ning Que and everyone who was talking, but looked at the game and smiled.

"This chess is really interesting."

Sangsang slowly dropped the chess piece, that is, this one, which surprised everyone.

One in the crowd was surprised

"There are people who count for heaven."

The yellow-clothed penance also sighed, put the chess piece in his hand back into the chess box, stood up and saluted Sangsang

"Congratulations to the girl of light, for breaking the broken Ke endgame."

Everyone also saluted Sangsang together, and instead looked towards penance and spoke

"Master, we can live it now."

The yellow robes nodded


Ning Que continued to walk up the mountain holding Sangsang.

Next, Ning Que passed by a pavilion, and outside the pavilion was Lanke’s Jiuping Master.

Master Jiuping salutes the two

"Daughter of Light, Mr. Fourteen has come to Washan. I feel very honored to Lao Fu Jiuping."

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